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Demo News I’m working on bringing SyntaxHighlighter code base up to date, you can see development branch on GitHub March 4, 2014 I work at Good Eggs and we are hiring engineers ;) Man, I don’t post very often… November 1, 2013 I work at SAY: Media and we are hiring engineers! Oh, and the ad on the right is just one of the many awesome things we do! October 5, 2011 We aren’t dead! Moved source to GitHub to increase participation.

[Announcement] WebEngage Notifications: adding awesomeness to user messaging Hello, It gives me immense pleasure to announce an ultra-cool, new add-on to WebEngage. After our in-site feedback and survey products inside WebEngage, we are very close to releasing the third product in our bundle – Notifications. Simply put, notification is a plug-n-play, DIY messaging tool for your website. The illustration below, tries to explain the product idea - Simple PHP Random Image Script 16 Mar 2010 There are times when working with smaller sites you need a simple method of displaying random images. This can be done in one line of text directly in your HTML and a collection of images. Prepare the Images The first step is to gather together the images you wish to have randomly rotated.

Understanding Compatibility Modes in Internet Explorer 8 - We know IE! Hi everyone! With the release of IE 8, we felt that providing a little more detail around the different Compatibility Modes might be useful, so here goes! A fundamental problem discussed during each and every Internet Explorer release is balancing new features and functionality with site compatibility for the existing Web. What Can You Do With Paper.js? There are many JavaScript frameworks that leverage HTML5. Paper.js is one of these frameworks that uses Document Object Model (DOM) to structure objects in an easy-to-understand manner. It offers creative and neat ways of doing lots of stuff on a Web browser that supports the <canvas> tag. It also offers a new and interesting approach to drawing vector graphics. The basic setup is shown below:

Doodle Jump Game using HTML5 This is a recreation of Doodle Jump that originally comes for Android and iOS devices. This game is created using awesome HTML5 API and Canvas. It does not have all of the features that the original game has (for now) like Monsters, Power ups etc. I'll be releasing a second version of this game with more features from the original game along with sounds to make this game more fun.

IE8 Rendering Modes theory and practice « Sharovatov’s Weblog Many web-developers moan about the Rendering Modes switch that’s been introduced in IE8. I’ve got some thoughts on this. Rendering modes switches history As you may know, IE5 on Mac (followed by IE6 on Windows) introduced Quirks and Standards compliancy modes with a DOCTYPE switcher. Native JavaScript H.264 decoder offers compelling demo of JS performance Mozilla developer Michael Bebenita has released a JavaScript-based H.264 decoder that is intended to run natively in Web browsers. The decoder, which can display video at 30 frames per second on conventional hardware, is yet another compelling demonstration of JavaScript’s performance potential. JavaScript creator Brendan Eich included a demonstration of the H.264 decoder—codenamed Broadway—during a presentation at the ACM’s annual OOPSLA conference.

Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture Today we're going to discuss an effective set of patterns for large-scale JavaScript application architecture. The material is based on my talk of the same name, last presented at LondonJS and inspired by previous work by Nicholas Zakas. Who am I and why am I writing about this topic? I'm currently a JavaScript and UI developer at AOL helping to plan and write the front-end architecture to our next generation of client-facing applications. As these applications are both complex and often require an architecture that is scalable and highly-reusable, it's one of my responsibilities to ensure the patterns used to implement such applications are as sustainable as possible. I also consider myself something of a design pattern enthusiast (although there are far more knowledgeable experts on this topic than I).
