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Travel - Why the French don’t show excitement

Travel - Why the French don’t show excitement
When I was 19 years old, after five years of back-and-forth trips that grew longer each time, I finally relocated officially from the United States to France. Already armed with a fairly good grasp of the language, I was convinced that I would soon assimilate into French culture. Of course, I was wrong. “You Americans,” he said, “live in the faire [to do]. You may also be interested in:• Why Finnish people don’t like to chat• The odd philosophy Icelanders live by• Why people think Germans aren’t funny The moment he said it, it made perfect sense. During two-hour lunch breaks, they sat at sidewalk cafes and watched the world pass them by. I wanted very badly to blend in and live in the être, but it was harder than it looked. I knew before moving that the French word ‘excité’ was verboten. French doesn’t have the excited/aroused lexical pair that English does, so one word does both jobs. Our cooler, calmer, more reticent sides come out when we're speaking French My French husband agrees. Related:  InterculturelFrançaisBehavior

Travel - Why the French love to say no “Non, ce n’est pas possible. I keep telling you, it can’t be done,” the airline booking agent insisted. We’d been on the phone for 20 minutes as I tried to exchange a full-fare, exchangeable plane ticket. Sitting calmly at home, my eyes took in the cliché of our Parisian apartment, complete with 19th-Century gilded mirrors and mouldings of flowers cascading from the ceiling. Over the last 18 years, I’d learned to see the beauty that surrounded me as compensation for living in a society where the default answer to almost every question, request or suggestion is a disheartening ‘non’ (no). Answering ‘non’ gives you the option to say ‘oui’ later; [it’s] the opposite when you say ‘oui’, you can no longer say ‘non’! A conversation with French friends and family about their use of ‘non’ and why it seems to be the national default reads like the script for a Gérard Depardieu comedy. Beyond taking to the streets, the French have crafted a variety of ways to say no. Because often, there is hope.

Savez-vous parler pute En javanais (la langue des prostituées), cavu veut dire «cul». Caveur veut dire «coeur». Explorant cet argot, parmi bien d’autres «langues obscures», le chercheur Daniel Heller-Roazen montre le lien qui unit les jargons criminels aux idiomes sacrés. Le nom des dieux doit rester caché… autant que celui des clients. Tout le monde connait le mot «gravos» (grosse). Il vient du javanais, un jargon essentiellement parlé par les prostituées et les voyous. «J’avoue / J’en ai / Bavé / Pas vous» En 1881, Lucien Rigaud (dans son Dictionnaire du jargon parisien) écrit : «Il y eut un moment une telle fureur de javanais qu’on vit apparaître un journal entièrement écrit dans ce langage stupide.» 1. 2. 3. Dire un secret à voix haute ? Dans Fric-Frac, Marcel (Fernandel) épate son collègue de la bijouterie en lui disant que «Bonjour, le beau Marcel» se dit en javanais «Bavonjavour, laveu baveau Mavarçavel». Langue de voyous, d’agents doubles ou d’initiés… Les anti-langues, ancêtres du jargon ?

Travel - Japan’s unusual way to view the world Withdrawing my hands reluctantly from the slowly spinning bowl, I watched its uneven sides slowly come to a stop, wishing I could straighten them out just a little more. I was in the ancient pottery town of Hagi in rural Yamaguchi, Japan, and while I trusted the potter who convinced me to let it be, I can’t say I understood his motives. Smiling, he announced, “it has wabi-sabi” – and whisked the bowl away for firing. As it turns out, failing to understand this phrase is not unusual. You may also be interested in:• The Japanese skill copied by the world• The Swedish word poached by the world• Why Poland will never have hygge Originating in Taoism during China’s Song dynasty (960-1279) before being passed onto Zen Buddhism, wabi-sabi was originally seen as an austere, restrained form of appreciation. Wabi-sabi leaves something unfinished or incomplete for the play of imagination It is the inevitable mortality embound in nature, however, that is key to a true understanding of wabi-sabi.

Plaidoyer pour un retour de la culture dans nos manuels et nos cours de langue étrangère Autrice : Monique Denyer, inspectrice honoraire des langues romanes en Belgique Mais pourquoi diable ramener cette vieille lune de la culture, me direz-vous ? D’abord parce que plus d’un(e), professeur(e) ou apprenant(e), regrette la perte de dimensions antérieures de l’enseignement des langues, qui les passionnaient (civilisation ? littérature ?) Et, de fait, quand on observe l’évolution de nos pratiques d’enseignement/apprentissage des langues, on constate que l’on est passé d’objectifs civilisationnels (sans – grande – capacité à les formuler) à un développement des compétences de communication (à propos de presque rien). Ensuite, parce que s’il est vrai que « l’apprentissage d’une langue constitue une découverte forte de l’autre » [1], ce n’est pas en découvrant uniquement les mots et les structures grammaticales de cet autre qu’on apprendra à le connaître . … peut-on affirmer qu’elles en ont fait un acteur SOCIAL ? Civilisation, culture ou cultures ? Mais comment ? Rencontrer l’Autre

Avec quels mots dit-on le sexe? "Se taquiner le hanneton", "Branler en chocolatière", "Faire éternuer son cyclope", "Avoir ses coquelicots"... Agnès Pierron a recensé plus de 5 000 expressions toutes aussi inspirées dans son vaste Dictionnaire des mots du sexe. Un pavé réjouissant de 900 pages, qui explore, autour de thématiques - arts et spectacles, fruits et légumes, religion, jeux et sports, etc. - tout ce que la littérature, mais aussi le parler populaire ont pu inventer pour évoquer la gaudriole et ses à-côtés. "Une époque pauvre en création linguistique" A l'heure des ébats virtuels et des déclarations par textos, l'audace est-elle encore de mise ? A croire que parler de sexe n'est pas dans l'air du temps. L'époque serait-elle à la pudeur ? "Moi, je décharge plusieurs fois par jour" Exception notable, souligne-t-il, la publicité d'une vulgarité rare imaginée par le loueur de voitures Sixt, diffusée sur Internet.

Why Your Health Is the Key to Your Success in Business Take care of yourself, and your business will take care of itself. November 21, 2018 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Be honest: Are you working at your absolute peak? Related: 10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life That same idea applies to you as an entrepreneur. Today I'm sharing with you three ways a healthy lifestyle will transform you into a world-class entrepreneur -- and stack more dollars in your bank account. Get sleep, so you can be your business's clear-headed leader. "The snooze button is the single worst invention for sleep ever." That's what sleep expert Michael Breus says, and it's damn true. That bad sleep destroys the rest of your day. Sleep is critical if you want to effectively lead your business. Hitting snooze does something to you psychologically as well. I don't know about you, but I can't rest knowing that there are still so many entrepreneurs out there with struggling businesses that need my help.

L’INTERCULTUREL, UNE COMPOSANTE PARMI D’AUTRES DE LA COMPÉTENCE CULTURELLE | Puren | Neofilolog PDF powinien wyświetlić się w przeglądarce, jeżeli posiadasz zainstalowaną wtyczkę Adobe Reader (najnowsza wersja dostępna jest na stronie Możesz również pobrać plik na dysk i otworzyć go lokalnie. Aby pobrać plik PDF, kliknij w łącze widoczne poniżej. Pełny ekran Wyłącz pełny ekran PRESSto2AMUR - export Statystyki Abstrakt - 0 Altmetric Refbacks There are currently no refbacks. Copyright (c) 2019 Neofilolog This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Neofilolog - Czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego Le Dico des Ados – France Bleu Avec nos partenaires, nous traitons vos données pour les finalités suivantes : le fonctionnement du site, la mesure d'audience et web analyse, la personnalisation, la publicité et le ciblage, les publicités et contenus personnalisés, la mesure de performance des publicités et du contenu, le développement de produit, l'activation des fonctionnalités des réseaux sociaux. Vos préférences seront conservées pendant une durée de 6 mois.

Taming the Mammoth: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think - Wait But Why - Pocket Taming the Mammoth: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People ThinkBy Tim Urban, View Original June 13th, 2014Part 1: Meet Your MammothThe first day I was in second grade, I came to school and noticed that there was a new, very pretty girl in the class—someone who hadn’t been there the previous two years. Her name was Alana and within an hour, she was everything to me.When you’re seven, there aren’t really any actionable steps you can take when you’re in love with someone. You’re not even sure what you want from the situation. There’s just this amorphous yearning that’s a part of your life, and that’s that.But for me, it became suddenly relevant a few months later, when during recess one day, one of the girls in the class started asking each of the boys, “Who do youuu want to marry?” When she asked me, it was a no-brainer.

Le français avec TV5MONDE - Polémique d'une pièce autour de l'oppression des autochtones au Canada L' | L'encyclopédie intéractive des insultes et jurons 5 Ways Smart People Sabotage Their Success Executive Summary Raw intelligence is undoubtedly a huge asset, but it isn’t everything. And sometimes, when intellectually gifted people don’t achieve as much as they’d like to, it’s because they’re subtly undermining themselves. Mark was always one of the smartest kids in his class. Sound familiar? 1. These views don’t come out of nowhere. But in most workplaces, you need more than raw intelligence to get ahead. Solution: Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses. 2. Smart people also sometimes find it difficult to delegate because of a sense they can do a task better (regardless of whether this is actually true.) Solution: Be self-compassionate about your internal reactions and understand where they come from, but also learn to genuinely appreciate what diverse minds bring to a team. 3. Solution: Take an objective view of the benefits of working with people who are, in some respects, smarter than you. 4. 5. Solution: Notice when thinking becomes an unhealthy obsession.

Framonde - Appel à communication Lieu: Université de Monastir (Tunisie)Date de l'événement: 11-12 avril 2019 Date limite: 28 février 2019 Colloque international organisé par Institut supérieur des langues appliquées de Moknine et l’Association culturelle de Moknineen collaboration avec Université de SfaxFaculté des Lettres et Sciences HumainesLaboratoire de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Discours, Art, Musique et Economie (LR18ES23) Certaines Personnes, aujourd’hui encore, considèrent le modèle culturel et civilisationel occidental comme universel. Partant de l’évidence que c’est toujours « la réflexion sur l’altérité qui précède et permet toute définition identitaire », l’Autre se pose alors comme l’autre pôle de la dialectique fondatrice de l’identité. Objets d’actualité donc, les notions d’Altérité et d’échange interculturel s’inscrivent dans un espace intellectuel large qui va de la philosophie, de l’anthropologie, de la sociologie, de la psychanalyse jusqu’au champ esthétique. Dates importantes :
