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Google Arts & Culture Experiments - X Degrees of Separation by Mario Klingemann

Google Arts & Culture Experiments - X Degrees of Separation by Mario Klingemann
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10 civilizaciones africanas quizá más asombrosas que el antiguo Egipto 10 culturas africanas poco conocidas que no son la egipcia y que te sorprenderán. 10. Reino de Axum Vivió su apogeo entre el siglo I a. e. C. y el VII d. e. C. en territorios de los actuales Etiopía, Sudán, Eritrea y parte del occidente de la península arábiga. 9. Fue desarrollado por la etnia yoruba en parte del territorio del actual Benín, viviendo su esplendor entre los siglos XIII y XIX, cuando el imperio británico anexó el territorio. 8. Había tanto oro, que los perros llevaban collares del metal precioso. 7. Fue edificado por el pueblo mandinga, prosperando entre los siglos XIII y XVI. 6. Existió entre los siglos v y I a.e.C en la actual Nigeria, desapareciendo misteriosamente. También te recomendamos leer: «Cómo vivían las personas de la civilización Egipcia» 5. Floreció en la región de Nubia y tuvo varias similitudes y diferencias con los egipcios. 4. Existió en África Occidental por unos 800 años, desvaneciéndose en el siglo XVI por las guerras civiles. 3. 2. 1.

Bruder Klaus Field Chapel - Architecture of the World - WikiArquitectura Introduction A small concrete chapel built by local farmers on the edge of a field. Concrete is cast around a group of 120 tree trunks, cut at a local forest, and then slowly burned. The field chapel is dedicated to Swiss Saint Nicholas von der Flue (1417-1487), known as Brother Klaus. Location The small chapel of concrete was built on the edge of a field in Mechernich on the way Rissdorfer Weg, in a low slope of the Eifel (Naturpark Nordeife) Natural Park, 55 km from Cologne in the west of Germany. Concept In order to design buildings with a sensuous connection to life , one must think in a way that goes far beyond form and construction. Floor On a sunny day, the oculus resembles the eruption of a star, a fact that can be attributed and refer to a vision of Brother Klaus in utero. Design The Bruder Klaus Field Chapel began as a sketch that eventually evolved into a stylish point of reference while essential in the natural landscape of Germany. Spaces Structure Constructive method Light • Oculus

Guiry-en-Vexin : le musée archéologique du Val-d’Oise entre dans l’ère numérique Au fond de l’une des salles du musée archéologique, la déesse gauloise Rosemerta veille. À quelques pas de là, le grand public peut désormais déambuler dans « son » temple. Celui dans lequel elle a été découverte, à Genainville. Le musée départemental de Guiry-en-Vexin vient d’installer plusieurs nouveaux outils numériques qui pourraient bien révolutionner notre vision de l’archéologie. Un casque de réalité virtuelle, ou immersif, et une grande tablette tactile viennent moderniser la salle consacrée au site des Vaux-de-la-Celle, sanctuaire gallo-romain dont l’origine remonte au Ier siècle. « Très peu de musées sont équipés de ces nouveaux dispositifs », se félicite Marie Legrand, chargée de communication du musée. « La restitution 3D existait, c’était dommage de ne pas la montrer. » L’association étudiante val-d’Oisienne d’archéologie (AEVA), qui continue les fouilles chaque été, avait en effet modélisé une partie du site, avec la société Herdanza. Un autre des trésors de Genainville.

PICTOMAT – Passport photos like those days in the photo booth. Diccionario Filosófico de José Ferrater Mora (4 TOMOS en un solo Archivo) para descargar en PDF - Laberintos del Tiempo Hoy en Laberintos del Tiempo, les traigo el Diccionario Filosófico de José Ferrater Mora. La Obra consta de 4 Tomos (más de 2000 páginas) pero aquí la pueden conseguir completa en un sólo archivo. La misma, por ser extensa, pesa 100 megas, por lo que deben tener paciencia a la hora de descargarla. Pero les aseguro, a los amantes de la Filosofía, que vale la pena!. Ferrater Mora trata de integrar sistemas opuestos de ideas pero no de un modo acrítico. Así, la entrada del diccionario dedicada a sí mismo solamente remite a otros artículos, entre los que están empirismo, individuo, integracionismo, sentido, o filosofía analítica. Aquí les dejo el link para descargarla: Saludos desde Venezuela! #laberintosdeltiempo

Results - Visual Arts Data Service: the online resource for visual arts Collections Resources Services News Image search more search options Core Record | Search Results | New Search – Usages numériques et transformation digitale Download 464 Free Art Books from The Metropolitan Museum of Art You could pay $118 on Amazon for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s catalog The Art of Illumination: The Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry. Or you could pay $0 to download it at MetPublications, the site offering “five decades of Met Museum publications on art history available to read, download, and/or search for free.” If that strikes you as an obvious choice, prepare to spend some serious time browsing MetPublications’ collection of free art books and catalogs. You may remember that we featured the site a few years ago, back when it offered 397 whole books free for the reading, including American Impressionism and Realism: The Painting of Modern Life, 1885–1915; Leonardo da Vinci: Anatomical Drawings from the Royal Library; and Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Related Content: Download Over 250 Free Art Books From the Getty Museum The Guggenheim Puts 109 Free Modern Art Books Online

Patiently Arranged Dandelion Works by Botanical Artist Duy Anh Nhan Duc All images via Duy Anh Nhan Duc Self-taught botanical artist Duy Anh Nhan Duc uses a steady hand to arrange dandelion blossoms in artful imitations of their flight through the air. His monochrome works are each reminiscent of a universal childhood urge to scatter a dandelion’s seedlings with a single blow, eager to watch the feathery pieces take flight in the wind. With this in mind he carefully dissects a dandelion’s fluff, placing the individual seeds in concentric patterns. In many works gold leaf is used to single out some of the miniature components, adding another layer of precision to his patiently executed fields of flora. His solo exhibition, The Imaginary Herbarium, is currently on view at Galerie Bettina in Paris through February 15, 2017.

The Conversation Prism – (Brian Solis + JESS3) ECAI - Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative Understanding Camera Lenses Understanding camera lenses can help add more creative control to digital photography. Choosing the right lens for the task can become a complex trade-off between cost, size, weight, lens speed and image quality. This tutorial aims to improve understanding by providing an introductory overview of concepts relating to image quality, focal length, perspective, prime vs. zoom lenses and aperture or f-number. All but the simplest cameras contain lenses which are actually comprised of several "lens elements." Each of these elements directs the path of light rays to recreate the image as accurately as possible on the digital sensor. Optical aberrations occur when points in the image do not translate back onto single points after passing through the lens — causing image blurring, reduced contrast or misalignment of colors (chromatic aberration). Original Image Any of the above problems is present to some degree with any lens. *Note: Lens focal lengths are for 35 mm equivalent cameras.
