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Juan Sánchez Cotán
Juan Sánchez Cotán (June 25, 1560 – September 8, 1627) was a Spanish Baroque painter, a pioneer of realism in Spain. His still lifes—also called bodegones—were painted in an austere style, especially when compared to similar works in the Netherlands and Italy. Life[edit] Sánchez Cotán was born in the town of Orgaz, near Toledo, Spain. On August 10, 1603, Sanchez Cotán, then in his forties, closed up his workshop at Toledo to renounce the world and enter the Carthusian monastery Santa Maria de El Paular. Cotán was a prolific religious painter whose work, carried out exclusively for his monastery, reached its peak about 1617 in the cycle of eight great narrative paintings that he painted for the cloister of the Granada Monastery. In spite of his retreat from the world, Cotán’s influence remained strong. Style[edit] Sánchez Cotán stylistically falls within the school of El Escorial, with Venetian influence, and his works can be placed in the transition from Mannerism to Baroque. Notes[edit]
hallie elizabeth
My Cardboard Life » Made from real cardboard
Yan Nascimbene Illustration
秋天の潮 155*98*50cm 2013 胡桃木 購自屏東工廠的拼板夾 大陸叫風炮夾 我在網路找很久 最後是硬著頭皮打電話去問人家可不可以只買機器上的零組件 因為它們一般裝在拼板機上沒有單賣的 感謝好心的業務先生 這是重裝備 我改裝了套筒 變成可以用扳手也可以用電鑽鎖緊 這種專業製造拼板的傢伙 夾持力道遠大於其他手工夾具 而且膠合板也比較容易平整 腿部因為要支撐上身的重量 有必要在內部做加強結構 作品最好是整體同步 避免在特定部分一直攻 一直攻 尤其動態的拿捏應該是人物雕刻中最被重視的 需要多花些時間和精神 動態解決後再去照顧細節 有時候面對同一件作品工作很久 幾個星期在一個關鍵處奮戰 僵持 疲倦了 感知不那麼靈敏了 知道有問題 卻抓不出來 暫時停下來 是一個不錯的選擇 如果不能停 就得想想別的法子才行 將作品拍下來 看照片會有幫助 在照片裡挑毛病 我也用另一個方法 從鏡子裡看作品 那是被翻轉的影像 如果鏡子裡的影像合理了 那麼作品就不會差太多 做臉 代表已經接近尾聲 胡桃木深淺色差很大 臉部和手部在膠合時選擇了淺色的角材 塗裝 全件塗蠟 我希望衣飾部分顏色較深 所以用吹風機略微加熱 蠟滲進木材纖維裡 顏色自然變深 花紋更明顯 作品在三義木雕館展出