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Mental illness more prevalent among young adults, OCD one of top disorders in S’pore

SINGAPORE — Young adults are most at risk of suffering from mental disorders in Singapore, the latest Singapore Mental Health Study found. Those aged between 18 and 34 are more likely to have experienced bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, alcohol abuse, and obsessive compulsive disorder, it said in a report on the findings, which were released on Tuesday (Dec 11). Other socio-demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status, education and income status are also associated with the prevalence of mental disorders. For example, alcohol abuse is more prevalent among the lower-educated, compared with those who have received tertiary education. Dr Mythily Subramaniam, the co-principal investigator of the study, said that this is congruent with universal findings, because those with lower education may have “poor coping mechanisms” and may not understand the dangers of alcohol addiction. The director of research at IMH added: “But it gets worse over time. OCD clinic

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Gen Y Speaks: What caring for my mum taught me about mental illness The issue of mental health is becoming salient worldwide but in Singapore, there remains little empathy towards people with mental illness. It is time to raise more awareness about mental health problems, if Singapore is to be an inclusive society. A survey released by the National Council of Social Services last September found that more than five in 10 respondents here are unwilling to live with, live nearby or work with a person with a mental health condition. This is despite the fact that more people are living with mental health issues here, according to statistics from the Institute of Mental Health (IMH). In 2017, 43,000 people sought outpatient treatment at IMH, a 22 per cent increase from 2010.

7 Avenues to Get Help In Singapore For Mental Health Issues According to a study done by the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) in 2010,12% of Singapore's population has had mental health disorders in their lifetime. It led me to think about what I would do if a friend of mine was struggling with a mental health issue. As a Singaporean, I was disappointed to find out that I actually have no idea where someone can get help if they have a mental health issue. Searching on the internet gave me only a few options, which I felt was insufficient. So after further research online and talking to a few mental health therapists, I decided to write this article to answer the following question: How to get help in Singapore for mental health issues?

Many still steer clear of people with mental illness: Poll, Singapore News Even as more people are seeking outpatient treatment at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH), more than five in 10 respondents in a recent survey indicated they are unwilling to live with, live nearby or work with a person with a mental health condition. The survey, which is the first of its kind by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), found that most people agree that more needs to be done to reduce societal stigma, yet they are also reluctant to accept them on an individual level. In the survey of 1,796 people conducted last year, six in 10 people said they believe that mental health conditions are caused by a lack of self-discipline and willpower, while half believe that persons with mental health conditions should not be given any responsibility. But seven in 10 respondents acknowledged that persons with mental health conditions experience stigma and discrimination in their daily lives, and eight in 10 said they believe the best therapy is for them to be included in society.

What is a Psychological Disorder? By Amy Broadway, researcher at the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research Source: Public Domain When it comes to navigating personal relationships, it’s to our advantage to be sensitive to mental health issues. Our mental health as well as the mental health of those we love are crucial to successful interaction. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, around one in four adults in the United States is diagnosable for one or more psychological disorders in a given year. Numbers up and ages down for child suicides: experts explain, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper Some children as young as eight years old are thinking of suicide to cope with their problems, says a psychologist. Citing an example, Mr Lawrence Tan told The New Paper: "Despite doing pretty well in school, a young patient faced performance anxiety and gave herself a lot of pressure. "She messaged a family member, saying she felt like a failure and a burden on her parents, and that they would be better off if she were gone." Statistics from Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), a suicide prevention centre, show that numbers are on the rise, with more young children contemplating suicide.

Breaking the silence on suicide: A mother opens up about the loss of her teenage son, Lifestyle News SINGAPORE - Grief leaves its marks on the body. For weeks after her teenage son died by suicide last year, Ms Elaine Lek, 54, wore thick jackets as she felt cold even in boiling weather. She stopped driving for four months because of panic attacks that left her with heart palpitations and chest pains. She broke out in rashes and food tasted like dust. What we can do to address stigma The Movement’s desired outcomes for employers are: Provide a safe and supportive environment for disclosure Adopt more inclusive hiring practices and put in place workplace accommodations Equip colleagues with confidence and knowledge to support persons with mental health conditions In May 2018, a WorkWell Leaders Workgroup comprising private and public sector leaders was formed to champion workplace wellbeing as a leadership priority. As its first collective action, the workgroup rallied employers to support the Beyond the Label campaign in the workplace on 10 October 2018, World Mental Health Day. These employers also pledged their commitment to the cause beyond the day. Click here for the list of employers who have pledged. If you would like to find out more or be part of this movement, please contact the Mental Health Services team at

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