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The Rise of Big Data

The Rise of Big Data
Everyone knows that the Internet has changed how businesses operate, governments function, and people live. But a new, less visible technological trend is just as transformative: “big data.” Big data starts with the fact that there is a lot more information floating around these days than ever before, and it is being put to extraordinary new uses. Big data is distinct from the Internet, although the Web makes it much easier to collect and share data. Big data is about more than just communication: the idea is that we can learn from a large body of information things that we could not comprehend when we used only smaller amounts. In the third century BC, the Library of Alexandria was believed to house the sum of human knowledge. This explosion of data is relatively new. Given this massive scale, it is tempting to understand big data solely in terms of size. To continue reading, please log in. Don't have an account? Register Register now to get three articles each month. Have an account? Related:  `bloc-test 1001`bloc-test 1001

Big Data is the new Artificial Intelligence This is the first of a couple columns about a growing trend in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is likely to be integrated in our culture. Computerworld ran an interesting overview article on the subject yesterday that got me thinking not only about where this technology is going but how it is likely to affect us not just as a people. but as individuals. How is AI likely to affect me? The answer is scary. Today we consider the general case and tomorrow the very specific. The failure of Artificial Intelligence. It didn’t work. Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it was called, absorbed hundreds of millions of Silicon Valley VC dollars before being declared a failure. The human speed bump. You see in today’s version of Artificial Intelligence we don’t need to teach our computers to perform human tasks: they teach themselves. Google Translate, for example, can be used online for free by anyone to translate text back and forth between more than 70 languages. Google Brain. 4) rinse repeat

traitement de données Talend Open Studio for Data Integration est une solution d’intégration de données open source flexible et puissante. C'est un ETL (Extract Transform Load) open source basé sur Eclipse. Il permet d'interagir avec les données de votre Système d'Information, les intégrer, les mettre en forme, les transformer, ... L'interface générale vous permet de créer des "jobs" qui contiendront le workflow voulu, un workflow étant un ensemble d'activités qui s’enchaînent via l'utilisation de "composants". Un exemple typique est le fait de vouloir alimenter une base de données à partir d'autres bases tout en adaptant les données à votre convenance. Une fois terminé, il ne vous reste plus qu'à exécuter le job soit en mode débogage soit en mode normal, ce dernier étant évidemment plus rapide, avec les variables d'entrée voulues (nom de la base, nom du serveur, autres paramètres) en utilisant des variables de "contextes". Etant basé sur Eclipse, vous pouvez aussi intégrer votre propre code à votre projet.

Big Data, Social Media and the Long Tail of Public Policy Preamble You may have noticed that I didn't publish last week; as a result this week's article is both weightier and lengthier. Accordingly I decided to experiment a bit by providing a TL;DR version of the article up front, namely: Public Engagement via Social Media + Big Data Analytics = Future of Public Policy.How I got there ... To say that either Linked Data or Big Data are new would be a mischaracterization; to say that they are still new to government on the other hand is likely a fair assessment. Linked Data: A Primer For the unfamiliar, linked data is simply a way of structuring data so that it can be easily aligned with other data sets; linking data together increases its usefulness by providing richer strategic overviews or by facilitating a greater depth of analysis. If you are interested in seeing the quality of public policy analysis that properly linked data can inform Hans Rosling’s demonstration below is a prime example: Big Data: A Primer Abundance is the common denominator

Data and maps — The map shows the different marine protected areas (MPA) designated under the Regional Sea Conventions The map shows the facts on the EU Marine Protected Area Networks The EEA coastline for analysis is created for highly detailed analysis, e.g. 1:100 000, for geographical Europe. Between 1990 and 2013, final energy consumption in the EU28 increased by 2.2%. In 2013, primary energy consumption in the EU28 countries was almost the same as in 1990 and amounted to 1567 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe). Data about the EU emission trading system (ETS). Bathing water monitoring by country. The map provides an overview on past and upcoming events in Europe. The Coming Era of Big Data for the Little Guy Big data is big news these days. Yet much of the discussion has been about how big data will help big business. At Intuit, we believe the biggest opportunity is giving consumers and small businesses the power of data. It is a new data era that we like to call Big Data for the Little Guy. Today, Intuit released “The New Data Democracy: How Big Data Will Revolutionize the Lives of Small Businesses and Consumer.” The report examines three key data trends that will impact small businesses and individuals over the coming decade: The New Data Democracy: Over the next decade, analysts expect the global volume of digital data to increase more than 40-fold. At Intuit, we are living on the front lines of many of these shifts. I encourage everyone to read The New Data Democracy. Intuit President and CEO Brad Smith has his head in the cloud. Rate: Loading ...

Traitement de l'information : un usage plus pregnant des outils non traditionnels L’explosion du volume de données disponibles change la façon dont l’acquisition et le contrôle des connaissances doit s'effectuer en entreprise. Le travail de présentation de données agrégées s’intensifie aussi. La gestion de l’information a pris beaucoup de valeurs dans l’entreprise, et jusqu’aux institutions étatiques qui ont pour certaines nommé des Chief Data Officer (en France et aux Etats-Unis). Une étude de LexisNexis Business Information Solutions résume l’importance de la gestion de l’information du point de vue des managers en partant du principe que le contenu est la matière première du XXIème. Savoir y accéder et le formaliser sont les avantages comparatifs de l’époque. Le temps pour trouver de l’information baisse et certaines tâches traditionnelles vont devoir changer de nature pour ordonner avec sens du contenu produit à une vitesse encore jamais atteinte auparavant. Et si l’ordonnancement compte, la recherche se complexifie aussi.

The Value of Big Data Isn't the Data - Kristian J. Hammond by Kristian J. Hammond | 11:00 AM May 1, 2013 It is clear that a new age is upon us. Evidence-based decision-making (aka Big Data) is not just the latest fad, it’s the future of how we are going to guide and grow business. But let’s be very clear: There is a huge distinction to be made between “evidence” and “data.” The former is the end game for understanding where your business has been and where it needs to go. The confusion here is understandable. I would argue that what you want and what you need is to turn that data into a story. It may well be the case that you already have someone who looks at the data, builds the queries, interprets the results and writes up the report. If we’re going to really capitalize on Big Data, we need get to human insight at machine scale. For the most part, we know what we want out of the data. In order to do this, your starting point has to be the story (or the communication) itself. Here’s an example.

Big Data | Technology Research Are you trying to figure out how your enterprise can benefit from big data and why it's important? Don't get left behind. Uncover the business opportunities you can derive from big data. You need to make the strategic decisions that will transform your business. Hear Gartner recommendations on how to improve your business performance with big data. IT is under pressure to tap into growing quantities of data to help the business make better, informed decisions by combining new sources of big data with existing enterprise dark data. Get more from your big data analytics with advice from Gartner. What are you doing with all of the data your organization collects? Learn how you can augment your underutilized data and deliver more value.

Tests informatiques pour une certification en ligne People Centric vous invite à tester vos connaissances informatiques autour de 250 tests informatiques en ligne et gratuits. Installez-vous et prenez votre temps pour consulter notre base de données fournie de nouveaux tests software. Accessibles par technologie et par niveau de popularité, ces tests sous forme de quizz informatique sont perçus par les employeurs comme une valeur ajoutée importante sur votre CV. La plateforme de tests informatiques People Centric Certified vous permet de juger objectivement votre niveau actuel en temps réel, de vous situer par rapport aux autres professionnels IT qui ont passé le même test informatique et d'identifier précisément vos besoins en formation. Vous maitrisez les langages informatiques les plus utilisés, ainsi que des langages très rares?

Program Ottawa, Canada – April 17, 2013 Ottawa Convention Centre Register for the conference now. We live in the data age. The Data Effect: Tomorrow’s Canada Today will address how the prudent and innovative use of Big Data can improve outcomes in such areas as health care, drug and social policy research and public safety, to name a few. This day long event will offer leaders in government, the private sector and researchers a practical special briefing that surveys the best practices and opportunities being created by the Big Data revolution in Canada and around the world. Canada has the tools and talent to be a leader in the data age. NB: Agenda subject to change 8:40 am Opening Presentation on Global and National Outlook by: Alison Brooks, Research Director, IDC Government Insights 9:00 am Presentation: Big Data requires Big Networks: Bernard Lord, President & CEO, Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Assoc. 9:20 am Opening Panel: The Data Age: Canada’s Economic Opportunity Mr.

A Reality Check on Big Data A Reality Check on Big Data By Peter Sweeney (@petersweeney) The fervor around big data continues to grow. The World Economic Forum and The New York Times are jumping on the bandwagon. While we share their enthusiasm for the potential, big data needs a reality check. Here are just a few of the how-do-you-get-there-from-here questions for anyone considering big data projects. Data costs Big data means high costs. Figure: Big data complexity Data-driven applications are inherently complex. Poor performance in the long tail Big data is plagued with small data problems in the long tail of interests. Privacy concerns Big data approaches need large amounts of detailed data about users and their usage patterns. Misleading statistics The vernacular of big data analysis—trends, correlations, inferences, and frames—betray their bias towards generalization over specialization. Talent shortages Perhaps the biggest bottleneck to big data is people. Time to market Primal’s Solution

Types of Big Data
