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'Corporations Are People' Is Built on a 19th-Century Lie

'Corporations Are People' Is Built on a 19th-Century Lie
Somewhat unintuitively, American corporations today enjoy many of the same rights as American citizens. Both, for instance, are entitled to the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. How exactly did corporations come to be understood as “people” bestowed with the most fundamental constitutional rights? The answer can be found in a bizarre—even farcical—series of lawsuits over 130 years ago involving a lawyer who lied to the Supreme Court, an ethically challenged justice, and one of the most powerful corporations of the day. That corporation was the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, owned by the robber baron Leland Stanford. The head lawyer representing Southern Pacific was a man named Roscoe Conkling. It was a trust Conkling would betray. Years later, historians would discover that Conkling’s journal was real but his story was a fraud. There’s reason to suspect Conkling’s deception was uncovered back in his time too. His gambit worked. Related:  pkotroUSRegarding Rights & Constitution

Kyllä äiti tietää...: Tee itse - Kodin puhdistusaineet Haluatko toimia ympäristöystävällisesti? Onko rahat vähissä? Kärsitkö pesuaineallergioista? Jos vastasit kyllä yhteenkin edellisistä kysymyksistä, kannattaa lukea tämä loppuun.Likainen totuus puhdistusaineista, joita ostamme kaupasta, on se että niiden sisältämät kemikaalit ja kemialliset tuoksuaineet aiheuttavat allergioita ja vahingoittavat terveyttämme sekä kuormittavat ympäristöämme. Miksi jatkamme niiden käyttöä? Koska se on helppoa ja ne toimivat hyvin. Emalipinnat kirkkaaksi IPoista tahrat emalista ruokasoodan ja vetyperoksidin (vain muutama tippa) seoksella. Emalipinnat kirkkaaksi IISekoita keskenään booraksia ja sitruunamehua. Grillin ritilän puhdistusJos ritilä on irroitettava ja konepesun kestävä, pese astianpesukoneessa.Jos sinulla on itsepuhdistuva uuni, tyrkkää ritilä uuniin, uuni polttaa lian pois.Muutoin metalliharja ja paljon kovaa hankausta. Hanojen puhdistusHanat saa kiiltämään sitruuna- tai appelsiinimehulla. Hedelmätahrat hiiliteräsveitsissäPoistetaan tuhkalla.

How Native American Slaveholders Complicate the Trail of Tears Narrative When you think of the Trail of Tears, you likely imagine a long procession of suffering Cherokee Indians forced westward by a villainous Andrew Jackson. Perhaps you envision unscrupulous white slaveholders, whose interest in growing a plantation economy underlay the decision to expel the Cherokee, flooding in to take their place east of the Mississippi River. What you probably don’t picture are Cherokee slaveholders, foremost among them Cherokee chief John Ross. What you probably don’t picture are the numerous African-American slaves, Cherokee-owned, who made the brutal march themselves, or else were shipped en masse to what is now Oklahoma aboard cramped boats by their wealthy Indian masters. These uncomfortable complications in the narrative were brought to the forefront at a recent event held at the National Museum of the American Indian. “I used to like history,” Smith told the crowd ruefully. Tiya Miles, an African-American historian at the University of Michigan, agrees.

The Zombie Amendments To The Constitution You've Probably Never Heard Of The first page of the U.S. Constitution. National Archives via AP hide caption toggle caption National Archives via AP The first page of the U.S. The first 10 were easy. We are speaking of the amendments to the U.S. They provide some of the most important guarantees of freedom associated with the U.S. It wasn't that the original framers of the Constitution didn't believe in freedom of the press or freedom of religion – or the right to own guns or have a fair trial. They clearly did. But many, including the influential framer James Madison, also believed these rights were implicit in the Constitution itself (and in the constitutions of the individual states). In the process of ratifying that new Constitution 230 years ago, the founders got some pushback from the states. These "further declaratory and restrictive clauses" were soon passed with two-thirds votes of the House and the Senate. The zombie amendment The Equal Rights Amendment that still hasn't been Three other zombies that linger 1.

95% of plastic in oceans comes from just ten rivers  Up to 95 per cent of plastic polluting the world's oceans pours in from just ten rivers, according to new research. The top 10 rivers - eight of which are in Asia - accounted for so much plastic because of the mismanagement of waste. About five trillion pounds is floating in the sea, and targeting the major sources - such as the Yangtze and the Ganges - could almost halve it, scientists claim. Scroll down for video Up to 95 per cent of plastic polluting the world's oceans pours in from just ten rivers, according to new research. Yangtze East China Sea Asia Indus Arabian Sea Asia Yellow River Yellow Sea Asia Hai He Yellow Sea Asia Nile Mediterranean Africa Ganges Bay of Bengal Asia Pearl River South China Sea Asia Amur Sea of Okhotsk Asia Niger Gulf of Guinea Africa Mekong South China Sea Asia Massive amounts of plastic bits that imperil aquatic life are washing into the oceans and even the most pristine waters. But how it all gets there from inland cities has not been fully understood. Loaded: 0%

The forgotten murders of the Osage people for the oil beneath their land David Grann’s true crime tale “Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI” is our second pick for the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club, “Now Read This.” Become a member of the book club by joining our Facebook group, or by signing up for our newsletter. For an FAQ on how book club works, see here. Below, Grann recounts the history of the Osage Nation, and why they began to be mysteriously murdered off, in a photo essay. In the early 20th century, the members of the Osage Nation became the richest people per capita in the world, after oil was discovered under their reservation, in Northeast Oklahoma. In telling this largely forgotten history in my new book, “Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI,” I drew on many archival and contemporary photographs to help document what happened. An early Osage camp on the reservation: This land, it turned out, was sitting above some of the largest oil deposits then in the United States.

The Curious Case Of A Florida Man Who Called Politicians Corrupt, Got Thrown In Fane Lozman will make his second appearance before the Supreme Court. This time he has sued the city of Riviera Beach for his arrest at a City Council meeting where he refused to stop talking about government corruption. Alan Diaz/AP hide caption toggle caption Alan Diaz/AP Fane Lozman will make his second appearance before the Supreme Court. Updated at 2:05 p.m. It's not that uncommon to hear someone complaining that politicians are corrupt. That's exactly what happened to Fane Lozman at a City Council meeting in Florida. On Tuesday, that arrest got to the U.S. A video of Lozman's arrest can be viewed here: Oddly, it's not Lozman's first trip to the nation's highest court. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday seemed to express that they agreed Lozman's arrest may have been unjustified and over the line, but they were having trouble clearly defining the line. What was the line exactly? "Carry him out" Back in 2006, Lozman was not exactly a welcome sight for the Riviera Beach City Council.

Pieni Ekopuoti Tervetuloa Pieneen Ekopuotiin! Tunnelmakuvia luonnosta - aidot luontoäänitteet! Nyt voit rentoutua luonnon helmassa kotonasi, autossa tai ylipäätään silloin, kun et itse pääse luontoon. Laitat vain levyn soimaan, suljet silmäsi ja nautit. Näillä levyillä pääosassa on luonto, eivät keinotekoiset tehokeinot! TUNNELMAKUVIA LUONNOSTA –sarja Osa 1: Hiljaisten vesien laulua Tämä julkaisu sisältää 16 äänimaisemaa Suomen luonnosta. Raidat: 1. Kuuntele ääninäyte raita 13: "Syystunnelma erämaajoella" täältä. Hinta: 22,50 eur/kpl Osa 2: Nousevan valon kutsu Tämän julkaisun 10 äänimaisemaa on tallennettun huhti-, touko- ja kesäkuiden varhaisina aamuina. Raidat: 1. Kuuntele ääninäyte raita 3: "Heräävä rantalehto" täältä. Osa 3: Tuulien syli Tuulen synnyttämien äänien taltioiminen luonnossa osoittautui Lauri Hallikaiselle varsin haasteelliseksi. Raidat: 1. Kuuntele ääninäyte raita 9: "Ukonilma lapissa" täältä. Osa 4: Pohjoisen helisevä kevät Raidat: 1. Osa 5: Säteitä itäisellä taivaanrannalla Raidat: 1. Vol 1

How the black middle class was attacked by Woodrow Wilson’s administration When Woodrow Wilson arrived in the nation’s capital in March 1913, he brought with him an administration loaded with white supremacists. Wilson’s lieutenants segregated offices, harassed black workers and removed black politicians from political appointments held by black men for more than a generation. Racism had always been a part of life in Washington and its government buildings, but the U.S. civil service had never been formally segregated prior to Wilson’s inauguration. More than a century later, Wilson’s racist legacy was called out by protesting students at Princeton University. In response, in November 2015 the university agreed to examine the past of the former university president whose name graces both a residential college and a graduate school. Even though the students’ protests have made Woodrow Wilson a hot topic today, the issues raised by Wilson’s legacy are much bigger than the man himself. More than one man’s prejudice ‘Reclaiming’ the capital for white supremacists

Republicans rigged our democracy. Here's how Democrats can fight back | David Faris Donald Trump wasn’t elected because Democrats lost a policy fight in 2016. What Democrats did was lose a procedural fight that has been going on since the early 1990s, when Republicans began waging a relentless, brutal, and completely one-sided war, systematically using their lawmaking power to disadvantage their adversaries in elections and political mobilization. Gerrymandering, the Citizens United atrocity that declared money is speech, blocking US supreme court nominations and obstructing legislation are some of the Republican party’s tactics. Standing in the way of reforms to our nonsensical, undemocratic Electoral College system for electing the president helps the Republicans too, as does ensuring the United States remains the only country in the entire world that holds its critical national elections on a regular working Tuesday as if we literally couldn’t care less who is able take off work to cast a ballot. But the biggest problem is that it is underspecified.

Sokea luontoharrastaja vertaa jään ääniä sinfoniaorkesteriin Nuorena sokeutunut Lauri Hallikainen on nauhoittanut luontoääniä parikymmentä vuotta. Nyt hänen tavoitteenaan on julkaista levylle jään ääniä, joita hän kuvaa "kauneimmaksi musiikiksi, mitä voi olla". Kotimaa 21.3.2015 klo 07:54päivitetty 20.3.2015 klo 17:09 Kuopiolainen Lauri Hallikainen oli 10-vuotias, kun hän eräänä pakkasiltana kuuli metsästä omituisen äänen. Hän oli kävelemässä kotiin kilometrin päässä sijaitsevasta naapuritalosta. Erikoinen ääni tuli järveltä päin ja se oli Hallikaisen mukaan jotain sellaista, mitä hän ei ollut koskaan kuullut. – Kuuntelin sitä pitkään, ääni oli lumoava ja vaikuttava. "Kauneinta musiikkia mitä voi olla olemassa" 10-vuotiaana koettu hetki on jäänyt lähtemättömästi Hallikaisen mieleen. Siinä oli kaikkea kuviteltavissa olevaa, joikua ja kirkaisuja, jymähdyksiä ja repeämiä. – Syksyn ensimmäisinä pakkasöinä kuuluu järvistä korkeita kirkaisuja muistuttavia ääniä. – Viime keväänä sain kaikkein eniten ääniä talteen.

A History Of When The U.S. Chose Immigrants By Their Country Of Origin President Trump's suggestion that some countries produce more desirable immigrants than others echoes thinking popular nearly 100 years ago, when visas were allocated on the basis of national origin. We heard this week that President Trump believes some countries produce more desirable immigrants some less desirable. People who met with Trump at the White House reported that he said the United States admits too many immigrants from Africa - he actually used a vulgar term to characterize those countries - and that too few are admitted from countries like Norway. In fact, the United States for many years chose immigrants on the basis of their nationality, but it then abandoned that policy as unjust. TOM GJELTEN, BYLINE: The notion of favoring immigrants from Norway did not originate with President Trump. The new law reflected the blatantly racist recommendations of a congressional commission that classified countries according to the character of their people. Copyright © 2018 NPR.

United States (U.S.) Constitution for Kids — Activities, Quizzes, Puzzles, & More | Constitution Facts U.S. Constitution Activities Welcome to the Fun Zone at where you'll find U.S. U.S. Celebrate Constitution Day or reinforce everyday learning with a variety of free resources for kids in grades K-4. Read Famous Quotes about the U.S. Find the hidden words in our Word Finds. Check out these important Dates To Remember. Is it Real or Fake? U.S. Which Founding Father Are You? Try our fun Crossword Puzzles! Test Your Knowledge about the U.S. Explore to find answers to the Treasure Hunts Find the hidden words in our Word Finds Check out these important U.S. Reference our U.S. U.S. What's Your Constitution IQ? Try our fun Crossword Puzzles!

Luettelo valtioista väkiluvun mukaan Maailman kartta väkiluvun mukaan vuonna 2007. Tummilla merkityissä maissa eniten asukkaita. Maailman väestöprosentti maittain Tämä on luettelo valtioista väkiluvun mukaan järjestettynä. Joidenkin maiden osalta lähteenä on käytetty YK:n arviota, muiden maiden osalta tarkempi lähde on mainittu tiedon vieressä. YK:n vuoden 2015 väestöarvion mukaan maailmassa oli vuonna 2015 yhteensä 7 349 472 000 ihmistä. Luettelo[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Katso myös[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Lähteet[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
