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plenty of colour Normcore: Fashion for Those Who Realize They’re One in 7 Billion Sometime last summer I realized that, from behind, I could no longer tell if my fellow Soho pedestrians were art kids or middle-aged, middle-American tourists. Clad in stonewash jeans, fleece, and comfortable sneakers, both types looked like they might’ve just stepped off an R-train after shopping in Times Square. When I texted my friend Brad (an artist whose summer uniform consisted of Adidas barefoot trainers, mesh shorts and plain cotton tees) for his take on the latest urban camouflage, I got an immediate reply: “lol normcore.” Normcore—it was funny, but it also effectively captured the self-aware, stylized blandness I’d been noticing. Brad’s source for the term was the trend forecasting collective (and fellow artists) K-Hole. They had been using it in a slightly different sense, not to describe a particular look but a general attitude: embracing sameness deliberately as a new way of being cool, rather than striving for “difference” or “authenticity.” From Hot & Cool magazine.

This Can't Be Happening! | '...a major destabilizing influence' What does normcore sound like? There was an episode of 30 Rock that aired back in February 2012, in which Jenna and her cross-dressing, sexually-omnivorous, trend-hunting boyfriend Paul find themselves settling into a sense of domesticity. They stay in, cook dinner at home, cuddle on the couch and abstain from having sex, all of which leads them to believe they've stumbled upon some perverted new fetish called normaling. In reality they're just getting older and regressing toward the behavioral mean. It was a pretty deft send-up of the type of cutting edge urbanites who think that everything they do is ipso facto “a thing” simply because they're the ones who are doing it. Consider how taking a trip out to IKEA to go shopping for furniture – just like a bunch of hilarious regular-ass people! That sense of normaling, or normcore as it's being called, was the focus of a widely-shared piece in New York Magazine this week, which attempted to put brackets around a moment in fashion. Go with the flow. Everyone does.

Cargo - Gallery Le normcore, tendance mode normale ou simple buzz média? Perçue comme une micro-tendance en vogue chez certains hipsters new-yorkais blasés, le “normcore”, mix-oxymore entre “normal” et “hardcore” est devenu - en l’espace d’un article paru dans un supplément du New York Magazine, de quelques partages et de reprises à toutes les sauces par les ¾ des journaux du monde entier (GQ y compris) - le nouveau phénomène de mode sur-médiatique. Théorisé par le bureau de tendances K-Hole dans son rapport au titre très évocateur “Youth Mode : The death of age”, le normcore est la résultante de l’ère de “Mass Indie” dans laquelle nous vivons : cultiver sa différence étant devenu la norme, le jusqu’au-boutisme voudrait donc que l’on devienne parfaitement normal, si ce n'est banal, voire ringard, pour être différent. (Le carré sémiotique du normcore selon K-Hole) (Un look de la collection automne-hiver 2014 de Goscha Rubchinskiy)

Kaboom: A Soldier's War Journal I was standing in the main room of the house with Sonic – a young terp with a propensity to spike his hair - explaining to the mother why we were there. Yes, of course you can pick up the crying baby. No, we are not here to talk about your eldest daughter being so sick that she’s in the hospital, although that is awful. Yes, I want everyone in the house outside. Now. The previous hour had passed in a blur any Zoloft addict could appreciate. Sheik Stack-On-Me was in the process of bestowing upon me a brand new chai set when my dismount radio buzzed with want. “This is 1.” “Frago.” “But I’m getting my chai set! “Yeah … about that … we’re gonna have to ask you to come in to work tonight. “Raid? The vehicle cordon called set. I found two chairs in the main room and pulled them out to the patio. “I know nothing,” she responded to Sonic’s translation, automatically. “I will,” I promised. “I know nothing.” “We’ll see. Nevermind. “Hi,” I said. “What’s her deal?” “Ah. “With what?” “When was that?”

Pour la maison 1246 rue Sainte-Catherine O. Montréal H3G 1P1 (514) 874-0063 HEURES D'OUVERTURE: 10h00 - 21h00 Lundi au vendredi 10h00 - 19h00 Samedi 11h00 - 18h00 Dimanche 509 rue Saint-Joseph E. HEURES D'OUVERTURE: 10h00 - 21h00 Lundi au vendredi 10h00 - 20h00 Samedi 11h00 - 19h00 Dimanche 4301 rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2J 2K9 (514) 844-5944 HEURES D'OUVERTURE: 10h00 - 20h00 Lundi au mercredi 10h00 - 21h00 Jeudi et vendredi 10h00 - 17h00 Samedi 11h00 - 17h00 Dimanche 9200 Boulevard Leduc S-3 Quartiers Dix Broussard, QC J4Y-0B3 (450) 656-1197 HEURES D'OUVERTURE: 10h00 - 21h00 Lundi au vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 Samedi 10h00 - 17h00 Dimanche Des contraintes linguistiques nous obligent présentement à fermer notre site Internet au Québec. Votre support continuel nous est précieux et nous vous prions de nous excuser pour tout inconvénient que cela pourrait vous poser. 1246 Ste. STORE HOURS: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM Monday-Friday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM-5:00 PM Sunday 509 St. 4301 St.

Blog | Pattern People | Surface Design + Inspiration Interiors | Pillow Talk It seems like these days the throw pillow craze has reached new heights. No longer are we looking for our couch decorations just to blend in and stay still, we have begun to ask our couch art to positively pulse with creativity. And that’s where artists like Tyler Spangler step in. – Julie Rose Color | Iridescent Melt Dominique Gaucher | Federico Kenis | Veronique Branquinho Sparkle and shine. Pattern Report | Big Cat Love Leopard prints cover every surface of these looks for summer 2014. - bekah hilleson Art | Shattered View via here. Photos of sunsets take on a new life when reflected through broken mirror in this series, Broken Mirror/Evening Sky by photographer Bing Wright. -Claudia Brown Profile | Amelia Graham Since graduating from Chelsea College of Art, London based surface designer, Amelia Graham, has had the pleasure of designing prints for clients such as Calvin Klein, H&M, Paul & Joe, Diane von Furstenberg and Topshop. Where do you look for inspiration?

Le normcore: plus hipster que les plus hipsters, soyez fou: soyez normal Peut-être avez-vous remarqué le retour du non-style: jeans délavés, polaires et baskets lâches. Derrière cela se cache un concept. Les hipsters ont bouclé la boucle. A force de chercher la singularité, ils ont atteint une nouvelle frontière. Un horizon lointain, totalement exotique: la normalité. Ainsi est le normcore, une esthétique de la normalité, un refus apparent de la mode au nom d’un retour à l’âge pré-adolescent où le vêtement n’était pas encore un enjeu social. Le normcore a explosé à la face du monde à l’occasion d’un article du New York Mag publié le 26 février. Cette «fadeur stylisée» et «consciente d’elle-même», c’est le normcore. Dans la foulée de l’article du New York Mag, le magazine GQ publie les 10 essentiels du normcore. Un buzzword est né. Comme toujours avec ces mots surgis de nulle part, il est difficile de distinguer s’ils recoupent exactement une tendance ou si c’est le mot lui-même, par sa perfection formelle, qui génère cette tendance. Le paradoxe du hipster
