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Exploring Alternatives Subscribe to the Exploring Alternatives YouTube Channel here: Hi! We're Mat and Danielle, and welcome to the Exploring Alternatives YouTube channel. Since 2012 we've been drastically simplifying our lives from a 4-bedroom house down to a small campervan and two suitcases. ARCO - Smart Antenna Rotator Controller The ARCO is a modern rotator controller designed for reliable operation with virtually any rotator ever made, commercial or home brew. ARCO provides a lot of unique present day functions, not yet available in any other controller. Rotator motion is carefully controlled using auto-adapting, smoothly graduating/decaying speeds, reducing inertial stress, and prolonging lifetime of the rotator, antennas and tower. Built to last, built for security, built for total satisfaction!

Ikigai - Finding Your Reason for Being When asked what is the single most powerful contributing factor to one’s health and vitality, integrative medical doctor Oscar Serrallach answered without hesitation: having a sense of purpose. Serrallach went on to describe that while some of his patients have developed great regimes of nutrition, lifestyle activities and movement to support their wellbeing; those without a clear sense of purpose in their life experience continuing struggle with physical health issues. The distinguishing quality of many of his healthiest patients – those who transcend common health challenges despite not having lived by the book, in terms of healthy lifestyle factors – is that they seem to be the most aligned or ‘called’ towards some primary focus of meaning in their life. Japanese culture actually has a word which addresses this focus.

Downloads CW Decoder; Version 3.80, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Compatible Audio Spectrum Analyzer; Version 1.27, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Compatible Audio Sweep Generator/Spectrum Analyzer; Version 1.20, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Compatible Earthdance: Chapter 20 - Sustainable Society Sustainability is now widely discussed, at conferences, in the media, among people in the street. Despite heated debates, many people do not have a clear idea of what it means. This is not surprising, since visions of what sustainability might look like are virtually absent from these discussions except among people such as Bioregionalists and Futurists who are not yet widely represented in the population. On the whole, the debates are based on fragmented worldviews that make it difficult to understand the issues holistically. People do recognize that the discussion of sustainability has to do with changing the way things are and that it is linked to concern for the environment. Many people are afraid it means ecology at the expense of economy -- pitting the survival of endangered species, for example, against jobs and development, as is sometimes phrased "jobs versus spotted owls."

My Solid State Amp. Select your Language: My Solid-State Amp ProjectSingle MRFX1K80H (1800watt CW @ 65vdc LDMOS) The Laterally Diffused MOSFET (LDMOS) is an asymmetric power MOSFET designed for low on-resistance and high blocking voltage. Originally designed by Motorolla, then renamed Freescale, then sold to NXP Observations:Keep your fans close to (on the fins of) the heatsink. Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek) By David Cain / Oct 23, 2013 Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’s returning to normal after my nine months of traveling. Because I had been living quite a different lifestyle while I was away, this sudden transition to 9-to-5 existence has exposed something about it that I overlooked before. Since the moment I was offered the job, I’ve been markedly more careless with my money.

Antennas By N6LF: Design of radial ground systems The present draft of these notes, while far from perfect, may be helpful to many amateurs. For that reason I've posted them in their present form with the understanding they will be revised, probably several times, in the coming years. By all means let me know if I've forgotten something useful and, even more importantly, if I've made a mistake! 10 Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society The best way to feel hopeful for the future is to prepare for it. The best way to feel hopeful about our looming energy crisis is to get active now and prepare for living arrangements in a post-oil society. Out in the public arena, people frequently twang on me for being "Mister Gloom’n'doom," or for "not offering any solutions" to our looming energy crisis.

Living sustainably around the world We host a Facebook group called Permahome where members share their experience and knowledge about living sustainably on the land. We discuss organic food production (permaculture), resource management, climate appropriate house design and off-grid technologies as well as small-scale farming, woodland management and social structures such as intentional communities. The experience members have about how to settle into a country or their reasons to leave it are shared here. To make this knowledge accessible it is collected in these country specific posts. This service was launched on the 8th of May 2015. Ameritron ALS-500M Amp and MFJ-4275MV Power Supply Ameritron mobile no tune Solid State Amplifier –Mobile no tune Solid State Amplifier – uses four rugged 2SC2879 high power linear RF power transistors. –Instant bandswitching, no tuning, no warm up – just turn on and operate – makes mobile QSOs safer.

Radio Shack – KA2C The shack and tower with antenna farm soon after construction The antennas after adding the KA2C 160/80 meters inverted vee with linear loading elements and tower-top band segment switch box – a 40 meters inverted vee is attached to the tower a few feet higher than the 160/80 antenna Operating position with Yaesu FTDX101d and Heathkit SB-220 linear with 160 meters added Backup operating position with Heathkit SB-101 and SB-220 linear and HD-1410 keyer – the remote VFO, TX scope and station console are for future renovation Operating position with Heathkit HW-101, SB200 and SA-5010 memory keyer

Cargo bikes collecting local food waste for anaerobic digestion and biogas -Low impact living info, training, products & services Closing the food-waste-energy loop – a celebration of sustainability. Enjoy a free community event in a beautiful wildlife park learning about closed-loop recycling, urban agriculture, sustainable cities, decentralised waste management, renewable gas and how YOU can make a difference. Activities for kids and adults including eco games, anaerobic digester assembly demonstrations and tour, closed-loop food growing site, creative workshops, wildlife walks, and a closed-loop quiz with exciting prizes!
