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Free Stock Photos | - Free Photos - Free Images 60 Free Vector Icon Packs for Design Professionals Vector icons are a dime a dozen, but how many would you actually use in professional work--or personal work you want to look professional? A very small percent, most likely. That's why we've assembled the cream of the crop here, featuring only icon packs that are superbly good, yet completely free. 1. 165 Lovely Vector Icons165 free hand drawn icons from Liquidcity for use in your designs, available as AI, SVG and JPEG files. 2. 135 Free Vector Icons135 free vector icons from the Web Design Blog, featuring a variety of icons and shapes. 3. 60. If you found this post useful, please show your support with a Digg or Stumble.

Images - Clip Art, Photos, Sounds, & Animations - Microsoft Office Insert clip art In the newer versions of Office, there's no longer a clip art library, but Office still helps you insert clip art. STEP 1: Select Insert > Online Pictures (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu.) STEP 2: Type a word or phrase to describe what you're looking for, then press Enter. STEP 3: Filter the results by Type for Clipart. STEP 4: Select a picture. STEP 5: Select Insert. That's it! The image is inserted in your Office document. Clip art and copyright The licensing filter (Creative Commons only or All) can help you choose images that are appropriate for the use you have in mind. When using pictures or clip art from Bing, you're responsible for respecting copyright, and the license filter in Bing can help you choose which images to use. Free image library: the Pickit add-in Another option is to install an Office add-in named Pickit that puts free, licensed clip art in Office. Feedback

Accueil Si vous parcourez Commons pour la première fois, vous pouvez commencer votre visite par les images remarquables, les images de qualité, les images de valeur ou les vidéos remarquables sélectionnées par la communauté. Vous pouvez également parcourir les galeries de nos contributeurs les plus doués : découvrez nos photographes et nos illustrateurs. Vous pourriez également être intéressé(e) par l’image de l’année. 50 banques d’images gratuites (et légales)… Si vous aimez le design et que vous pratiquez votre passion dans le plus strict respect des lois, alors les banques d’images gratuites, ça doit vous connaitre. Histoire de bien faire les choses, je vous propose donc de découvrir 50 adresses de sites qui risquent de s’avérer plutôt utiles. Alors la liste n’est pas exhaustive, c’est sûr, mais c’est déjà pas mal. MAJ : Cet article datant de quelques années, la plupart des ces banques d’images sont passées à un modèle payant. Donc si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez, vous pouvez également aller lire ce billet où vous trouverez trois méthodes pour trouver et pour télécharger des images gratuites et libres de droit. TextureWarehouse : les textures y sont reines.FreeStockPhotos : ne vous fiez pas à son interface…MajesticImagery : de nombreuses galeries…BurningWell : euh… pareil :)DesignPack : images et thèmes à volonté…ZurbPhotos : des photos de Bryan Zmijewski à télécharger.AmazingTextures : lui aussi il porte bien son nom !

Introduction to the Photoshop Toolbar (Part 1) In this article (Part 1 of 3) I will give you a quick introduction to the Photoshop CS5 toolbar. The toolbar is a floating panel normally placed at the left of the screen. View Other Articles in This Series Resources In case your workspace looks different choose Window > Workspace > Essentials. In case you moved the floating panels and palettes all around your document and you want them back the way they were simple reset the Workspace by choosing Window > Workspace > Reset “NAME OF THE CURRENT WORKSPACE”. Similar tools on the toolbar panel are grouped but only one icon is shown. All tools groups have shortcuts assigned to them. Now let’s see what each tool does. Move Tool It is used for moving pixels on the screen. Rectangular Marquee, Elliptical Marquee, Single Row Marquee Tool and Single Column Marquee Tool Shortcut – M. The Rectangular Marquee Tool is used for making rectangular selections and the Elliptical Marquee tool is used for making elliptical selections. Shortcut-W. Shortcut – I.

50 of the Best Ever Web Development, Design and Application Icon Sets If you are looking for that perfect icon for your web site, blog, web app or application, you will find them here. Below is a compilation of the best ever Web Design and Development Icon Sets. Please note, this list has no ranking. bwpx Icons Sanscons Icon Set Sweetie – Cute and clear icons famfamfam – Mini Icons Vector Icon Set Facebook UI Icon Set Fugue Icons Diagona Icons Milky Icon Set Pixelicious Icon Set Xiao Icon Set Mini Pixel Icons Function Icon Set ASP.NET Icon Set Light Icon Set Liquidicity Icon Set “sketch’d up!” Ganato – Psd Icons Two Tone Icon Set TwoTiny Icon Set Web2.0 Icons Pack Proxal Icon Set v2 Brand Spanking New Icon Set Perfect Blog Icons Web Application Icons Irokez CMS Icon Set BacktoPixel Icon Set Sizcons – Random Jabber famfamfam – Silk Icons ExplodingBoy Pixel Icons Greyscale Icon Development File icons and Computer Icon Set Small Arrow Icon Set Minimal Icons Markup Iconsets GraphicPUSH Blog Icons Pixeley Icon Set Drunkey Love PIXELATED Icon Set Weby Icons WebDev Icon Pack Stickers Icon Set

WPClipart is a collection of high-quality artwork and photos optimized for use with word processors and inkjet printers. Pixuff | Télécharger des icones et images gratuites de qualité An Introduction to Photoshop Compositing for Beginners - Digital Photography School by Sarah Hipwell What is compositing? Simply, it means to combine two or more images to make a single picture. As a photographer, I’m constantly coming up with different concepts that I feel might make a good photo. But it is not always possible to get the perfect shot in one session. There have been numerous occasions while on a shoot where the light was not bright enough for the particular shot that I had in mind. To produce a composite image in Photoshop, you need to isolate the subjects from the background of your various source photos. But for this tutorial, I’m going to use the pen tool to create a path which I then save this as an alpha channel selection. I have highlighted three key features: Selection. Here’s the method: The Pen Tool – With the Pen Tool selected in the toolbar, choose a starting point on the photo, click and drag around the area to be selected. I took the photo above for a concept shot titled ‘Recycled toilet paper’.

Best Graphics Design Free Icon Sets | Altered Advice I put together a massive collection of some of my favorite icon designs work for your inspiration or use. So I hope you enjoy these 75 Best Free Graphics Design Icon Sets and please if you liked this post feel free to Digg or bookmark it. Xi4Dox Web 2.0 Crystal Icon Pack Function Free Icon Set Yoritsuki Icons Web 2.0 App Icon Set Pool Icon Folder Icons Pack 3D Cartoon icon Pack By Deleket Carbon Fiber Icons Vista Boxes Icon Set Web Design Icon TABDicons De Freu Icon Pack 3D Cartoon Icons Pack III Crystal B and W Web 2.0 Icon Pack FastIcon: Web 2.0 Scocial Networking Icons Web 2.0 Social Networking Icons Web 2.0 Date Icons For Your Blog Free Microformats Icons Pixel Press Web 2.0 Icons Badge-it Yourself Web 2.0 Icon Set Realistic Icons MP3 Players Icons Refresh CL Web 2.0 Icons Pack iKons PNG Icon Pack Dock Icon Set VII Crystal Clear Icon Set By Everaldo famfamfam: Silk Microformat Icon Set famfamfam: Flags Microformat Icon Set famfamfam: Mini Microformat Icon Set Massive Media Icons-Win New iMac 07 Icon Set

All Free Original Clip Art - 30,000 Free Clip Art Qcad : dessin technique sous Linux [?] [Docs] [Photo] [3D] [Graphisme] [Edition] [Impression] [Web] [Galerie] par André Pascual Résumé: QCad est un logiciel de DAO,c'est à dire de Dessin (industriel) Assisté par Ordinateur,permettant de réaliser et de modifier aisément des plans. Cette doc est maintenue sur Sommaire : On entend par "plan" toute représentation plane précise d'un objet réel en vue de son étude ou de sa fabrication. En DAO, on produit un plan avec l'exactitude pour priorité. En illustration (Draw), on produit une image avec l'esthétique pour souci. L' application est basée sur QT2.x, de Troll Tech. Aussi, pour éviter d'installer une bibliothèque encombrante pour l'instant, on téléchargera l'archive tgz liée statiquement sur < Au premier lancement, le programme peut réclamer la présence de la bibliothèque <>. En règle générale, pour construire une entité, il faut: 3.11 Définir des attributs

10 Things Photoshop Beginners Want to Know How to Do Terry White is an Adobe Photoshop expert and in this video he answers the 10 things that Photoshop (particularly for Photoshop CC) beginners want to know how to do including: How to touch up a photo; how to make people look betterLayers and adjustment layers; what are they and how to use themWorking with layer masksHow to crop a photoAdjusting the exposure and using the Adobe Camera Raw filterRemoving something from an imageMove or copy objects in a photoHow to put a person from one photo onto a new background (or putting two photos together)How to add textSaving photos and saving formats that are shareable It’s a bit of a long one but some really good tips in here that I’m sure you’ll find helpful if you’re new to Photoshop. He also mentioned grabbing a Wacom tablet to use for your editing instead of a mouse.

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