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Imperialism: Crash Course World History #35

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Western Philosophy Zheng He’s Expeditions Above, the Chinese admiral Zheng He. Today, you will research the voyages of Zheng He, the famous Chinese admiral, to better understand the Chinese naval and commercial activities in the Indian Ocean in the early 15th century. Using the links below, as well as your notes from class and your textbook, answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences each: 1. Above, a diagram comparing the size of Zheng He’s ships to those of Columbus. Links: China’s Great Armada and Admiral Zheng He from National Geographic Sultan’s Lost Treasure from NOVA Online (Read pages 1 and 2) Zheng He Maritime Explorations - Overview from ABC-Clio (You will need to log in to view this link.)

The National Archives | Education | British Empire | Living in the British empire | India | Background British rule from the time after the mutiny is often called the Raj. During this period a tiny number of British officials and troops (about 20,000 in all) ruled over 300 million Indians. This was often seen as evidence that most Indians accepted and even approved of British rule. There is no doubt that Britain could not have controlled India without the co-operation of Indian princes and local leaders, as well as huge numbers of Indian troops, police officers, civil servants etc. Other historians point out that British rule of India was maintained by the fact that Indian society was so divided that it could not unite against the British. The British view tended to portray British rule as a charitable exercise - they suffered India's environment (eg climate, diseases) in order to bring to India good government and economic development (eg railways, irrigation, medicine). Other historians point out that ruling India brought huge benefits to Britain.

US and British Government Knew – Down to the Day – of Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor … And Let It Happen to Justify US Entry Into WWII We Knew … Preface: We don’t contest that World War II was – in many ways – a “good war”. The Nazis, imperial Japanese and fascist Italians were nasty folks trying to take over the world, who brutalized millions within their own borders and in the nations they occupied. But a full and honest account of World War II shows that some big American banks funded the Nazis. And – as shown below – we probably knew about the coming Pearl Harbor attack, but let it happen to justify America’s entry into World War II. The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. Moreover, Honolulu newspapers warned of a possible attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor: And see this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points. Active Interference with Military’s Ability to Defend Key Military Players Incommunicado Gagging Whistleblowers Scapegoating and Labels of “Conspiracy Theory” Media Complicity

5 Whores Who Changed The Course of History For most of us, performing sexual favors in some dark alley for grocery money is about as low as life can get. But history is full of stories of prostitutes who parlayed their skills into positions of prestige and power. And some of them changed the world. Where: Jericho. When: 1400s B.C. How She Got Her Start? Rahab probably came from a middle-class family in Jericho. The cost of freedom, circa 1400 BC. By all accounts, she was good at it, too. What Made Her Great? Back in 1422 B.C., the Israelites were living on a barren tract of land appropriately named, Shittim. Better than Shittim. Joshua sent out two spies to scout out the defenses. Their sweaty reconnaissance was cut short, however, when the king of Jericho sent his men out to look for the two Jewish spies skulking around his city. That's right; believe what you want about the Bible, but it's right there in the Old Testament that the course of world history was turned by a hooker with a heart of gold. Athens. London, England.

Difference Between Philosophy and Religion | Difference Between | Philosophy vs Religion Philosophy vs Religion Many have come to think that philosophy and religion are the same while some argue that the two are opposite sides of the same coin. However, these two concepts are just in part true. Philosophy and religion are related. By general understanding, religion is composed of a set of morals, rules, principles, and ethics that serve to guide one’s way of living. Although the two are the same in having to deal with man’s life, they are still very different in various aspects like the presence of observed rituals across all world religions and the absence of such in philosophy because the latter only deals more with how people should think. Another distinction between the two is the strength of belief. Religion, although considered as a subset of philosophy, involves many supernatural beliefs and superstitions some of which are already too hard to believe that philosophers constantly argue against them. Summary: : If you like this article or our site.

A Summary of British Rule in India The very idea of the British Raj—the British rule over India—seems inexplicable today. Consider the fact that Indian written history stretches back almost 4,000 years, to the civilization centers of the Indus Valley Culture at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Also, by 1850, India had a population of at least 200 million.1 Britain, on the other hand, had no indigenous written language until the 9th century CE (almost 3,000 years after India). Its population was about 21 million in 1850.2 How, then, did Britain manage to control India from 1757 to 1947? European Scramble for Colonies in Asia After the Portuguese rounded the Cape of Good Hope on Africa's southern tip in 1488, opening sea lanes to the Far East by piracy on ancient trade lines in the Indian Ocean, the European powers strove to acquire Asian trading posts of their own. The Battle of Plassey Britain had been trading in India since about 1600, but it did not begin to seize large sections of land until 1757, after the Battle of Plassey.

Top 10 Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology Like a real life Indiana Jones, maverick archeologist David Hatcher Childress has taken many incredible journeys to some of the oldest and most remote spots on earth. Writing prolifically of lost cities and ancient civilizations, he has produced no less than six lengthy books (the Lost Cities series) chronicling the dimly remembered glories of obscure locales from the Gobi desert to Puma Punku in Bolivia, from Mohenjo Daro to Ba'albek. We caught up with him shortly before taking off for New Guinea on yet another archeological expedition and asked him if he would be willing to write an exclusive for Atlantis Rising on the Top 10 Ancient Civilizations with Advanced Technology. According to various esoteric sources, the first civilization arose 78,000 years ago on the giant continent known as Mu or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52,000 years. Supposedly, there was one language and one government. 6. Homes and communal buildings were built out of megalithic blocks of stone.

Myth, Legend, Folklore, Ghosts Apollo and the Greek Muses Updated July 2010 COMPREHENSIVE SITES ON MYTHOLOGY ***** The Encyclopedia Mythica - SEARCH - Areas - Image Gallery - Genealogy tables - Mythic Heroes Probert Encyclopaedia - Mythology Gods, Heroes, and MythDictionary of Mythology What is Myth? MESOPOTAMIAN MYTHOLOGYThe Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ Sumerian Mythology FAQ Sumerian Mythology Sumerian Gods and Goddesses Sumerian Myths SUMERIAN RELIGION Mythology's Mythinglinks: the Tigris-Euphrates Region of the Ancient Near East Gods, Goddesses, Demons and Monsters of Mesopotamia The Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ More info on Ancient Mesopotamia can be found on my Ancient River Valley Civilizations page. GREEK MYTHOLOGYOrigins of Greek MythologyGreek Mythology - MythWeb (plus a fun QUIZ)Ancient Greek Religion Family Tree of Greek Mythology Greek Names vs. VARIOUS FAIRIES, ELVES, UNICORNS, MERMAIDS, & OTHER MYTHICAL TOPICS HERE BE DRAGONS!
