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Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia information -

Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia information -
It is very important to find out about sexually transmitted diseases. This is because the number of people suffering from these diseases is increasing day by day. This means that the occurrence of these diseases will be high and your chances of suffering from some sexual disease is higher than you think. You should be aware of whom you are going around with. Chlamydia This bacterial infection spreads when you have sexual relations with an infected person. Gonorrhoea This health condition is one the most infectious sexually transmitted health conditions. Both these sexually transmitted infections can be treated.

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Sexually transmitted diseases guide for you Since STD's are something that we must deal with and protect ourselves from in society, it is important that you know as much about them as possible. Even though you may think that this is something that only happens to other people who are not careful, you could just as easily be a victim. There are far too many people who just don't know nearly enough about the way these diseases are transmitted, and what they can do to avoid getting one. We will start off by examining some of the more common stds out there, such as HIV/AIDS. The important thing to realize is that HIV and AIDS are two different conditions. HIV is the virus that initially infects the body when transmitted by way of blood, semen, vaginal secretions, or breast milk. The second common std that we will discuss is chlamydia. The last std that we will cover is called gonorrhea, and effects the tissues in the reproductive system of the individual who is infected.

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What are Sexually transmitted diseases - Know about Sexually transmitted diseases Contagious diseases that are spread from one partner to the other during sexual intercourse are called as sexually transmitted diseases, or by their very popular anagram, STDs. STDs can affect anybody within the sphere of sexual population; hence it can be said that all STDs are global problems. Some of the very common STDs that are affecting the world population today are syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, Chlamydia infection, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and AIDS. STDs are mainly transmitted due to penetrative sexual intercourse, i.e. when the man inserts his penis into the vagina of the female. But most of the STDs can also pass on during other types of sexual activities like oral sex and anal sex. The microorganisms causing these diseases could be viruses, bacteria or fungi and they can generally live in most of the body fluids. Many Type of STDS so Many symptoms Since there are many STDs, there are also many symptoms. Prevention of STDs Prevention of STDs is mostly through abstinence.

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