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El Tiempo

El Tiempo
Related:  España

Guide de voyage Il n’existe pas une Espagne, mais plusieurs. Sans entrer dans le débat politique sur l’autonomie de telle ou telle région, le voyageur qui traverse la péninsule ibérique pourra constater l’extraordinaire diversité de l'Espagne, un pays qui vit, depuis la fin du franquisme, un renouveau éclatant et une modernisation à grande vitesse. Diversité des paysages, des cultures, des langues (castillan, catalan, basque), des terroirs et des villes. Retrouvez également nos guides dédiés :

Population 7 Billion One day in Delft in the fall of 1677, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, a cloth merchant who is said to have been the long-haired model for two paintings by Johannes Vermeer—“The Astronomer” and “The Geographer”—abruptly stopped what he was doing with his wife and rushed to his worktable. Cloth was Leeuwenhoek’s business but microscopy his passion. He’d had five children already by his first wife (though four had died in infancy), and fatherhood was not on his mind. “Before six beats of the pulse had intervened,” as he later wrote to the Royal Society of London, Leeuwenhoek was examining his perishable sample through a tiny magnifying glass. Leeuwenhoek became a bit obsessed after that. Nobody then really had any idea; there were few censuses. Historians now estimate that in Leeuwenhoek’s day there were only half a billion or so humans on Earth. And the explosion, though it is slowing, is far from over. THERE MAY BE SOME COMFORT in knowing that people have long been alarmed about population.

Islamic Star Patterns Islamic star patterns arose in the centuries after the birth of Islam, and spread quickly as Islamic rule grew outward from the Middle East to encompass western Europe, northern Africa, and southern Asia. This form of ornamentation peaked in the first half of the second millennium. The practice then tapered off as the borders of the Muslim world began to shrink. Today, historical artifacts can be found in countries from Spain to Uzbekistan, with important concentrations in Spain, Turkey, Iran, and Morocco. There is no precise definition of an Islamic star pattern, but there are some general trends. Although we have a large body of historical examples to study, we don't know exactly how artisans working at the time designed their star patterns. Designing star patterns I have developed two software approaches for constructing star patterns. The second approach, which I call the "Hankin method", does away with explicit motifs and uses only the inference algorithm. CAD and star patterns

Restless Things Weather Stations PWS Network More than 25,000 weather stations across the globe already send data to Weather Underground! Browse all stations contributing to our network: Desktop Applications View weather data on your desktop. Weather ExchangePWS conditions, forecasts, weather alerts, maps and more! + de 130 sites touristiques L'Espagne possède tous les ingrédients pour demeurer une destination touristique ultra attractive : on pense tout de suite à ses côtes gorgées de soleil, de la Costa Brava à la Costa del sol, aux grandes villes actives et festives que sont Madrid ou Barcelone, aux cités culturelles au riche patrimoine historique, à l'image de Séville, Cordoue, Bilbao ou encore Salamanque, sans oublier les nombreuses îles espagnoles, Baléares et Canaries en tête, ou les contrefots des Pyrénnées... Une diversité exceptionnelle et d'un point de vue pratique, une proximité imbattable : voiture, train, vol ou encore une grande randonnée, tous les moyens sont bons pour rallier l'Espagne pour les vacances ! Pour un week-end, des vacances au bord de la mer ou un circuit découverte d'une région, l'Espagne attire de nombreux touristes chaque année. Longez la côte jusqu'à Saint Jacques de Compostelle. Hôtels en Espagne : les coins où dormir ? Cuisine et spécialités culinaires Sortir en Espagne Infos Pratiques

Los cables submarinos que llevan internet a todo el mundo Tags: Cables submarinosFibra ópticaInternet La creciente utilización de dispositivos móviles para conectarse a internet puede llevar a pensar que el flujo de la red se está trasladando a las antenas y los satélites. Pero los datos muestran otra realidad bien distinta. Las venas que garantizan el funcionamiento mundial de la banda ancha, en realidad, se mueven por debajo del agua en cables de fibra óptica que cruzan océanos, mares y lagos. Concretamente el 99% de las telecomunicaciones digitales entre continentes y países separados por el mar viajan de esta forma. Redes que se están viendo obligadas a multiplicarse para satisfacer la insaciable demanda de un mundo cada vez más conectado. Infraestructura que permite que una orden de compra o un email pueda ir y volver en un cable que mide 6.000 kilómetros por debajo del mar en apenas 60 milésimas de segundo. - Los cables, en muchos casos, imitan las rutas utilizadas por los buques de carga que transportan mercancía. Actualización:

7 Tips For Rapid Iteration (aka The Quirky Approach) My career has been all about rapid iteration – generating lots of ideas and then quickly testing them to find the ones worth pursuing. My latest project is Quirky, which aims to develop a new product every week with the help of an active community of participants and a committed in-house design team. Quirky has rapidly accelerated the traditional product development cycle, but perhaps the better example of rapid iteration is how I have launched three businesses in five years. Five years may not sound like very rapid anything, but trust me, it was. In the spirit of the 99U, I want to share some of the tenets I live by – the ones that have enabled us to accelerate product development and make so many ideas materialize. 1. It’s been said that it’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen. 2. Part of the idea-killing process is surrounding yourself with critics who aren’t afraid to give it to you straight. 3. Fail and fail fast. 4. This is where people start to think I’m nuts. 5. 6.

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