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Mindful Schools - Engaging children. Supporting educators. Transforming schools.

Mindful Schools - Engaging children. Supporting educators. Transforming schools.
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How To Start a Meditation Program in Your School Middle school teacher Rose Ludwig rings the bell to begin Quiet Time, a daily program of silence and optional meditation for students. Quiet Time (QT) is a program of mandatory quietude and optional meditation that happens schoolwide, twice a day at Visitacion Valley Middle School (VVMS) in San Francisco. It was implemented by the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education (CWAE), a San Francisco nonprofit organization that is a national leader of whole-school implementation of QT. Here are some of the pieces that needed to come into place for QT to run and succeed at VVMS as well as tips for how you can get started and trained. Setup and Process To ensure success, the setup is critical. A good duration for QT in middle school is 15 minutes. The first bell at the beginning of minute zero signals the start of QT. Requirements for Success For a program like QT to succeed, space, time, training, and resources are required. How to Get Trained in Meditation Pitfalls to Avoid

El auge del mindfulness en el entorno educativo Lissi Sánchez explica que cada vez son más los padres y profesores que han oído hablar de los beneficios del mindfulness, y desean formarse en esta práctica para poder enseñarla a los niños. El término está en boca de todos útimamente, ¿pero cuál es el objetivo primordial de esta técnica? En su opinión, el mindfulness desarrolla la habilidad de prestar atención al momento presente, lo que permite reconocer los pensamientos y emociones que emergen en nuestra mente y cuerpo a cada instante. Numerosos estudios científicos han demostrado que cuanto más presente está una persona en su vida, más se reducen su reactividad y nerviosismo. Además, esta práctica aumenta la curiosidad vital y la paz interior. Esta experta señala que «los niños de hoy suelen ser inquietos y dispersos. Sánchez apunta que «el mindfulness ha demostrado tener un efecto importante sobre el cerebro infantil. «La aplicación del mindfulness en el entorno educativo ha tenido un desarrollo muy importante en la última década.

Dear Class of 2017… | Bill Gates Congratulations! You’ve just accomplished something I never managed to do—earn a college degree. Between your commencement speaker and every aunt and uncle at your graduation party, I am sure you are getting a lot of advice. At the risk of piling on, I thought I would share a few thoughts. New college graduates often ask me for career advice. I was lucky to be in my early 20s when the digital revolution was just getting under way, and Paul Allen and I had the chance to help shape it. One is artificial intelligence. But some things in life are true no matter what career you choose. Another thing I wish I had understood much earlier is what true inequity looks like. You know much more than I did when I was your age. Meanwhile, I encourage you to surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self. If I could give each of you a graduation present, it would be a copy of The Better Angels of Our Nature, by Steven Pinker. But it’s true.

Impact - CARE for Teachers CARE Pilot Study After three years of development and piloting the CARE for Teachers program in public and private schools in California, Colorado, Pennsylvania and New York, in 2009 the US Department of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences awarded a grant to the Pennsylvania State University Prevention Research Center with a subaward to the Garrison Institute to refine the CARE for Teachers program and to complete a preliminary pilot study of its efficacy in reducing teacher stress and improving teacher well-being, efficacy and mindfulness. (IES grant #R305A090179). Results suggest that CARE is a promising tool to help teachers create and maintain a positive classroom learning environment, avoid burnout and attrition, and enjoy and excel in their work. The research team found significant improvements in well-being, efficacy, and mindfulness among teachers who participated in the CARE program compared to the control group. CARE AERA Presentation 2012.pdf Recent Publications Top Top

Home | Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education Mindfulness: Guía básica para la atención plena - Un Universo Mejor Hoy vamos a dedicar un buen rato a hablar de mindfulness o atención plena, pues creo con sinceridad que es una de las mejores herramientas que tenemos hoy en día para dirigir nuestra vida desde la calma. Siempre hay un momento en nuestras vidas en el que nos empezamos a plantear que hay que cambiar cosas en nuestra existencia. Ocurre que en bastantes de estas ocasiones hacemos oídos sordos a nuestra intuición y seguimos en una huida hacia delante soportando estoicamente la realidad que nos asfixia. Y estoy hablando de esa tormenta de información que nos abrasa por todos los poros de nuestra piel: Esta es una mínima muestra de cosas que no nos permiten centrarnos absolutamente en nada y que nos llevan a la carrera como pollos sin cabeza por nuestras vidas. Para resolver esto, se ha puesto de moda la multitarea, es decir hacer 20 cosas a la vez. Para colmo cada vez que nos descentramos de lo que estamos haciendo tardamos de 10 a 20 minutos en centrarnos de nuevo en lo que estamos haciendo.

9 TED Talks recommended by students, for students Which TED Talks do students love? We asked TED-Ed Club Members around the world to share their favorites. Below, check out 9 great talks recommended by and for young people: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To celebrate and amplify youth voices in your community, start a TED-Ed Club. Author bio: Annie Brodsky is a university student and occasional intern at TED-Ed. Integrating Mindfulness Training into K-12 Education: Fostering the Resilience of Teachers and Students - Microsoft Academic Mindfulness programs for schools are popular. We systematically reviewed the evidence regarding the effects of school-based mindfulness interventions on psychological outcomes, using a comprehensive search strategy designed to locate both... Mindfulness programs for schools are popular. Fields of Study: systematic review, meta analysis, stress, ...

Teachers Guide | The Buddha by Dr. Amy Saltzman Download this guide as a .pdf or a Word .doc. What Is Mindfulness? This brief document provides a working definition of mindfulness, an overview of the scientific rationale for offering mindfulness to children and adolescents, a review of the professional and personal benefits of practicing mindfulness, specific suggestions for developing your own mindfulness practice (which is a prerequisite to sharing mindfulness with your students), and two examples of practices you can use in your classroom. While there are many definitions of mindfulness, the definition I use with children and adolescents is: Mindfulness is paying attention to your life, here and now, with kindness and curiosity. As human beings we have the unique capacity to pay attention to/be aware of our internal and external worlds and the interactions between the two. Why Is Mindfulness Important? Stress and Learning As a classroom teacher, you already know that many of your students are stressed.

7 beneficios de aplicar técnicas de mindfulness en el aula En un mundo que se mueve cada vez más rápido, “perder tiempo para ganar tiempo” es más importante que nunca, como nos explicaba Andrea Magnolini. Y una interesante forma de hacerlo puede ser el mindfulness. ¿Aún no conoces esta práctica? ¡Toma nota entonces! Aunque se suele definir el mindfulness como un tipo de meditación, es necesario diferenciarlas. ¿En qué consiste entonces el mindfulness? Se trata de diversas técnicas que buscan alcanzar un estado de conciencia plena, centrado en el aquí y el ahora, con la atención fijada en nuestros sentidos y en la experiencia presente. Los ejercicios de mindfulness son muy diversos, y se pueden adaptar a la edad y otras características de tu alumnado. Para ir empezando, puedes echar un vistazo estas 10 técnicas de mindfulness para niños y niñas de 3 a 10 años. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios más destacados del mindfulness para tus estudiantes? ¿Has utilizado alguna vez técnicas de mindfulness con tus alumnos y alumnas?

"Release" Original Film on Middle School Anxiety - Mindful Schools Watch the whirlwind lives of middle school students as they describe their everyday pressures. In this poignant, tender film, they learn the gentle skills of mindful attention and begin to release the grip of stress and anxiety. “Release” was created by one of our graduates, Julie Bayer Salzman. Please watch and share — the world needs to see it. Message from the Filmmaker: “Release” is the 2nd in our series of Mindful Shorts, and it focuses on stress and anxiety as experienced by middle school kids. 70% of middle school students today report feeling “stressed out” — an alarming figure, and a sign that something must be done to help kids manage the sense of overwhelm and frustration they experience so that they can blossom into young adults who are equipped to navigate their way through life’s challenges in a positive, productive way. If you share our passion, please share this film. Many thanks for reading and watching, and above all, for your support!
