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Veg Recipes of India - Indian Food Blog on Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes

Veg Recipes of India - Indian Food Blog on Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes
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Pesto de fanes de radis {version 2015} J'ai déjà publié de nombreuses recettes de pesto de fanes de radis... et en voici encore une ! À chaque année sa version ^^ Vous avez ainsi déjà pu découvrir mon pesto aux amandes, pignons et pistaches, mon pesto aux cacahuètes et aux graines de tournesol et mon pesto aux noisettes et aux noix de cajou, chaque fois différents de par les fruits secs utilisés, mais aussi de par les autres ingrédients qui composent la recette : ail, citron, fromage... et enfin de par leur texture : mixé finement ou avec des morceaux. J'ai également déjà publié des propositions d'utilisation du pesto de fanes de radis dans des recettes, comme en garniture de pizza à la place de la sauce tomate, ou encore en croûte moelleuse déposée sur du saumon... ou tout simplement tartiné sur du pain à l'apéritif ! Et aujourd'hui donc, la version 2015 ;) Une version assez classique, à base d'amandes, de citron et d'ail, à laquelle j'ai ajouté un peu de crème soja. Pour un pot de pesto Redonnez un petit coup de mixeur.

Vegetarian Delights | Simple Indian Recipes Have any of u ordered a roti or plain rice in a restaurant? Has there been a situation, where you visit a nice restaurant, order an idly, and you are served only idly? Would you visit the same restaurant again? Anyone likes to eat a plain rice or a plain chapathi, or even a plain dosa or idly or Upma or noodles without any accompaniment? So, what is a side dish? The preparation of a side dish largely depends on the main course we eat it along with and the region we belong to. Go here to see the collection of vegetarian curry / gravy recipes. Vegetable Fry (Sauteed, Stir-fried and Fried Vegetables) In Tamil, these are called as the “vadhakkal curry”. Poriyal is nothing but a south Indian style of stir fried vegetables with some tempering and coconut. Subzis (Bhaji) & Veg. These are made using the onion and tomatoes as the basal ingredient with some spices added. Salads and Pachadis They are the most nutritive and my favorite of the side dishes. Vegetables with Lentils Other Veg.

YUMMY TUMMY: Aloo Chana Curry / Potatoes & Chickpeas Cooked in a Spicy Sauce Channa & Potatoes are such a lovely combination to cook with. They make awesome curries when cooked, because they both have the tendency to absorb the flavours which you add in. I already have a dry version of aloo channa in my blog, this is a gravy version of it which I make very often at home. Ingredients: Potato - 2 large peeled and chopped Chickpeas / Kabuli Channa - 2 cup cooked / 1 can Onion - 1 large chopped finely Tomatoes - 2 large chopped finely Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 tblspn Cumin Seeds / Jeerakam - 1 tsp Curry leaves - 1 spring Chilli powder - 1 tsp Green Chilli - 2 Coriander powder / Malli podi - 1 tblspn Turmeric Powder / Manjal podi -1 tsp Garam masala powder - 2 tsp Oil - 2 tblspn Coriander leaves - a handful Salt to taste Sugar - to taste Method: Heat oil in a pressure cooker. Add in onions and saute till they turn golden. Add in ginger garlic paste and mix well. Now add in tomatoes and cook till oil separates. Add in chilli, turmeric, coriander, garam masala powder and mix well. Pictorial:

Turn over a new leaf: Jason Atherton's summer salad recipes When spring gives way to summer, and the sun finally makes an appearance for more than a day at a time (fingers crossed), you can really get stuck into salads – the brighter, the better. From homemade coleslaw to the classic cold poached salmon with cucumber, the best summer salads are less cooking than assembly jobs (who wants to spend all day in the kitchen when the sun's out?). Today's recipes all feature the same very simple basic vinaigrette, but they couldn't be more different if they tried. Crab and asparagus salad with radishes When asparagus is in season, I use it in as many dishes as possible. 24-30 asparagus spears, trimmed120g radishes (a mixture of red and black, ideally)1 granny smith appleThe juice of 1 lemon (or to taste)200-250g white crabmeat1 handful coriander leaves, roughly chopped1 handful chervil leaves, roughly chopped (if unavailable, use a mix of parsley and tarragon instead)Extra-virgin olive oil, to finishSea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Tofu mariné au basilic et citron - grillé au four - Vie en vegan Tofu mariné au basilic et citron – grillé au four Premier article de la série « Que faire avec son tofu? ». J’ai découvert cette recette via un blog suédois (vegania), un délice. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le tofu (fromage de soja), c’est une excellente source de protéines mais qui n’a malheureusement pas trop de gout. Mariner son tofu soit-même demande un peu de planification (la veille pour le lendemain) mais c’est tout de même bien meilleur et bien plus économique que de l’acheter déjà tout fait. Croyez-moi cette recette vaut le détour! Tofu mariné au basilic et citron – grillé au four Ingrédients (pour 4 pers) 400 grammes de tofu fermeLe jus et le zeste de 3/4 de citron (utiliser le reste pour une sauce salade par exemple)3 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive2 cuillères à soupe d’huile de colza1 décilitre de basilic frais haché (ou surgelé)2 gousses d’ail1 cuillère à café de sel (Facultatif) Préparation Mélanger bien tous les ingrédients dans un bol (sauf le tofu). Cuisson au four Méthode

Falafel - Traditional Recipe for Chickpea Falafel Falafel is a traditionally Arab food. The word falafel may descend from the Arabic word falāfil, a plural of the word filfil, meaning “pepper.” These fried vegetarian fritters are often served along with hummus and tahini sauce (known as a “falafel plate.”) They’re also great served with toum, a Middle Eastern garlic sauce. When falafel is made the traditional way, is indeed a vegan food; it’s a great source of protein for people who have cut meat out of their diet. In Israel, falafel has been adopted from Arab cuisine and the version made with chickpeas is wildly popular. On my trip to Israel this past summer, one of the last stops we made was for a falafel pita. My favorite way to make a falafel pita… start with a layer of hummus deep inside the pocket, then add the falafel, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. Here is my recipe for falafel, along with a few variations you can try. Recommended Products: Food Processor Oil Thermometer Falafel Scoop Ingredients You will also need

The Novice Housewife - Page 2 of 126 - This 100% whole wheat bread recipe adapted from BBC Good Food magazine is packed with pumpkin and flax seeds. Recently a one star review on my business page on zomato (an indian website on the same lines as yelp) just reconfirmed my belief that most people these days are reviewing for the sake of appearing cool and just do not have the patience to understand somebody else’s situation. So the whole thing started on the Monday that went by. I had an order that I was busy working with. My phone was in the other room on charge. Generally if I am working on an order I do not keep my phone with me, because while baking I know I can not take a call lest I forget all about my cake in the oven. The next thing I know the said caller had left a one star review on Zomato saying that I had shitty customer service and that I was misguiding people with a phony address. Read More → Baking and decorating for TPC is the reason why I have been away from blogging these days.

Marinated Lamb Kebabs | Lamb Recipes Close Buying sustainably sourced fish means buying fish that has been caught without endangering the levels of fish stocks and with the protection of the environment in mind. Wild fish caught in areas where stocks are plentiful are sustainably sourced, as are farmed fish that are reared on farms proven to cause no harm to surrounding seas and shores. When buying either wild or farmed fish, ask whether it is sustainably sourced. For further information about sustainably sourced fish, please refer to the useful links below: Marine Stewardship Council Fish Online

Recette du Curry indien aux lentilles (dhal curry végétarien) Sanjee de Bollywood Kitchen et moi-même vous proposons dans cette vidéo une recette végétarienne pour changer, avec des lentilles corail (orange en couleur), très nourrissantes. On réalise une pâte de curry bien relevée, avec plein d’épices savoureuses, puis on ajoute de la crème de coco pour avoir un curry bien crémeux et goûteux. Dans cette vidéo, nous réalisons également des oignons frits pour servir avec le curry, un délice ! Pour accompagner cette recette de curry de lentilles, Sanjee et moi vous proposons de réaliser une recette de naan au fromage, dont tout le monde raffole. Liste des ingrédients Lentilles corail (dhal) : 500 g Crème de coco (entre 20 et 30 cl) Huile de tournesol 2 CS de concentré de tomate 3 gros oignons 3 gousses d'ail 1 morceau de gingembre frais de 2 cm 1 botte de coriandre fraiche ET 1 CS de coriandre en poudre 1 CS de Cumin 5 gousses de cardamome 2 clous de girofle Une pointe de Piment Etapes de la recette Astuce pour cette recette de curry

Damper Recipe Step 1 Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Step 2 Add the water to the flour mixture and use a round-bladed knife in a cutting motion to mix until the mixture just comes together, adding 1-2 tablespoons extra water if the mixture is a little dry. Source Australian Good Taste - January 2002 , Page 93 Recipe by Alison Roberts Photography by Steve Brown Note: Damper was traditionally made in a cast-iron pot with a lid, called a "camp oven". Masala Dosa Recipe Masala Dosa is a famous recipe not only in India but abroad too. Its on the menu list of many North Indian Specialty restaurants too. Though making Masala Dosa is a long process, but its worth it. There are different types of Dosa one can make like Plain dosa, Masala Dosa, Paper dosa and Paneer dosa etc. हिन्दी में पढिये : Masala Dosa Recipe - Ingredients for Masala Dosa For Dosa Batter: Rice - 3 cupsUrad dal(washed) - 1 cupMethi(fenugreek) seeds - 1 tspBaking soda - 3/4 tspSalt - add to tasteOil - to cook Dosa Spices for Masala Dosa : Potatoes - 400 grams (6-7 medium sized)Peas - 1 small bowl(peeled)Oil - 2 tbspRie - 1 tspTurmeric powder - 1/4 tspCoriander(dhaniya) powder - 1 tspGreen chillies - 2 to 3 (finely chopped)Ginger - 1 1/2 inch long piece(grated)Salt - add to taste (3/4 tsp)Amchur(mango) powder - 1/4 tspRed chilly powder - less than 1/4 tspGreen coriander - 2 tbsp(finely chopped) - How to make Masala Dosa Prepare spices for Dosa How to make Dosa To make Plain Dosa : Note : 1. 2. 3.
