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Our 7 Tenets of Future Storyworlds

Our 7 Tenets of Future Storyworlds
At the European Broadcast Union (EBU) TV Summit in Copenhagen last week, Transmedia Storyteller Ltd founder and CEO, Robert Pratten, presented our vision for future storyworlds: PERVASIVE – Available on any device, anywhere and at any time. Blurs real world and fictional world. PERSISTENT – Story evolves even if you’re not engaging with it. Aggregate audience activity and real-world environmental factors shape story development in real time. PARTICIPATORY – Allows audience to interact with story characters, locations, things and each other. The full presentation focused on TV’s role in a much broader non-linear entertainment ecosystem with these seven tenets of future storyworlds applying equally well to any entertainment and news business.

Clothes, Books Said Most Popular US Purchases on Mobile Devices by MarketingCharts staff 1 in 5 Shop on Overseas Sites; Security Fears Prevalent Data from WorldPay’s “Global Online Shopper Report” indicates that 22% of the US respondents shop on overseas websites, although they do have concerns about doing so.

The Politics of Moving Minds By Mark Rolston - June 15, 2012 Innovation is not a science. Much of it has the elusive qualities of art, dressed up as useful things. But business leaders continue to try and invest in innovation as if it were a science. The DNA Of Idea Execution: How Creatives Are Working Today What are the core ingredients of great idea executions? How are our workspaces impacting our creative output? And why do we waste almost 40% of our productivity each day? To answer these questions and more, we polled the creative community, crunched the data, and transformed it into a beautiful, poster-size infographic – otherwise known as the 99U’s annual Idea Execution Audit. Sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation, the Idea Execution Audit premiered at our annual 99U Conference in early May. The results present a fascinating window into our particular productivity struggles ichn the year 2012.

Social at scale: five reasons brands fail Recently there is a lot of talk about doing social at scale. In fact, Sprinklr, the well-regarded social media management system, just asked me to join the esteemed Mitch Joel, Joe Jaffe, Chris Brogan, and Jason Falls in answering the question, “How does the enterprise do social at scale?” My first answer is they can’t.

Why Facebook Social Reading Apps Don't Work Facebook has begun showing some users a "Trending Articles" section right inside their news feeds, whether they want it or not. It's the most aggressive strategy Facebook has tried yet to push people to use Open Graph reading apps. Could it be that the most annoying feature of Facebook isn't catching on? Gosh. Why Storytelling Is The Ultimate Weapon In business, storytelling is all the rage. Without a compelling story, we are told, our product, idea, or personal brand, is dead on arrival. In his book, Tell to Win, Peter Guber joins writers like Annette Simmons and Stephen Denning in evangelizing for the power of story in human affairs generally, and business in particular. Guber argues that humans simply aren’t moved to action by “data dumps,” dense PowerPoint slides, or spreadsheets packed with figures. People are moved by emotion.

Let everyone be creative Can dissecting a re-imagined MRI scanner help us develop tactics to yield more creative advertising? In most ad agencies there is one department with creative in its name. At best the label reinforces a belief that there are people in the business who are creative and others who aren’t. Social Media Success Is About Purpose (Not Technology) - Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald by Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald | 2:57 PM November 1, 2011 In the real estate world, there is a saying: “The three considerations that most impact value are location, location, and location.” In the world of social media, they are purpose, purpose, and purpose.

35 Statistics That Fuel the Battle Between Pinterest and Google+ As the two newest social networks, Google+ and Pinterest have gotten a lot of attention recently. It's no surprise. Each has experienced rapid growth and adoption, leaving marketers wondering how to effectively leverage each new platform for business. So which -- if either -- are worth a marketer's time? And how do you decide? To make the decision a little bit easier, we've compiled a new ebook, Battle of the New Social Networks, which gives you a side-by-side comparison of the pros and cons of Pinterest and Google+.

Self-Imposed Gurudom Story Learnings: Plot #1 - Overcoming the Monster I am trawling my way through Chris Booker's excellent tome on storytelling The Seven Basic Plots - Why We Tell Stories. Booker has basically over a life-time gone through the massive mountain of storytelling from the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh to present day James Bond movies, comparing and cross referencing as he went along, until he managed to successfully distil the sum total of man's prolific storytelling through the ages into no more than 7 basic, but distinct plots. Obviously there are very interesting psychological reasons why these essentially same stories have occurred since the beginning of man's history.
