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Se former à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle

Se former à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle

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16 Questions About Artificial Intelligence Answered Artificial intelligence (AI) shows a lot of promise yet some of the most recent news seems a bit alarming. Two AI agents were programed to communicate privately and they created their own cryptography. AI is now improving its capabilities by dreaming. 10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Reinvent Education While we’ve yet to create self-aware robots like those that pepper popular movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars, we have made smart and often significant use of AI technology in a wide range of applications that, while not as mind-blowing as androids, still change our day-to-day lives. One place where artificial intelligence is poised to make big changes (and in some cases already is) is in education. While we may not see humanoid robots acting as teachers within the next decade, there are many projects already in the works that use computer intelligence to help students and teachers get more out of the educational experience. Here are just a few of the ways those tools, and those that will follow them, will shape and define the educational experience of the future.

Artificial General Intelligence A messy and incomplete list of open source (and some notable closed-source) Artificial General Intelligence projects, as well as lists of various components and tools that can be used within existing, or in new AGI projects. These components cover everything from NLP and language generation to data clustering and machine-learning algorithms, large data stores, knowledgebases, reasoning engines, program-learning systems, and the like. A good overview is given by Pei Wang's Artificial General Intelligence : A Gentle Introduction.

AI: Economic Boom But Jobs Bust? Artificial Intelligence could double annual economic growth rates by 2035, according to a recently released report from Accenture that modeled the impact of AI on 12 developed economies, including the US. But this AI-enabled world also comes with drawbacks. Robotics Gone Wild: 8 Animal-Inspired Machines (Click image for larger view and slideshow.) Enterprises around the world are increasingly investing in technologies for data innovation, including machine learning and even artificial intelligence (AI) as they look to close the gap with digital native companies such as Uber and Waze. The future of Artificial Intelligence: 6 ways it will impact everyday life Technology moves at breakneck speed, and we now have more power in our pockets than we had in our homes in the 1990s. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a fascinating concept of science fiction for decades, but many researchers think we’re finally getting close to making AI a reality. NPR notes that in the last few years, scientists have made breakthroughs in “machine learning,” using neural networks, which mimic the processes of real neurons.
