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Fashionable Quote T-Shirts, Hoodies, Long Sleeve Shirts, and Bags by Quote Couture™ Diese Apps und Einstellungen sind für Senioren ein Muss - Kaspersky Daily | Wir benutzen das Wort, um die Welt zu retten | Der offizielle deutsche Kaspersky Blog Auch ältere Anwender nutzen gerne Apps und aktuelle Programme. Wir haben deshalb die besten Apps für Senioren zusammengestellt, und auch die wichtigsten Einstellungen für die Geräte zusammengefasst, die älteren Nutzern helfen, die Arbeit der Geräte und Apps zu verbessern. Die folgenden 13 Apps helfen Senioren, in Verbindung zu bleiben, ihre Gesundheit zu überwachen und geistig fit zu bleiben: Kommunikation Skype: Eine offensichtliche Wahl, denn Skype ermöglicht es, ganz einfach mit Freunden und der Familie in Verbindung zu bleiben – auch über weite Entfernung, und mit einer einfachen Benutzeroberfläche.A Story Before Bed: Diese großartige App ermöglicht es Großeltern, Ton- und Videoaufnahmen von sich selbst zu erstellen, während sie Kinderbuchklassiker aus der Bibliothek der App vorlesen, und diese Aufnahmen dann an ihre Enkel zu schicken, die mit der gleichen App mitlesen und die Bilder ansehen können, während sie in einer Ecke des Bildschirms auch ihre Großeltern beim Vorlesen sehen.

How to write universe-conquering proposals AKA: ‘Because I said so’ doesn’t work This is a really long post. But before you TL;DR it, give it a quick skim. The first half is hand-waving stuff about answering ‘Why?’ The second half is specific tips on doing proposals that build imputed value. Writing a great proposal is hard. I use the learning from a fantastic book called Starting With Why, by Simon Sinek. Kids: Nature’s way of teaching us to write great proposals My son turned 12 in March. Harrison’s growing realization that I’m a festering dolt has led him to use one word a lot, in a tone that indicates his complete, biologically-inspired scorn at how stupid I’ve become: Me: Harrison, stop playing video games. To be fair, I’ve only hit the plug-pulling stage once or twice. I tend to exaggerate (cough) so I though I should test just how bad the ‘why’ epidemic is in the Lurie household: I did a quick experiment this week. With kids, we can occasionally get away with “because I said so”. Stop playing it safe They’re asking ‘why?’ meh

Cheat Sheet : All Cheat Sheets in one page Research keywords and track your Google rankings easily! Let me remind you that checking your rankings is not simply a way to estimate your results. Not to say that it's one of the most time-consuming SEO tasks, if done by hand — it's also an extra impulse to success that really works for better rankings. And sure, it's the best way to know you're going the right way. The first thing you need to know, when you start working with Rank Tracker is: it's got two sides, and practically, it's TWO TOOLS in one. It helps you solve two big SEO tasks that go "elbow to elbow" in your daily website promotion. Here they are: Task 1: Keyword Research The first step in promoting any website is finding the right keywords to optimize it for. Task 2: Monitoring your rankings in 326 search engines Even if you don't do it now, checking where your site ranks today, if it moved up the SERPs or slipped for whatever reason should become one of your most common SEO tasks. Now that you know exactly what Rank Tracker does, it's time to try it yourself.

the ANTHROPOLOGiST Apps. für Senioren Beschreibung Mobile Version Die Apotheken-Umschau Jetzt auch online verfügbar. Der Senioren-Ratgeber Jetzt auch online verfügbar. Der Diabetes-Ratgeber Jetzt auch online verfügbar. Tablet-PCs für Seniorinnen und Senioren Diese Apps und Einstellungen sind für Senioren ein Muss Einkaufen, Kochen und Essen für Senioren B-Ware: „Neue“ Gebrauchtgeräte günstig kaufen Ausgemustertes Ur-iPad an Ältere und Kinder weitergeben Mobile-vs-Tablet ARD Buffet – Für alles gibt es eine App Schau Dir mal diese App an. Apps. für Senioren für das iPad(iPhone)* Schau Dir mal diese App an. Welcome to Chronic Pain Tracker – Chronic Pain Tracker Connection – auch in deutsch Therapie von Demenz durch Tablet-PCs – Apps zum Thema Demenz Demenztest zur Früherkennung Schlaganfall Apps zum Thema Tinnitus Apps zum Thema Texte vom IPad vorlesen lassen Paleo Diät – Besserung um mindestens 50% Gluten wird mit vielen Krankheiten in Verbindung gebracht MS für Anfänger Apps zum Thema MS und Ernährung – Paleo Diät – Dr Terry Wahls Mehr kostenlos

3 Twitter Tools to Enhance Your Marketing Are you looking for tools to help better manage your Twitter presence? Managing your Twitter presence along with your other online networks can be difficult if you have limited resources. In this article, you’ll discover 3 tools to make your basic Twitter marketing tasks easier. #1: Manage and Analyze Your Community with SocialBro Every business needs at least one management tool to manage its Twitter presence, and there are many excellent Twitter management tools to choose from. SocialBro is one of my favorites, thanks to the excellent features it offers. SocialBro offers many features to manage your Twitter account. SocialBro allows you to not only manage your Twitter account, but it also provides you with useful information you can use for your social media strategy. Here are some examples of how to use this cool Twitter tool. Target your business niche When you start to build a community, you’ll want to make sure you follow the right people. Analyze your competitors You’re done!

Get Detailed Information About Particular IP address Connections Using netstat Command netstat command and shell pipe feature can be used to dig out more information about particular IP address connection. You can find out total established connections, closing connection, SYN and FIN bits and much more. You can also display summary statistics for each protocol using netstat. This is useful to find out if your server is under attack or not. 1 CLOSE_WAIT 1 established) 1 Foreign 3 FIN_WAIT1 3 LAST_ACK 13 ESTABLISHED 17 LISTEN 154 FIN_WAIT2 327 TIME_WAIT Dig out more information about a specific ip address: # netstat -nat |grep {IP-address} | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n Busy server can give out more information: # netstat -nat |grep | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n Output: Get List Of All Unique IP Address Find Out If Box is Under DoS Attack or Not You can simply block all abusive IPs using iptables or just null route them. Get Live View of TCP Connections Display Summary Statistics for Each Protocol Display Interface Table

That awkward moment when you realize you've been staring at interesting data for years without knowing it That awkward moment when you realize you've been staring at interesting data for years without knowing it. Every day you're probably using Google Keyword Tool query volume in your SEO research. Of course you have to be careful to use the correct match type, right? You don't want to make the mistake of promising broad match level volume to a client. Recently I began to wonder about the differences in match type volume. Keyword Match Ratio What am I talking about? I know these are completely different keywords but the difference is pretty astounding. Here's how I've been looking at and using the keyword match ratio. Determining Intent One of the main ways I've been using this new metric is in determining intent. A low keyword match ratio indicates a more uniform syntax which often maps to uniform intent. A high keyword match ratio indicates a less uniform syntax which may indicate fractured intent. Identifying Content Opportunities Look at all those content opportunities! Benchmarking So ...

Smart, dumb, candybar, flip, and brick: a visual history of mobile phones For most of their history, mobile phones have been shrinking. Small meant portable; it even, in the not too distant past, was a sort of status symbol. Remember Motorola’s runaway hit, the ultra-thin Razr? But something funny happened on the smartphone’s way to success. Years ago, your colleagues might have laughed at you if you couldn’t fit your phone in your pocket. If screen sizes continue to grow, you might want to invest in bigger pockets, a bulkier handbag, a man purse, or even a whole new way to carry your phone. Correction: An earlier version of this article stated that the Razr was Nokia’s runaway hit.

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