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The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9

The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9
Related:  Ancient ChinaHI6

Ancient China banner - China’s Geography The Yellow (or Huang He) River5 and the Yangtze River6, the third longest in the world, were the most significant natural features in Ancient China. The Yellow River was to China what the Nile was to Egypt, and its basin provided some of the best agricultural land7. The Yangtze was vital for inland transportation, trade and many irrigation projects8. The Mother Huang He statue: 6 metres long, 2.6 metres high and weighing 40 tonnes ©Brucke-Osteuropa10, public domain11

Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens On June 14, 2014, the State Council of China published an ominous-sounding document called "Planning Outline for the Construction of a Social Credit System". In the way of Chinese policy documents, it was a lengthy and rather dry affair, but it contained a radical idea. What if there was a national trust score that rated the kind of citizen you were? Imagine a world where many of your daily activities were constantly monitored and evaluated: what you buy at the shops and online; where you are at any given time; who your friends are and how you interact with them; how many hours you spend watching content or playing video games; and what bills and taxes you pay (or not). It's not hard to picture, because most of that already happens, thanks to all those data-collecting behemoths like Google, Facebook and Instagram or health-tracking apps such as Fitbit. A futuristic vision of Big Brother out of control? China's new viral app could be straight out of Black Mirror Kevin Hong

Japan Refine Ask Mr. Donn Q&A Ancient China Index The ancient Chinese created many things we use today, including paper, silk, gunpowder, the compass, the crossbow, printing, matches, wheelbarrows, the decimal system, waterwheels, the sundial, astronomy, porcelain, lacquer, pottery wheel, fireworks, paper money, seismograph, tangrams, medicines, dominoes, jump ropes, kites, tea ceremony, folding umbrellas, ink, calligraphy, animal harness, playing cards, the abacus, wallpaper, ice cream, and more! They worshipped many gods and goddesses and magical beings, and honored their ancestors every day. These are questions we created about Ancient China that we believe you might find on a homework assignment, a unit quiz or an exam. Test yourself. See if you remember the answer (or guess the answer), then click the "Show Answer" button under each question to see if you are right! Five Themes of Ancient China Geography Government in Ancient China Religion in Ancient China Daily Life in Ancient China The Arts & Architecture in Ancient China

Opettajille / Sano se saameksi Tällä sivulla annamme vinkkejä siihen, miten Sano se saameksi -sivustoa voi käyttää hyödyksi oppitunnilla. Teemat ja tehtävät sopivat käytettäväksi niin lukioon kuin yläasteellekin. Aiheita voi käsitellä luontevasti esimerkiksi äidinkielen, elämänkatsomustiedon ja historian oppitunneilla. Käytä oppaassa olevia linkkejä päästäksesi lähdemateriaaliin. Johdanto Tunnin voi aloittaa yhdellä tai useammalla seuraavista motivointitehtävistä, joissa tutustaan fraasisanakirjaan sekä soundboardiin. Leiki soundboardilla Tutustu sanakirjaan ja opettele sieltä kolme sinulle mieluisaa fraasia. Tehtäviä saamelaiskulttuurin pikaoppaasta Tehtävät voi suorittaa pienissä 2-5 hengen ryhmissä tai itsenäisesti. Tehtäviä lyhytdokumenteista liittyen äidinkieleen ja identiteettiin Tehtävät kannattaa suorittaa pienissä 2-5 hengen ryhmissä niin, että jokainen katsoo yhden dokumentin ja lopuksi ryhmien vastauksia vertaillaan yhdessä. Pohdi lyhytdokumentin perusteella seuraavia kysymyksiä: Syventävät keskustelut

China refine china Power Point Presentations on China! Welcome! On this page you will find free powerpoints that you can use in your classroom about china. these powerpoints provide great visuals and can be modified to meet your needs. great for roots!;) Click here to download three amazing powerpoint about ancient china. For all other powerpoints see the chart below! Check out these PowerPoint presentations that you can use in your classroom! ***When you click on a presentation, click on save to save the file to your computer. ******If you experience any difficulty accessing any of the resources on my site, please don't hesitate to contact me so I can promptly fix them.

Explicit cookie consent MOST lovers of Chinese martial arts take the magical aspects of kung fu, as demonstrated by the flying fighters of legend and film, with a pinch of salt. But Wei Lei built his career in China on a claim that his mastery of tai chi, a branch of kung fu, had given him supernatural power. In a programme about kung fu that was broadcast on state television in 2015, Mr Wei demonstrated that he could keep a dove standing on his hand with an invisible force-field and smash the inside of a watermelon without damaging its rind. The broadcaster itself appeared to be among the credulous. There were many sceptics, too. A video of the clash spread rapidly online. But many netizens accused Mr Xu of trying to besmirch the country’s ancient fighting techniques: how, they asked, could a single fight prove anything? Some kung-fu fighters have expressed willingness to take up Mr Xu’s challenge. The authorities appear eager to put an end to the debate.

Japanese Feudalism and European Feudalism Although Japan and Europe did not have any direct contact with one another during the medieval and early modern periods, they independently developed very similar socio-political systems. Often, these systems are labeled as feudal. What is feudalism? In other words, there are peasants who are tied to the farm land and work for protection plus a portion of the harvest, rather than for money. Similarities between Japanese and European Feudalism Feudal Japanese and European societies were built on a system of hereditary classes. In both feudal Japan and Europe, constant warfare made warriors the most important class. Both knights and samurai rode horses into battle, used swords, and wore armor. Feudal lords in Europe built stone castles to protect themselves and their vassals in case of attack. Differences between Japanese and European Feudalism Japanese feudalism was based on the ideas of the Chinese philosopher Kong Qiu or Confucius (551-479 BCE).

Chinese Geography: Readings and Maps Rivers, Borders and Civilization Major Rivers China's two major rivers, the Huang He (Yellow River) and the Chang Jiang (Yangzi or Yangtze River), as well as the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) delta system marked by the Xi Jiang (West River) in southeastern China, have provided the framework for agricultural development and population growth throughout China's history. Another river, the Heilong Jiang (known also as the Amur River, its Russian name) marks the border between China and Russia; at times in the past, this area was one of confrontation between the neighbors. Each of these rivers has special characteristics and associated problems at different locations along their courses. Huang He (Yellow River). The lower course of the Huang He has changed 26 times in China's history, most notably nine times including major floods in 1194 AD and again in 1853, that brought untold disaster to the villages and towns of the North China Plain. Chang Jiang (Yangzi River). Early Civilizations

China social credit system, punishments and rewards explained Japan Project:Revision Ancient China banner - Syllabus links The physical features of the ancient society and how they influenced the civilisation that developed there (ACDSEH006, ACDSEH005) Students: describe the geographical setting and natural features of the ancient society explain how the geographical setting and natural features influenced the development of the ancient society Roles of key groups in the ancient society in this period (such as kings, emperors, priests, merchants, craftsmen, scholars, peasants, women), including the influence of law and religion (ACDSEH044, ACDSEH041) outline the main features of the social structures and government of the ancient society, including the role of law and religion describe the roles of key groups in the society describe the everyday life of men, women and children in the society

Mitä jos luotettavuutesi pisteyttäisiin, ja saisit edullisempia lainoja, parempia hotellihuoneita ja vip-kohtelun lentokentällä? Kiinassa tämä on todellisuutta ja ihmiset pitävät siitä - Mitä jos luotettavuutesi pisteyttäisiin, ja saisit edullisempia lainoja, parempia hotellihuoneita ja vip-kohte Viime viikolla Suomi kuohui, kun sote-uudistuksesta paljastui uusi jokainen suomalainen pisteytetään sen mukaan, miten paljon hän rasittaa terveydenhuoltoa. Isoveljen valvova silmä kurkkii jo! Vai kurkkiiko? Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL) julkaisi uutista seuraavana päivänä tiedo jossa se vakuutti muun muassa, että ”THL huomioi voimassa olevan tietosuojalainsäädännön kaikessa toiminnassaan”, ja että ”THL ei ole luomassa uutta rekisteriä eikä tallenna mallin tuottamia yksittäisiä ihmisiä koskevia tietoja”. Mutta mitä jos yksittäisten ihmisten tiedot nimenomaan tallennettaisiin ja hyödynnettäisiin täysimääräisesti? Mainos (Teksti jatkuu alla) Mainos päättyy Kiinassa ei pisteytetä ihmisten terveystietoja – vaan luotettavuutta.
