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The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham

The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham
Related:  scienzeScience

Il Blog di scuolaidea » Blog Archive » Tiny Tap…imparare giocando Author: Scuolaidea Cos’è Tiny Tap? Un’applicativo gratuito e semplicissimo da utilizzare che dal 2012 è utilizzato da insegnanti, educatori e, naturalmente, bambini e ragazzi per creare degli “spazi” di apprendimento attraverso i quali imparare divertendosi. Per accedere serve pochissimo: una connessione ad internet, uno smartphone o un tablet naturalmente scaricare l’applicazione da PlayStore o Apple store a seconda del sistema operativo e del device. La piattaforma permette di realizzare giochi personalizzati ed è talmente facile da utilizzare che anche un bambino molto piccolo, che già ha avuto in mano un tablet, può utilizzare per creare attività dinamiche a partire da foto personali o immagini reperite in rete aggiungendo poi stickers, sfondi, e come tocco finale, musica. All’ app si puo’ accedere utilizzando le proprie credenziali di Facebook (se si possiede già un account) oppure registrandosi. Da “feed” si accede alle ultime pubblicazione dei makers di Tinytap 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4.

Les fibres textiles La fabrication du Nylon 6-10Objectif de la manipulation : Effectuer une réaction de polycondensation avec élimination de HCl entre une diamine H2N-(CH2)n-NH2et un dichlorure d'acide ClOC-(CH2)n-COClDescription : Le nylon 6-10 est formé à partir d'une diamine à 6 atomes de carbone : l'hexaméthylènediamine ou 1,6-diaminohexane : H2N-(CH2)6-NH2 et d'un dichlorure d'acide à 10 atomes de carbone : le chlorure de sébacyle ou chlorure de décanedioyle ClOC-(CH2)8-COClSécurité : Réalisez l'expérience sous hotte ou en milieu bien ventilé !! Le nylon est un polyamide. La réaction s'effectue entre fonctions acide et amine, et conduit à des fonctions amide. On peut utiliser pour cette synthèse un dichlorure d'acide qui permet d'opérer la polycondensation à froid, à l'interface de deux solutions non miscibles. Le mode de réaction utilisé dans cette expérience est appelé polycondensation interfaciale.

Discovery Education Science Fair Central offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments for kids Elmer's Teachers Club The Scientific Method: Experimentation Testing the Greenhouse Effect Judging Purpose and Hypothesis Research Selecting a Topic chemistry - dawnwelch7 Introductory Activity Rubric Matter and Its Changes Separating Mixtures Lab Information Packet Results: Sugar Crystals Paper Chromatography Tiny Salt Crystals in Crucible States of Matter Atoms, Ions, Isotopes, and Radioactive Decay Electromagnetic Spectrum Quiz Game The Periodic Table Ionic, Covalent & Metallic Bonds and Compounds Discovery Video "Water's Structure" Video (get login and password from Mrs. Naming CompoundsGame Naming Common Polyatomic Ions Game Chemical Reactions Redox Reactions Motion & Forces Energy Transformations Interdependence Developing Abilities for Scientific Inquiry Review "Page Keeley does it again! This book should be on the desk of all classroom teachers. Teachers will reach for it time and again as they use best practices that include appropriate formative assessment strategies." "After years of struggling with 'Do they get it?' About the Author Consulting Description Page Keeley recently retired from the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA) where she was the Senior Science Program Director for 16 years, directing projects and developing resources in the areas of leadership, professional development, linking standards and research on learning, formative assessment, and mentoring and coaching. Page is the author of 14 national bestselling books, including four books in the Curriculum Topic Study series, 8 volumes in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, and a science and a mathematics version of Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning.

15 Fun Science Activities for Kids We love fun science activities and science experiments. We have a whole list of fun ways to learn and explore today with your little scientist. These fantastic activities were inspired by Buggy and Buddy. 15 Fun Science Experiments for Kids 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Did you know? Our book, The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments, features tons of awesome activities just like this one that will keep your kids engaged while they learn. Science Kits These science kits make it simple and easy to start experimenting right away! Tasty Science Kit – Learn why soda pop fizzes and why cakes rise! Nettoyage de taches difficiles Un article du site C'est une question qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec la chimie mais qui est posée très régulièrement. Seules les méthodes relevant de la chimie ainsi que celles concernant des taches de produits chimiques seront détaillées ici. 1 Taches rouge-brun de sang[1] Cette tache est principalement constituée d'une protéine coagulée : la globine. Il faut donc d'abord détruire la protéine. . On dissout ensuite l'hydroxyde de fer avec un acide quelconque. On trouve aussi dans le commerce des détacheurs à base d'enzymes (protéines qui détruisent les protéines du sang). Il faut bien sur rincer abondamment après nettoyage pour des raisons de sécurité. 2 Taches grises ou noires d'argent Saupoudrer la tache avec quelques grains de ferricyanure de potassium K3Fe(CN)6 (ne pas confondre avec le ferrocyanure de potassium qui est inefficace). 3 Ag(s) + 4 [Fe(CN)6]3–(aq) → Ag3[Fe(CN)6](s) + 3 [Fe(CN)6]4–(aq) De gris-noir, la tache devient brune en raison de Ag3Fe(CN)6. - National Science Digital Library Chemistry Review Activities I re-organized the course during the 2014 - 2015 school year. Some review activities were moved to new units. This has resulted in a change to some of the file names, so direct links to the individual activities may need to be changed. These are not graded assignments. They are intended only as practice of concepts and vocabulary that are essential to your success in this course. Most of these interactive review activities work equally well in recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Unit 0 - The Methods of Chemistry Unit 1 - Atomic Structure Unit 2 - Periodic Behavior and Ionic Bonding Element Classes Review - Unit 2 Benchmark #1 (Matching Activity) Element Classes Review 2 - Unit 2 Benchmark #1 (Multiple Choice) Element Classes Review - Unit 2 Benchmark #1. Unit 3 - Covalent Bonding and Molecular Structure Unit 4 - Conservation of Matter First Semester Review Semester 1 Millionaire Game. Unit 5 - Reaction Energy and Kinetics Unit 6 - Water

Hey! LHS Kids How fast does the wind blow? What makes things sticky? Where do insects live and plants grow? What is the best way to clean up the environment? How do humans measure up in the animal kingdom? So many questions—and so many ways to find answers! Bridge Builders How Fast Is the Wind Gooo! Filling Without Spilling Parachute Drop Crystals Bird Beaks Sticky Situations Oil Spill How Old is Your Penny? Measure Yourself Where Do Plants Grow? Bug Hunt! Afterschool KidzScience AfterSchool KidzScience™ kits are designed specifically for children in grades 3 - 5 in out-of-school settings. Check Out Science Check Out Science makes doing science with your family easy, no scientific expertise necessary. Explore Your World You don't have to trek through a rainforest, blast off for space, or dive to the deep sea to explore your world. Roadside Heritage Roadside Heritage is an informal science educational project with its origins in the stunning landscape of the Eastern Sierra along the 395 scenic byway. Save Sam! Mr.

scienze per bambini delle scuole elementari DALL'INFINITAMENTE GRANDE ALL'INFINITAMENTE PICCOLO SIMULAZIONI FISICA SIMULAZIONI FISICA 2 CORPO UMANO SALUTE EDUCAZIONE ALIMENTARE BATTERI, FUNGHI E VIRUS PIANTE ANIMALI ENERGIA ECOLOGIA ASTRONOMIA METEOROLOGIA ACQUA e ARIA ROCCE e MINERALI materiali QUI TANTISSIMI ESPERIMENTI DA FARE A SCUOLA O A CASA Fantastico Body Browser! Google ci mette a disposizione una ragazza virtuale per scoprire com’è fatto il nostro corpo. Google ha ricostruito un corpo umano in tutte le sua parti. Il corpo umano Ce lo spiegano i bambini delle scuole di Pavone Canavese, Banchette e Samome Il corpo umano di Rino amico scienziato Tante notizie dalla cellula ai vari apparati, spiegati in modo molto semplice e con cartoni animati. Tanti disegni e schede sul corpo umano Una maestra molto brava ha raccolto per voi disegni, notizie, ricerche dei suoi allievi sul corpo umano. Che cosa è indispensabile per vivere? La cellula Costruiamo una cellula tridimensionale ins. Cellula animale (video su you tube) Viventi

Another one of my favorite teaching resources for all things science is The Periodic Table fo Videos, created and maintained by the University of Nottingham. Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one. It really brings the elements to L I F E. We've done all 118 - but our job's not finished. Now we're updating all the videos with new stories, better samples and bigger experiments. Plus they're making films about other areas of chemistry, latest news and occasional adventures away from the lab. They've also started a new series - The Molecular Videos - featuring their favourite molecules and compounds. All these videos are created by video journalist Brady Haran, featuring real working chemists from the University of Nottingham. by drsinasoul May 27

Un petit site avec un vidéo pour chaque élément du tableau périodique expliquant l'élément, très intéressant ! by joeldrapo Mar 12

Thank You.
"Eskerrik asko" by jarbulu Feb 9

Merci. Ca m'encourage à mettre d'autres perles ! by sophie2ze Feb 8

Superbe banque de vidéos portant sur les éléments du tableau périodique by djeepygi Feb 7

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