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Control Alt Achieve: New Google Forms Quiz Feature vs Flubaroo

Control Alt Achieve: New Google Forms Quiz Feature vs Flubaroo
Google Forms has long been a favorite tool for schools, and one of the most popular uses for Forms has always been online assessments. Digital quizzes have many benefits for schools including:Automatic grading for quick feedback for teachers and students.Easy analysis of the results to determine who needs help and what content needs retaught.Use of assistive technology to have text read aloud or zoomed in for easier reading.Preparation for high-stakes online tests.Savings on paper and printing.Easy to update in the future or share with others for collaborative editing. Google Forms has always made it super easy to create quizzes, send them out to students, and collect all the responses. The only pain point has been how to grade the student submissions. Thankfully for years we have have the awesome add-on for Google Sheets called Flubaroo. Suddenly though, there is a new option. The Verdict In short, the new Google Forms quiz option is easier to use than Flubaroo. General Settings Related:  Google Apps/TechIT-verktyg

Hot Potatoes News - 2022-03-11 The downloads for Hot Potatoes version 6 have all been removed. This is because that version has an obsolete facility for uploading files to the old service, which no longer exists, and we would like to encourage all users to move to version 7 as soon as possible.A minor update to Hot Potatoes (version has been released. This removes references to the HTML non-breaking-space entity which is no longer defined in HTML5. Agnès Simonet has released new versions of her excellent Hot Potatoes add-ons, along with those originally written by Michael Rottmeier, for version 7 of Hot Potatoes. You can find them at Potatoes 7 was first released in 2019. What is Hot Potatoes? The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Downloads

Google Slides – Master slides and themes | Learning Google Apps The built-in themes provide a great springboard to make professional looking slides but what happens if you want them to look different? Or what happens if you want to make your own style of slides and you only want to set it all up once? Well, with editing the Master you can create your own set of slides, which via layouts and themes, you can easily create a presentation with a personalised look or can adapt an existing one very quickly. Accessing the master editing screen Here I’ve started off with a blank presentation, which by default uses the Simple Light theme. Go to the “Slides” menu and click on “Edit master”. This opens the master editing screen. The main part is the current layout selected, showing you how the text would look and the positioning of the text boxes, objects, etc. Finally, at the top it gives you the name of the theme and you have the chance to rename both the theme and sub titles. Editing a current theme Let’s start by editing one of the built-in themes.

Home - EUN Academy Prospettive e potenzialità del sociogramma nel gruppo-classe Prospettive e potenzialità del sociogramma nel gruppo-classe di Andrea De Matteis (1) 1.1 - Promozione del ben-essere e i Centri di Informazione e Consulenza 1.2 - Il gruppo – classe 1.3 - Il test sociometrico 2.1 Progettazione di un sociogramma 2.1.a - Individuazione del criterio di indagine 2.1.b - Formulazione delle domande 2.1.c - Determinazione dei criteri riguardanti le risposte 2.2 Somministrazione del Sociogramma 2.3 Lettura dei dati sociometrici 2.3.a - Indici individuali 2.3.b - Ruoli individuali nel gruppo – classe 2.3.c - Indici collettivi 2.4 Sociogramma a bersaglio 2.5 Interpretazione del test sociometrico 2.5.a - Indici individuali 2.6 Uso del test sociometrico 2.6.a - Comunicazione dei risultati del sociogramma 1. 1.1 - Promozione del ben-essere e i Centri di Informazione e Consulenza Una decisiva sollecitazione in questa direzione è stata data dalla legge 309/90, che con l’articolo 106 istituiva i Centri di Informazione e Consulenza (CIC). 1.2 - Il gruppo - classe 1.3 Il test sociometrico

blubbr Using DocHub to Edit PDFs in Google Drive It was three days before summer, and students were scrambling to finish the year. By the time a particular student approached me, I was at the end of my rope, tied a knot, and hung on – not the best place to be when a child needs you the most. He asked me if the work he missed was on Google Classroom, to which I relied, "Yes, and don't ask me anything else. I wasn't proud of what came out of my mouth because of the obvious loss of patience for this student. I Love Surprises When I opened my inbox the following morning, I noticed a document with DocHub in the file name. He surprised me with his initiative. Since my biggest wish is for kids to take ownership of their education, I was elated that a student was opening my eyes to something that was right in front of me all this time. Applying the Lesson Next year marks the beginning of our 1:1 Chromebook initiative. I'm not against paper, and certainly break up the screen time for my students. What is DocHub?

Visa dina anteckningar privat medan du gör en presentation på flera skärmar - PowerPoint Föredragshållarvyn är praktisk när du vill visa en presentation med stödanteckningar på en dator (till exempel en bärbar dator), medan åhörarna får se presentationen utan anteckningar på en annan skärm (till exempel en större skärm som den projiceras på). Obs!: Kontrollera att enheten du använder för presentationen hanterar flera bildskärmar. Kontrollera om tillverkaren har uppdaterad information om funktionen för flera bildskärmar. Ange att föredragshållarvyn med två bildskärmar ska användas i PowerPoint Välj Visa föredragshållarvy i gruppen Bildskärmar på fliken Bildspel. Fönstret Bildskärm ska öppnas. Meddelanden: Om bildskärmsinställningarna inte öppnas gör du följande: Windows 10: Klicka på Start > Inställningar > System > Bildskärm. Visa en presentation på två bildskärmar Klicka på Konfigurera bildspel i gruppen Konfigurera på fliken Bildspel. För att starta presentationen klickar du på Från början på fliken Bildspel eller på knappen Bildspel längst ned i PowerPoint-fönstret.

PINGO – Features Completely free of charge PINGO was developed and is provided by the University of Paderborn. PINGO is free to use from anywhere around the world without any restrictions or installation. Unlimited number of participants PINGO's unique architecture poses no limits to the number of participants that can participate in the same survey. Unlimited number of questions PINGO offers you endless possibilities. Type of questions With PINGO supporting the TeX format you are not limited to a close-ended, single- or multiple choice question format. Question catalogue You can store prepared questions in a catalogue, index them with keywords and share them with other lecturers. Import/export PINGO enabled the import and export of your questions and is compatible with common formats such as Moodle XML, Aiken/Pearson, CSV and GIFT. Optimized for mobile PINGO adapts to its users. Always in sync Questions automatically attune to the devices used by voting participants. Reliable and secure Sessions

EasyTestMaker Google Slides – Using links to create quizzes, stories & games | Learning Google Apps Here we’ll look at the power of links and how something so simple can allow you to make your slides more interactive. We’ll cover: Inserting a link to a webpage From a text boxFrom an imageInserting links to different slides to create: QuizAdventure comic storyBusiness decision game Inserting a text link to a webpage The first thing to know, is that you can’t just insert a link by itself. Let’s start by adding a link to a text box. The toolbar will change and you’ll see a link icon. This opens the link box. And paste in your link (with Ctrl V). Now you’ve added a link to the text box. That opens the link in a new tab. If you have your slides in present mode, when you hover the cursor over the text box, it will change to a little hand, to show you that it’s a link that can be clicked on. Adding a link to an image Sometimes we don’t want the link to be words, but we want to add the link to an image. Click on “Insert link”. Paste your link in and click “Apply”. Slide A – Question And so on…

Lättare lärande- Digitala pedagog-hacks Alla vill vi ha upp energin i klassrummet vid den här tiden på året. Kahoot! har blivit ett omåttligt populärt verktyg för att göra snabba, lustfyllda kunskapsquiz och exittickets, även i svenska skolan. Kahoot! är ett gratisverktyg som kan användas både för att starta upp och avsluta ett kunskapsområde, men också som ett kul inslag på en fest eller konferens. Verktyget består av tre olika delar: Diskussion, quiz och enkät, vilka är tänkta att användas pedagogiskt olika: Discussion består av en enda fråga där man anger ett antal svarsalternativ. Det finns en uppsjö av användarproducerade quizzer på en mängd olika språk. Det är mycket lätt att göra sitt eget quiz från scratch: Det som är svårast är att formulera sina frågor och alternativ på ett klokt sätt. Kahoot! Topplistan visar de 5 som svarat rätt snabbast, men varje spelare får besked om sin placering på sin egen enhet. Eleverna kan också skapa egna quiz genom att registrera konton. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att Kahoot!

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