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Resources - UK films - Let's fight it together

Resources - UK films - Let's fight it together
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Roar – Katy Perry – ESL lesson plan | Anna Edu The song “Roar” perfectly fits the topic of gender roles/stereotypes, feminism. Besides, it’s a great source of idioms, set expressions and phrasal verbs. That’s how I would use it in class. 1. Tell the students that we’re going to study 7 new expressions (slides 2-4). Having introduced them, I’d ask some questions to use them in speech. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. in ESL lesson plans by Anna 25 nätregler du måste kunna Illustrationer: Gustav Dejert/Woo Får man retweeta beröm? Ska man gilla allt på Instagram? Hur avslutar man ett mail? King reder ut vad etiketten egentligen säger när du rör dig socialt på nätet. 1. En vanligt förekommande funktion i gränssnittet på mejlklienter är möjligheten att, om ämnesraden inte befinnes tillräcklig, poängtera innehållets vikt och/eller brådskande natur genom att förse mejlet med en för ändamålet anpassad ikon, varpå det dyker upp i mottagarens inkorg försedd med liten röd vimpel, dubbla utropstecken, en stjärna eller dylikt. 2. Går det an att retweeta komplimanger och beröm från andra? 3. Att uttrycka sig i skrift är både svårt och tidskrävande, och många brinner för annat än språkvård och formuleringskonst. 4. 5. Våra digitala fotspår är lätta att följa och att registrera, ett faktum som varit vida omdebatterat under det senaste decenniet även om folklig konsensus tycks vara en kollektiv axelryckning. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Classroom and Support Materials Carnegie Cadets: The MySecureCyberspace Game has been played in the classroom, at community centers, and for home school activities. To help educators along, the documents below provide ideas and materials that support the use of the game in a learning environment. The faculty pages and games in the Fun Stuff section also provide educational information that you can use in a classroom. Faculty Pages The faculty pages can serve as discussion starters for the classroom and supplemental reading to reinforce cyber defense topics: Cyberspace Communications (Betty) - tips for communicating safely online, detailed examples of personal information that it is unsafe to share online, and some tips for netiquette. Computer and Device Defense (Dr. Fun Stuff Encourage students to move at their own pace through the games. Outside of the Academy, the Carnegie Cadets have met others who share an interest in making learning fun. The Path Forward, Inc. The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Stuart the Safety Bot

English speaking countries Magic Vocabulary Magic Vocabulary is an automatic generator of worksheets and games to teach vocabulary. Just enter your list of words and this website will create bingo, dominoes, crossword, memory games, etc. High Quality ESL Lesson Plans - Free Samples - $26 Membership Be a better teacher! Hundreds of PDF lesson plans. Animated English Lessons for Children - Teach with the Best! Teach Children to Read with Phonics, Worksheets, Games, Videos, Books These are among the best phonics worksheets, games, videos and flash cards you will find online. Advertise here

Publicering på internet - Vad får man lägga ut på webben? Du är här:Hem → Lagar & regler → Personuppgiftslagen → Publicering på internet Vad får man lägga ut på webben? I personuppgiftslagen (PuL) finns inga särskilda regler för publicering på internet. Personuppgiftslagens generella regler för behandling av personuppgifter gäller även när man publicerar personuppgifter på webbplatser, bloggar och liknande. Man får inte kränka andra människor Om personuppgifter publiceras i en löpande text på internet, till exempel i en blogg, är publiceringen i princip tillåten så länge man inte kränker den som personuppgifterna handlar om. Det är inte möjligt att generellt slå fast vad som är en kränkning av den personliga integriteten utan man måste göra en bedömning i varje enskilt fall och väga in samtliga omständigheter. Det finns undantag för journalistiska ändamål Ibland publiceras personuppgifter på internet på ett sätt som är kränkande utan att publiceringen står i strid med personuppgiftslagens bestämmelser. Grundlagsskyddad publicering Arbetsplatsen

English-speaking countries Have you ever wondered why you have to learn English at school? Did you know that the world speaks English? Do you know how many countries in the world have English as an official language? 1. After the hard work, have fun watching the four videos and discover how different English sounds in England, Australia, the USA and India.

Kate Winslet and the little Australian anti-bullying film that took on the world | Film When one of Australian writer-director Galvin Scott Davis’ little boys was bullied he wanted to comfort him by reading him a book about overcoming bullies. But when he searched the well-stocked bookshelf in his bedroom, he couldn’t find one. So he turned to his own imagination and made up a story. “My middle boy was acting quiet and I found out that he’d been bullied. It wasn’t a bad case of bullying but it was enough to make him lose his confidence,” Davis told Guardian Australia from Los Angeles where he is on a promotional tour for his short film Daisy Chain. “So I sat down and told him a bedtime story off the cuff. Daisy Chain, an Australian animated five-minute film narrated by Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet, has grown out of that original bedtime story about a boy called Benjamin Brewster and his magical dandelions. It struck a chord and Dandelion won multiple awards and became the top-selling book app in Australia for 2012, beating the beloved Peppa Pig to the crown.

Syrian Journey: Choose your own escape route The Syrian conflict has torn the country apart, leaving thousands dead and driving millions to flee their homes. Many seek refuge in neighbouring countries but others pay traffickers to take them to Europe - risking death, capture and deportation. If you were fleeing Syria for Europe, what choices would you make for you and your family? Take our journey to understand the real dilemmas the refugees face. The routes, options and outcomes in this Syrian Journey feature were based on real stories uncovered by extensive research as part of a BBC Arabic digital project exploring migration from Syria. Research by Mamdouh Akbiek, Eloise Dicker Illustrations by Gerry Fletcher. Get involved We would like to know what you would take with you if you were forced to flee your country. Use the hashtags #whatwouldyoutake and #Syrianjourney to post your choices, with images and/or video. See what Syrian migrants who made the journey took with them Survivors' stories Media playback is unsupported on your device

Lärarhandledning | tankesatt Användning i skolan Du kan använda i din undervisning. Du kan säkert hitta ingångar till diskussioner om datorspelsberoendel i svenska, samhällskunskap eller idrott och hälsa. Syfte Tanken är att ungdomarna ska ta del av innehållet på, reflektera och komma till insikt genom att läsa vad andra i samma situation skriver. Nedan följer några exempel på hur du kan använda i din undervisning. Målgrupp Vilka åldrar riktar sig tankesatt mot? Ett – Är ditt datorspelsberoende OK? Börja med testet med samma namn. Diskutera om testresultatet stämmer med elevernas uppfattning. Granska frågorna/påståendena och diskutera om de tyder på datorspelsberoende. Följdfrågor: Känner de någon som är datorspelsberoende? Syftet med testet är inte att påvisa att massor av eleverna är datorspelsberoende men att sätta igång tankarna hos dem. Två – läs inlägg Låt eleverna läsa några inlägg och diskutera i mindre grupper. Vilket inlägg var intressantast? Tre – läs frågor och svar

How Many Countries in the World Now that is a question that's somewhat difficult to answer, as there is no one right answer. Many sources offer different answers, and depending on the source, there are 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195 or 196 independent countries in the world today. NOTE: On Saturday, July 9, 2011, southern Sudan declared itself the independent country of South Sudan. As of May 1, 2008, the United Nations has 192 official members (including Montenegro and Serbia - the two newest nations). Most of the current World Almanacs use 193 countries, which is probably the best answer, but what about Kosovo? Regarding England, Scotland and Wales, though all are widely considered individual countries, they are all still a part of the United Kingdom (UK), a recognized European country by the United Nations, United States, and others, and therefore included within the United Kingdom on our country list below. In that regard, Greenland is still a part of Denmark, and not recognized as an official independent country.

Våld & kränkningar Alla har nog känt sig dåligt eller orättvist behandlade någon gång, eller sett någon annan bli det. Du har rätt att slippa våld och kränkningar, men om du råkar ut för det finns hjälp att få. Det finns en massa olika sätt att reagera på när man blir illa behandlad. Det kan vara bra att prata om och beskriva det som man själv eller någon annan har varit med om. Man har rätt att slippa våld och kränkningar, men råkar man ut för det finns hjälp att få på olika sätt. Alla kan göra något mot våld och kränkningar. Canada A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south across an unfortified border. Canada faces the political challenges of meeting public demands for quality improvements in health care and education services, as well as responding to the particular concerns of predominantly francophone Quebec. Canada also aims to develop its diverse energy resources while maintaining its commitment to the environment. The land now occupied by Canada was first inhabited approximately 16,000 years ago by aboriginal peoples. The beginning of the 20th century saw Canada's early involvement in World War I due to British control of its foreign affairs. Today, Canada is characterized by its socially democratic programs such as universal health care, the Canda Pension Plan, and Canada Student Loans.
