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20 practical ways to use Google Forms in class, school

20 practical ways to use Google Forms in class, school
Google Forms gives educators a powerful data collection tool. Check out these 25 ways to harness its power in school. Everyone wants data. We track data in our own personal lives (fitness data, banking data, even social media data). Teachers and students have their own data gathering and tracking tool that’s free and easy to learn — Google Forms. Google Forms lets you create a survey with lots of different kinds of questions: Short answerLong answerMultiple choiceCheckboxesDrop-down menu … and more. Teachers have used Google Forms to do quizzes and assessments for a while. Procedural stuff 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Assessment 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Teachers can use EquatIO to create math assignments and quizzes. Students can respond right in the Google Form creating math expressions including equations and formulas. Learning and creating 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 20. 24. 25. More Google Forms resources: For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links: Related Related:  ÉvaluerPrůzkumy | Dotazníky | Zpětné vazby | Testování | Kvízy

Bientôt des examens sur ordinateur pour tous les étudiants ? | Défis d'amphi © Gokhan Okur / Freeimages Après l’internat de médecine, dont les épreuves se déroulent depuis l’année dernière sur tablette, la numérisation des examens est-elle en passe de se généraliser ? Une start-up se développe sur ce créneau : TestWe qui a reçu le prix du public du concours sur les technologies numériques pour l’enseignement supérieur organisé par l’agence NewsTank, lors de la journée Think Education, le 7 février 2017. Créée en 2014 par un duo de jeunes diplômés, Clément Régnier, juriste d’Assas, et Charles Zhu, ingénieur informaticien de l’Isep, cette start-up edtech propose aux écoles et universités de « digitaliser l’ensemble du processus des examens », de la création du sujet à la correction des copies. Examen off-line « Le système est totalement verrouillé de manière à empêcher les fraudes » (Cl.Régnier) Eviter le transfert et la perte de copies Quel bénéfice pédagogique ? Signaler ce contenu comme inapproprié

Rubrics4assessment Overview Types of assessment: formative and summative; standardized, large-scale, alternative; discrete-point and holistic Focus on formative assessment for learning Key to assessment: Clear behavioral objectives, organized step-by-step to lead students to achieve course goals. Definitions Alternative assessment: "Alternative Assessment is any type of assessment in which the student creates his or own answer to a question, perhaps in the form of an essay or drawing, as opposed to choosing from provided responses, as typically seen on multiple-choice tests. Criterion-referenced test: A test that is "designed to measure student performance against a fixed set of predetermined criteria or learning standards—i.e., concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education. Discrete-point test: "Discrete point testing refers to the testing of one element at a time, item by item. Resources

Technology to aid learning in the ELT Classroom Students lean into learning with tech-based learning at New College Group At the New College Group, we constantly strive to deliver the most engaging, innovative and technologically enhanced learning environment for our students. We’re extremely proud to now be bringing the latest devices in to our schools and offer a higher level of tech-based learning to our students than typically found in the ELT classroom. Introducing New College Group’s Techno-Hubs Our state of the art techno-hubs in Liverpool and Manchester are large and welcoming spaces. Tables accompanied by soft and comfortable seating provide students with access to fully interactive tablets, complemented by the Prowise digital whiteboard. Each techno-hub’s space also has an inviting beanbag area, which provides the perfect base for watching films, reading or playing games. Technology to aid learning in the ELT Classroom Design: digital presentations and postersproducing videos and podcastscomparing graphics and images

10 ideas y 30 herramientas TIC para evaluar a nuestros alumnos de una manera diferente 1. PRESENTACIÓN DIGITAL: podemos pedir a los alumnos que hagan una presentación para demostrar a sus compañeros todo lo que han aprendido y las dudas que les han surgido. Algunas de la herramientas más útiles y sencillas de utilizar para que ellos mismos creen las presentaciones son: 2. INFOGRAFÍA: los alumnos pueden sintetizar todo lo que han descubierto y aprendido de una manera muy visual utilizando algunas de estas herramientas: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Évaluer les élèves avec Plickers Présentation Plickers est une application multiplateforme permettant d’interroger simultanément et individuellement à une même question de type fermé ou sondage tous les élèves d’une classe en utilisant de simples étiquettes en papier ou carton. Le traitement des réponses est instantané. Le principe : Chaque élève dispose d’une étiquette sur laquelle est imprimé un symbole de type QRcode qu’il présente à l’enseignant. La réponse choisie est déterminée par l’orientation du QRcode. Avantages : Plickers est gratuit les réponses peuvent être anonymes ou nominatives la lecture des QRcodes se fait par balayage sans prise de vue la préparation des questions en ligne en amont est possible possibilité d’ajouter des images aux questions affichage des réponses en direct à l’écran stockage des réponses pour une exploitation ultérieure fonctionne sous IOS et Androïd aucune intervention nécessaire sur le réseau création des groupes ou classes en ligne Inconvénients : Mise en oeuvre : Préparation :

20 Ways To Provide Effective Feedback For Learning - contributed by Laura Reynolds While assessment gets all the press, we often misunderstand effective feedback for learning. When feedback is predominately negative, studies have shown that it can discourage student effort and achievement (Hattie & Timperley, 2007, Dinham). In my experience, the only thing I knew is that I hated public speaking and I would do anything possible to get out of it. As a teacher, most of the time it is easy to give encouraging, positive feedback. However, it is in the other times that we have to dig deep to find an appropriate feedback response that will not discourage a student’s learning. A teacher has the distinct responsibility to nurture a student’s learning and to provide feedback in such a manner that the student does not leave the classroom feeling defeated. 1. Providing feedback means giving students an explanation of what they are doing correctly and incorrectly. 2. 3. 4. What can the student do? What can’t the student do? How can the student do better?

Google Docs - ELT Tech Tools Blog Source: There is plenty of research supporting the use of Google Docs in ELT. One of them is task based Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), which demonstrated a dynamic side of the task (Pellerin, 2014). Google docs, also known as Google documents, is an online application that allows access and editing by many users. How to get started? You will need to have a Gmail account (which is also for free) in order to start using Google docs. There are many options to create new documents, with some templates to facilitate the design of your documents. This feature allows you, as the creator of the document, to share it and specify who can see it, comment on it or edit it. Source: How can we use it in teaching? Since many people can edit the same document, we can use it for collaborative writing. I used to follow a writing portfolio style for grading my students.

Five iPad apps that can help students with dyslexia It is estimated that around one in ten people have dyslexia – a common learning difficulty which can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling. But dyslexia can cause more than just spelling difficulties, because it effects a person’s self-esteem and self-worth. Many dyslexics feel that they are “stupid” or “dumb”, but this is simply not the case. And in fact, most dyslexic students are no different to their non-dyslexic peers in their understanding of their academic subject. Research shows that many dyslexic students can benefit from using apps to help aid their learning. This kind of assistive technology is also important in the workplace. Popplet Lite This is a brilliant app that constructs mindmaps – which can be a great tool to help learners see the bigger picture. As a lot of dyslexics are visual learners, being able to make a spider diagram or link ideas helps with organisation. Cost:free Sonocent ClaroSpeak vbookz Clicker Sentences

Get students learning by MAKING quizzes instead of TAKING quizzes. – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS QuizPedia is a fun and engaging learning tool that can be used in primary education and onwards. And it’s free! How is it different to a typical quiz making tool? Quizzes aren’t new to the classroom but QuizPedia’s approach is. We flip the tables and transfer the task of making quizzes from teachers to students. Tests and quizzes are traditionally made and administered by teachers or schools to test student performance and development. This makes them co-creators of knowledge; it strengthens their ICT skills and scaffolds their learning. Why quizzes? In order to create their own multi-modal quizzes students must be able to research, evaluate and validate information and they must distil their knowledge down to a few key questions. What do I know about this? Quizzes also forces students to think about alternative and plausible wrong answers. Studies show that the quality of the students’ work improves when they know that others (besides the teacher) will see and use what they produce.

21 Tools for Conducting Digital Formative Assessments Conducting simple formative assessments is one way to measure what your students do or do not understand from the lessons that you have taught. There are many ways to conduct formative assessments. They can be in the form of fun games, in a video format, or in a quick quiz. The following tools all provide a means through which you can conduct formative assessments.Google Forms Almost as soon as my school went 1:1 with netbooks, I started using Google Forms to collect responses from students. The Form that I created and frequently re-used simply asked students to respond to "what did you learn today?" Padlet I started using Padlet back when it was called WallWisher. Quick Key - For classrooms that aren't 1:1Quick Key is an excellent platform for creating and conducting formative assessments. Plickers - For classrooms that aren't 1:1 If not every student in your classroom has a laptop or tablet to use, then you need to check out Plickers as a student response system.

Use Google Drive to co-create an a posteriori syllabus – DYNAMITE ELT So if you’re not using a coursebook, and you can’t wait for some super duper platform with all the bells and whistles like I proposed, then what are you using? While I’ve never used Blackboard or Edu-whatever-it’s-called or any of the big brand name edtech platforms, I have tried a few smaller, freer ones, including the now-defunct collaboration tool Wiggio and a sort of Post-it note board whose name I can’t remember. But when I made the switch from Word and USB-sticks to Google Drive about 5 years ago, I discovered that it was easier to share links to “living documents” than send the files themselves. Sharing a link to master documents means you can always update them, improve them, and most importantly, spell check them (I can proofread other people’s stuff but I’m often totally blind to my own last-minute spelling errors). And you worry much less about whether someone’s got the “right” version. Now I use Google Drive to The a posteriori syllabus Organization. Learner training Technical

Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom - Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom by Amy Arbogash and Stephanie Rudolph Today’s teachers are finding new and better ways to engage their students in the learning that goes on in classrooms. One of the ways to stay relevant is to use technology to their advantage. But like most technology, social media is often uncharted territory for teachers. Social media, and being out on the internet for all to see, is where our students reside. So how can we as teachers use social media to engage our students in the curriculum and at the same time teach them best practices, how to embrace the good, and deal with the bad? Next you must choose a tool that fits best for what your classroom needs. Periscope: Live Video Streaming Over Twitter One of the more exciting apps that has recently made it’s way onto the social media scene is Periscope. One of the ways Periscope can be used to enhance a lesson or unit is with a teacher-directed Periscope. How Periscope Is Different

Corriger avec son iPad - École branchée Frédéric Dulac, enseignant au Cégep de Granby, propose une nouvelle façon de corriger les travaux des élèves, en utilisant un iPad. Selon lui, cette méthode permet d’optimiser son temps de correction puisqu’elle permet de le faire n’importe où et n’importe quand. Sur le site de Profweb, il partage son expérience de correction de travaux scolaires avec l’application GoodReader. Il y explique en détail la méthode qu’il a mis en place. Nous vous en faisons un résumé, mais vous encourageons à lire son texte complet si vous désirez tenter l’expérience. Dans un premier temps, il faut recueillir sur votre ordinateur les travaux des élèves et les enregistrer au format PDF. Il faut ensuite créer un lien entre votre ordinateur et l’application GoodReader pour y transférer les travaux. Vous voilà maintenant prêt à débuter la correction. En fait, vous pouvez y corriger les travaux en écrivant sur l’écran à l’aide d’un stylet comme s’il s’agissait d’une copie papier. Ça vous donne envie d’essayer ?
