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HTML5 Website Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos

HTML5 Website Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos
So you’ve heard all rumors about HTML5 would take over Adobe Flash. While most web community argues that it’s possible or not, you must be wandering what makes HTML5 so powerful that even giant company Apple wants to use it to replace Flash. That’s why this post exists, we’re not going to talk about what HTML5 can do, but show live demos of magical things that HTML5 can achieve with other language like JavaScript, so get ready to be inspired. Note: As HTML5 is not fully supported by certain web browser like Internet Explorer, you’re strongly recommended to use Firefox browser to view all HTML5 demos below. Animation The HTML5’s canvas element is the deciding factor for HTML5 to replace certain Flash animation. Audioburst Animation A comfortable and fantastic animation created with HTML5’s canvas and audio tag. Ball Pool Being showcased in the last Google I/O event, this demo shows you how dynamic can HTML5 be. Blob Sallad A HTML5-spawned creature that would please you. Bomomo Browser Ball Bubbles

HTML5 Mania – HTML5 Showcase, HTML5 Gallery, Free HTML5 Templates 13 Amazing Examples of HTML5 and CSS3 Startup Framework Close 2010, Jul 14 // Kevin Liew // 34 comments // Inspirations 13 Amazing Examples of HTML5 and CSS3 Advertisement Introduction Another post that demonstrate the power of HTML5 and CSS3. In case you missed my previous post regarding CSS and HTML5, you can read it afterward. Author: Kevin Liew Kevin Liew is a web designer and developer and keen on contributing to the web development industry. Share the love 3,701inShare Related Posts 10 Incredible CSS3 Drawing You Must See 11 Impressive Google Experiments for Chrome Creative and Funny Illustration of Famous Logos 34 comments Infonomics Wed, 11th April 2012 Thanks for sharing. Luiz Fri, 13th July 2012 thanks..I think I can now develope my own website. deepak Mon, 16th July 2012 it's amazing Reply dan b Wed, 8th August 2012 Flexpaper has some neat html5 examples Reply Jason Reynolds Tue, 25th September 2012 Фън Шуй Tue, 13th November 2012 Nice! Leave a Comment Advertisement

Cloud computing Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le cloud computing[1], ou l’informatique en nuage ou nuagique ou encore l’infonuagique (au Québec), est l'exploitation de la puissance de calcul ou de stockage de serveurs informatiques distants par l'intermédiaire d'un réseau, généralement Internet. Ces serveurs sont loués à la demande, le plus souvent par tranche d'utilisation selon des critères techniques (puissance, bande passante, etc.) mais également au forfait. Le cloud computing se caractérise par sa grande souplesse : selon le niveau de compétence de l'utilisateur client, il est possible de gérer soi-même son serveur ou de se contenter d'utiliser des applicatifs distants en mode SaaS[2],[3],[4]. Selon la définition du National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), le cloud computing est l'accès via un réseau de télécommunications, à la demande et en libre-service, à des ressources informatiques partagées configurables[5]. Terminologie[modifier | modifier le code]

10 Best HTML5 Sketching and Drawing Tools for Designers Today we will gather a few of the Html 5 tools for designers. Some are Sketching Tools that are developed with HTML5 Canvas in conjunction with the help of JavaScript Framework, because every designer knows that sketching and drawing is vital piece of a designer’s work flow. HTML5 is absolutely the season’s best flavor, as every designer in the community is excited with the release of this markup language. HTML 5 is an easy to learn and use language but have some very interesting and creative features that can help a web designer beyond his imagination. HTML 5 for a designer have an elastic approach in coding, it is easily readable. Sketching and designing are the important aspect of designer’s work. 1. If you draw casually most of the time, It help you to draw with help of different images. Advertisement 2. Once again Hakim El Hattab made an extra ordinary work in community of HTML5. 3. It is an awesome application made in pure HTML5. 4. 5. It is another work by Mr. 6. 7. 8.Spirograph 9.

Sneaking into Future: 25 Ultra Modern Websites Using HTML5 HTML5, the next major revision of HTML, the language of the internet, is set to revolutionize the way web developers and designers create websites and the way visitors use them. It’s being edited by Ian Hickson of Google and David Hyatt of Apple, two of the web’s greatest creative minds. Besides enabling web developers/designers to use cleaner, simpler, more consistent code, HTML5 will help them break free from the confines of 3rd party proprietary plugins like Adobe Flash. For the first time, it will be possible to achieve consistency between video player interfaces and overall website design. Users will be able to rotate, move, resize and even detect motion in a video while its playing, using inbuilt video controls. Through HTML5’s canvas element, users will be able to render graphics and images on the fly, again without the need for plugins. 1. 2. Pelletized is the site of Ed Wheeler, Oregon-based graphic/web designer and HTML/CSS developer extraordinaire. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Raphaël—JavaScript Library Big data Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Une visualisation des données créée par IBM[1] montre que les big data que Wikipedia modifie à l'aide du robot Pearle ont plus de signification lorsqu'elles sont mises en valeur par des couleurs et des localisations[2]. Croissance et Numérisation de la Capacité de Stockage Mondiale de L'information[3]. Dans ces nouveaux ordres de grandeur, la capture, le stockage, la recherche, le partage, l'analyse et la visualisation des données doivent être redéfinis. Certains supposent qu'ils pourraient aider les entreprises à réduire les risques et faciliter la prise de décision, ou créer la différence grâce à l'analyse prédictive et une « expérience client » plus personnalisée et contextualisée. Dimensions des big data[modifier | modifier le code] Le Big Data s'accompagne du développement d'applications à visée analytique, qui traitent les données pour en tirer du sens[15]. Volume[modifier | modifier le code] Variété[modifier | modifier le code]

cocoon-p2p - P2P library for ActionScript/Flex/AIR focussed on local IP multicast The Cocoon P2P library allows you to easily set up device discovery and communication with different devices on the local network (LAN/WLAN). With Cocoon P2P you can use you're mobile device as the controller for a game being played on your PC or create application that span across several screens and devices. Cocoon P2P supports messaging, object-replication, video and accelerometer data. Requirements: Flash Player 10.1 or later or AIR 2.0 or later for desktop, mobile (Android, iOS, PlayBook) and TVs. Cocoon P2P is pretty easy to use - for sample code check the Wiki pages and the Downloads section. If you're not sure which version to download check this page. video clips recorded at Adobe MAX 2010, courtesy of Device discovery Messaging Accelerometer Object replication

Free HTML 5 WordPress Theme In an effort to inspire more WordPress theme designers to embrace HTML 5, I am releasing the “H5” Theme Template. The H5 Theme Template is a bare-bones WordPress theme built entirely with HTML 5 and styled with CSS 2.1. As you may know, HTML 5 provides greater flexibility and interoperability than previous markup languages, and enables us to build well-structured themes that are more flexible, interactive, and semantically precise. About the ‘H5’ WordPress Theme Template The H5 Theme Template provides everything you need to create beautiful themes with HTML 5 right now. Unlike other frameworks, H5 works great as a basic theme right out of the box. ‘H5’ Specifications First, thanks for your interest in the H5 Theme Template. H5 is completely free and licensed under GPLH5 is a template used to build HTML-5 themesH5 is built entirely with WordPress, HTML 5, and CSS 2.1 About the markup Uses as few tags and attributes as possibleContains no <div>s, <span>s, classes, or ids! About the CSS
