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C-SPAN Classroom

C-SPAN Classroom

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National Issues Forums on PBS Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to your Watchlist so you can watch it later. But first, we need you to sign-in to PBS using one of the services below. You’ll be able to manage videos in your Watchlist, keep track of your favorite shows, watch PBS in high definition, and much more! You've just tried to select this program as one of your favorites.

Bringing Congress to the Classroom skip navigation Library of Congress Law Library of Congress K-12 Science and Health Education MedlinePlus(Grades 6 -12+) Easy to read health information. An excellent source for all ages. Also available in Spanish PubMed(Grades 11 – 12+) A citation index for articles from medical and life science journals.

You will receive an email confirmation once the parent signs up, and you can monitor your students’ remote access status directly from your roster. Please take a moment to review the detailed instructions here. Do you know other educators who may be interested? Political Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label Discover your place on the political spectrum! This quiz will let you know where you fall on social liberties, economics, foreign policy-- even the culture war. In truth, this isn't a quiz so much as a set of statements that you must agree or disagree with. University of Wisc: Center for the Study of the American Constitution LPs We have provided some suggestions on how to use various parts of our website. Most are based in the documents found within the Ratification, Confederation, and Founders Pages. Since many state standards of instruction emphasize the use of primary sources, all of our suggestions are focused on using and interpreting documents. It should be noted that these are merely suggestions and that some modification may be warranted based on grade level and other classroom considerations. A Series of Lesson Plan Books Published by the CSAC The Creation and Ratification of the Constitution (pdf) Part I.

Why Instructional Design Must Focus on Learning Outcomes, Not Learning Activities It’s no secret that kids learn better when teachers provide learning activities that keep them engaged. Teachers work tirelessly to plan engaging lessons that capture and keep the interests of their students, thereby making content more accessible. However, teachers continue to feel the daunting pressure to compete for their students’ attention amidst the ever-evolving and rapidly-hanging mass media, social media, and entertainment industry, as these elements do a stellar job of keeping students highly engaged outside of the classroom. Although it is vitally important for us to know and understand our students' interests and the best conditions under which they learn, there is good news: It’s not necessary that we focus our efforts on competing with the devices and activities our students engage in during their downtime outside of the classroom!

Teacher Resources The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. Go to the blog

How Teachers Can Navigate School Closures Due to the Coronavirus Updated with new resources on 4/29/20. Online Learning Resources Use these trusted resources to continue to provide meaningful learning experiences for students during school closures. This post will be regularly updated as new resources become available. PBS LearningMedia Declaration of Independence United States . Declaration of Independence Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library | Table of Contents for this work | | All on-line databases | Etext Center Homepage | In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
