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Climate Action Tracker

Climate Action Tracker
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Aurora Australis Viewing Locations ( southern hemisphere ) ABOUTA collated map of aurora australis viewing locations in Australia & New Zealand.The map was established and is overseen by the admins of Facebook group Aurora Australis Tasmania.FYI: In the southern hemisphere we face South to view aurora australis ........( in the northern hemisphere you face North to view aurora borealis ) ==================== DATA LICENSING ====================Please do not collect / disseminate our map location information Please ask for permission if you wish to re-use our informationAs per respective entities======================================================= DISCLAIMER & SAFETY NOTICE:> Care taken but no responsibility is given for the accuracy of the map - locations have been supplied by members of Aurora Australis Tasmania &/or Aurora Australis (New Zealand) facebook groups, who are contributing the location to be suitable for viewing an aurora australis from. !!

Climate policy needs a new lens: health and well-being As the new Australian parliament takes the reins, health groups are moving to ensure that health minister Sussan Ley addresses a major health threat in this term of government: climate change. Largely ignored by successive federal governments, the health risks from climate change are increasingly urgent. One or two degrees of warming at a global level may not sound like much, but if you take many organisms (including humans) too far outside their comfort zone, the consequences are deadly. The Climate and Health Alliance – a coalition of concerned health groups, researchers, academics and professional associations – is calling on the Australian government to develop a national strategy for climate, health and well-being. How climate change affects health Major increases in ill-health are anticipated from continued climate change. During this five-day event, ambulances had a 46% increase in demand. Heat doesn’t just affect the very old and very young. Time for policy commitment

Essential Background This time line detailing the international response to climate change provides a contextual entry point to the Essential Background. You can also use the links on the left-hand column under Essential Background to navigate this section. 2013 - Key decisions adopted at COP19/CMP9 include decisions on further advancing the Durban Platform, the Green Climate Fund and Long-Term Finance, the Warsaw Framework for REDD Plus and the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage. More on the Warsaw Outcomes. 2012 - The Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol is adopted by the CMP at CMP8. More on the Doha Amendment. 2011 — The Durban Platform for Enhanced Action drafted and accepted by the COP, at COP17. 2010 — Cancun Agreements drafted and largely accepted by the COP, at COP16. 2009 — Copenhagen Accord drafted at COP15 in Copenhagen. 2007 — IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report released. 2005 — Entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol. 2001 — Release of IPCC's Third Assessment Report.

How terrorism in the West compares to terrorism everywhere else - Washington Post Climate change policies: it's how you sell it that matters Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull - the secret is in the way the message is received. Photo: Andrew Meares Running underneath the more obvious changes from last month's changeover of prime ministers, is an interesting tutorial on the role of motive in political discourse. An obvious case-in-point is climate change - within which are the ferociously contested debates about coal, and now somewhat surprisingly, the prospect of an expanded Australian nuclear industry. Release from such Houdini-esque chains will take some doing. A way of looking at this is to imagine a scale of 1 to 10 in which 1 represents climate change denial with no action necessary at all – and 10 represents the most extreme scenario demanding expensive anti-greenhouse changes to the economy. Now imagine that Tony Abbott as prime minister pitches his policy prescription at say 4 or 5 on the scale, and Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister, does the same. And right away you can see a difference. His key is policy agility.

Forscher als Politikberater: "Der die Welt rettende Professor ist gescheitert" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wissenschaft Der Versuch von Naturwissenschaftlern, eine erfolgversprechende Klimapolitik anzuleiten, ist gescheitert. Eine Politik, die von Wissenschaftlern verordnet wird, ist offenbar nicht möglich. Ursache dafür ist ein falsches Verständnis der Rolle der Klimaforschung und die Vereinfachung des Problems Klimawandel. Wir vermuten, dass es letztlich diese von Wissenschaftlern angestrebte Einengung der Handlungsoptionen war, die den Klimaschutz zum Spielball im politischen Tagesgeschäft werden ließ. Welche Rolle aber sollen Wissenschaftler künftig einnehmen? Entzugserscheinungen der Hollywood-Forscher In beiden Feldern dominiert noch häufig das Hollywood-Bild des klugen, die Welt rettenden Forschers. Dabei sah es zwischenzeitlich nach einer gelungenen Symbiose von Wissenschaft und Politik aus: Die Physikerin Angela Merkel wurde zur Klimakanzlerin ernannt und der Leiter eines Forschungsinstituts durfte sich mit dem Titel "Kanzlerinberater" schmücken. Bevormundet von Wissenschaftlern Neue Perspektiven

Population growth & regional internal migration in your area 2013-2014 Melbourne is expected to overtake Sydney as Australia’s largest city by 2056, as parts of Australia face higher growth rates than others. The average population growth rate across Australia is 1.6 per cent, data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows. However, the populations of some districts are shrinking while others have growth rates more than 10 per cent. The suburb of Truganina, part of Greater Melbourne, saw a 16.8 per cent population growth in 2013-14. The district of Anglesea, 90km away, saw its population decline 3.3 per cent. This map shows regional estimates of population growth for 2013-2014. The areas shown are ‘Statistical Area Level 2’ (SA2) standard areas as used by the Australian Bureau of Statistic. Hover over an area to activate the charts underneath the map. Notes & Cautions: These figures are estimates only; there is an inherent inaccuracy involved in estimating population.

theconversation 154 Australian experts have signed on open letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull demanding urgent action on climate change that matches the dire warnings coming from climate scientists. The letter, organised by Australian National University climatologist Andrew Glikson, calls on the federal government to make “meaningful reductions of Australia’s peak carbon emissions and coal exports, while there is still time”. Signatories include leading climate and environmental scientists such as the Climate Council’s Tim Flannery, Will Steffen, and Lesley Hughes, as well as reef scientists Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and Charlie Veron. They point out that July 2016 was the hottest month ever recorded, and followed a nine-month streak of record-breaking months. The world is already witnessing the effects of climate change, the letter argues, including an increase in extreme weather events, melting of the polar ice sheets, and ocean acidification.
