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How to (seriously) read a scientific paper

How to (seriously) read a scientific paper
Adam Ruben's tongue-in-cheek column about the common difficulties and frustrations of reading a scientific paper broadly resonated among Science Careers readers. Many of you have come to us asking for more (and more serious) advice on how to make sense of the scientific literature, so we've asked a dozen scientists at different career stages and in a broad range of fields to tell us how they do it. Although it is clear that reading scientific papers becomes easier with experience, the stumbling blocks are real, and it is up to each scientist to identify and apply the techniques that work best for them. How do you approach reading a paper? I start by reading the abstract. I first get a general idea by reading the abstract and conclusions. If you want to make it a productive exercise, you need to have a clear idea of which kind of information you need to get in the first place, and then focus on that aspect. I always start with title and abstract. All the time. Yes, many times. Related:  Academic ResearchScience Processnla2019

Scholarly vs Popular | UC Merced Library Is it Scholarly or Popular? You may be asked to use scholarly articles for your research paper. Here are some hints to help you recognize if an article is scholarly or not. The terms peer reviewed and refereed mean that experts have evaluated the article. If you aren't sure whether an article is scholarly or not, try using Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (see instructions below chart). Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory lists many periodical titles (e.g. journals and magazines) and indicates if they are refereed or peer-reviewed with the following symbol. To determine if the periodical you want to use is scholarly or not, follow these steps. Visit Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory found in the Databases A-Z list.

Steps of the Scientific Method Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you leave JavaScript disabled, you will only access a portion of the content we are providing. <a href="/science-fair-projects/javascript_help.php">Here's how.</a> What is the Scientific Method? The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions. Even though we show the scientific method as a series of steps, keep in mind that new information or thinking might cause a scientist to back up and repeat steps at any point during the process. Whether you are doing a science fair project, a classroom science activity, independent research, or any other hands-on science inquiry understanding the steps of the scientific method will help you focus your scientific question and work through your observations and data to answer the question as well as possible. Educator Tools for Teaching the Scientific Method

Conservación de documentos: instalaciones, control, manejo y medidas de seguridad Capítulo 6: La conservación de documentos es un proceso archivístico que consiste en mantener la integridad física del soporte y de la información contenida en los documentos, a través de la implementación de medidas de preservación y restauración. Al respecto, se debe tomar en cuenta el axioma que dice: “siempre será mejor preservar que restaurar”. Existe un conjunto de factores que constantemente ponen en riesgo la integridad física de nuestros documentos. a) El local de archivos El local deberá estar ubicado distante de los lugares que puedan ocasionar un siniestro y también lugares excesivamente húmedos. El local de archivo debe tener básicamente tres ambientes: área de trabajo técnico y administrativo, depósitos y área de atención al usuario (oficina). Es fundamental tener en cuenta que las instalaciones eléctricas y sanitarias deberán conservarse en perfecto estado y el mobiliario archivístico (estantes, archivadores verticales, mapotecas, etc.) deben ser preferentemente de metal.

Erasmus. Pas d'âge pour demander sa bourse Il n’y a pas de limite d’âge pour partir en Erasmus. La preuve : l’année prochaine, le doyen des étudiants qui participeront au programme d’échange européen aura… 80 ans. Un des principes de l’université publique, c’est qu’on peut reprendre ses études à n’importe quel moment de sa vie. Miguel Castillo l’a bien compris. L’octogénaire connaît la réputation de “fêtards” qui s’attachent aux étudiants en Erasmus. Je vais essayer, dans la mesure de mes moyens, de suivre les traces de ceux qui m’ont précédé. Tout le monde (ou presque) peut partir en Erasmus Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un tel cas se présente : en 2009, le plus jeune participant avait 17 ans et le plus âgé en avait 70. Depuis trente ans, 5 millions de personnes sont parties à l’étranger avec Erasmus.

Popular Literature vs. Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Literature: What's the Difference? | Rutgers University Libraries Popular Literature Popular literature is written by journalists, who are employed by the magazine for which they write. Journalists cover news and current events in a field, write profiles of people, places, or events, and express political opinions. Some examples of popular literature are: The New York Times Newsweek National Geographic Psychology Today Natural History The Nation New Republic Science News Scholarly Literature Scholarly literature is written by researchers who are experts in their field. Journal of American History Psychological Review Nature Annals of the National Academy of Science Acta Archaeologia James Joyce Quarterly Journal of the American Musicological Society Trade and Professional Literature Trade and professional literature resembles scholarly literature in that it is written by people working in the field. American Libraries AdWeek Drug Store News Anthropology Newsletter Back Stage Magazine Journal Types: A Comparative Chart How Can You Tell? A Word of Caution

Procedure [Types of Variables] [Activity #1] [Activity #2] [Activity #3] [Steps to Success] [Move Beyond] You're doing great! You've chosen a topic and asked a question. The procedure is a set of very specific instruction about how you are going to conduct your experiment. Sadly, no one could eat the sandwich on the left. Variables Details also help to control variables in your experiment. Independent Variable The independent variable is the one that YOU choose to help you answer your question. If there's more than one independent variable, the experiment becomes flawed because you can't be sure what caused the changes you observed. Activity #1: Start Thinking! Look at the image to the right. Take some time to think about how this student might write the procedure for this experiment: What are the controlled variables? Did you think about it? Activity #2: It's all in the details! View this well-written experiment design on Science Buddies, Give It a Lift with a Lever. Ready to check your knowledge?

What is Knowledge Management? The full scope of knowledge management (KM) is not something that is universally accepted. However, before one looks at the differences in the definitions, let's examine the similarities. KM is about making the right knowledge available to the right people. Where the disagreement sometimes occurs is in conjunction with the creation of new knowledge. Bukowitz and Williams (1999) link KM directly to tactical and strategic requirements. A similarly broad definition is presented by Davenport & Prusak (2000), which states that KM "is managing the corporation's knowledge through a systematically and organizationally specified process for acquiring, organizing, sustaining, applying, sharing and renewing both the tacit and explicit knowledge of employees to enhance organizational performance and create value." Alan Frost M.Sc., 2010 Like This Story Sign up to our

How to stand up to your inner critic iStock We all have two different voices inside us: one that is nurturing, and one that is critical; one that lifts up, and one that weighs us down. Both of these voices have a role to play. First, try to observe how self-criticism operates inside you. When the inner critic starts pounding away, know that your inner nurturer is a refuge and an ally. Be aware of anger at yourself that seems out of proportion to what happened. Consider how self-critical attitudes developed inside you, perhaps when you were younger. When the inner critic starts pounding away, turn to your inner nurturer as a refuge and an ally. Try regarding your inner critic as something that lacks credibility — imagine it as a ridiculous character, like a silly cartoon villain. It may sound silly, but you could imagine a “caring committee” inside yourself with different characters who represent various kinds of support and wisdom. Argue against your inner critic, and truly intend to win.

4 Steps to Reading Your Textbook Efficiently | Students Toolbox Reading is definitely a huge part of learning, and there are almost no ways to avoid reading in college. If you are taking arts and humanity subjects, you will definitely understand the need of reading textbooks efficiently. By reading efficiently, it doesn’t simply mean finishing the reading fastly. It means you have to use the minimum amount of time to read and understand the text. A lot of people disregard the importance of understanding a text and simply go through the reading without having a big picture in their mind. In this week’s post, I am going to tell you how you can read a text in a way to actually understand the content well, and learn it well. I have applied this method not only to textbooks but also to other readings like articles, law cases and more. You may have heard quite a lot of times about active learning on my blog because active learning is that important. Now here are some reading strategies that will increase your interest in learning and reading. 1. 2. 3. 4.
