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VR - Daydream

VR - Daydream
Related:  VRSound for Games360-VR

launches Virtual Reality Lessons App For Education We are excited to launch VR Lessons, our first virtual reality content app. The app is designed for elementary school students, their teachers and parents. VR Lessons by ThingLink is a collection of interactive, 360° image and video journeys on a variety of topics including science, language, and arts. The first stories take students to visit different kinds of ecosystems from the French Alps to a jungle in the archipelago of northern Australia. VR Lessons by ThingLink utilizes three key feature additions to ThingLink’s core product, the image editor: audio annotations, background audio for 360° images, and the ability to connect several 360° images or videos into a one immersive story. Audio annotations work wonderfully in a mobile VR environment, adding depth to the overall experience of the space. The first VR lessons have been created by ThingLink’s own content team using the company’s new VR editor. VR Lessons is available on the App store for $4.99.

Waves Audio Releases B360 Ambisonics Encoder, Nx Ambisonics And 360° Ambisonics Tools - ProSoundWeb By PSW Staff • October 11, 2017 Waves Audio is now shipping two new tools and a combo for audio engineers mixing 360-degree and VR projects: the Waves B360 Ambisonics Encoder, a new plugin for converting mono, stereo or surround audio into 360-degree Ambisonics B-format; Waves Nx Ambisonics, a new component of the Waves Nx Virtual Mix Room over Headphones plugin, designed for monitoring 360-degree Ambisonics B-format audio on regular stereo headphones; and Waves 360° Ambisonics Tools, a combo of both plugins. Ambisonics is currently the most popular technique for mixing audio in a full spherical 360-degree sound field. The most common Ambisonics format, used in VR as well as in Google and Facebook 360 videos, is a four-channel format called B-format. With an intuitive GUI and streamlined controls for panning width, elevation and rotation, Waves B360 is designed to make your 360-audio workflow faster, easier and more user-friendly than ever. Waves Audio Tagged with:

creativeaura/threesixty-slider: jQuery 360 image slider plugin Finland at the virtual frontline May 27, 2016 The virtual and augmented reality industry is tipped to reach 120 billion US dollars in the next four years. One company at the VR revolution's forefront is Finnish Vizor, which brings illustrations to life with VR. Vizor With virtual reality the next frontier for digital innovation, a growing number of Finnish companies are offering a pioneering look at things to come. Science fiction has always offered far-fetched future imaginings of various shapes and sizes. Given Finland’s status as a global player in IT, it’s no surprise then that it’s also home to a hive of VR development. In light of VR’s healthy forecast in Finland, here are three local companies at the forefront. Mindfield Games “VR headsets have a chance to change the world by providing a completely new platform for games and other content in a totally unprecedented way,” says Ville Kivistö, CEO and co-founder of Mindfield Games. Mindfield Games Nonetheless, there are many in close proximity to give them a hand. Vizor

VR Audio: Crytek goes to new heights for VR game 'The Climb' - Randi Altman's postPerspective By Jennifer Walden Dealing with locomotion, such as walking and especially running, is a challenge for VR content developers — but what hasn’t been a challenge in creating VR content? Climbing, on the other hand, has proved to be a simple, yet interesting, locomotion that independent game developer Crytek found to be sustainable for the duration of a full-length game. Crytek, known for the Crysis game series, recently released their first VR game title, The Climb, a rock climbing adventure exclusively for the Oculus Rift. ump their way up increasingly difficult rock faces modeled after popular climbing destinations in places like Indonesia, the Grand Canyon and The Alps. Crytek’s director of audio, Simon Pressey, says their game engine, CryEngine, is capable of UltraHD resolutions higher than 8K. Keep in mind that this is first-generation VR technology. Simon Pressey One key feature of the Oculus Rift is the integrated audio — it comes equipped with headphones. The Crytek audio team

Comprendre les types de projection — Autopano Introduction Avant de décrire correctement les types de projections, il nous faut revenir à la notion d'assemblage d'images (le stitching en anglais). Le résultat de l'assemblage correspond alors à la texture qui se trouve sur cette sphère. Elle peut couvrir toute la sphère dans le cas de panorama sphérique complet (360° x 180°), ou ne couvrir qu'une partie de la sphère. Remarque : Nous supposons ici que l'assemblage effectué est basé sur un modèle où l'appareil photo tourne autour de sa pupille d'entrée (point nodal) comme illustré ci-dessus. Principe Les modes de projections correspondent à ce qu'on va faire de la texture de la sphère élémentaire. Remarque : Le mode Mercator est un compromis entre le mode Sphérique et la mode cylindrique. En pratique Projection plane ou rectilinéaire Avantages : Bon choix si l'angle de vue est faible, recommandé pour les photos d'architecture puisque c'est le seul mode qui ne courbe aucune ligne censée être droite. Inconvénients : Projection cylindrique

Todos hablan de la Realidad Virtual. Cuándo va a ser más real que virtual «Realidad Virtual»; suena un tanto cansado. Dos palabras que últimamente escuchamos todos los días, en cualquier parte. Una nueva revolución que puede hacérsenos extraña, un cambio de paradigma venido del futuro. Pero, ¿qué es en realidad la Realidad Virtual? ¿Qué posibilidades nos brinda y cómo cambia nuestra percepción de la vida tecnológica? Bien. Pongámonos en antecedentes Uno de los primeros nombres en concebir el concepto “realidad virtual” fue Ivan Sutherland, brillante programador y pionero de la informática moderna. Los progresos por este campo siguieron con el anaglifo, patentado en 1891 por Louis Ducos du Hauron. Estos progresos seguirán dándose en el campo de la optometría y la fotografía. Morton Heilig presentó sólo un año después su Sensorama, una cabina de experiencia multisensorial en la que venía trabajando más de una década. Volvamos a Ivan Sutherland. Por aquel entonces, España tenía a TVE1 emitiendo ‘El rescate del talismán’, con Sega luciendo músculo. Relacionado

Feral Vector About - Feral Vector Comment créer une application en réalité virtuelle ? Voilà une question qui englobe de nombreuses idées fausses, fantasmes et autres chimères. Et c’est bien normal, une technologie aussi magique, aussi galvanisante et impressionnante, fait penser que la création de contenu pour ce nouveau monde qu’est la réalité virtuelle est incroyablement compliqué. Mais est-il si compliqué de créer une application pour la réalité virtuelle ? La VR est simplement de la 3D Il nous faut d’abords dans un premier temps vous offrir une vue d’ensemble de la réalité virtuelle, une définition de son fonctionnement. Et c’est en ça que la réalité virtuelle est une révolution, mais le monde que nous regardons reste un monde en 3D, avec des environnements en 3D, des textures, tout un tas d’éléments virtuels que nous sommes capables de faire depuis longtemps. Des outils d’aide à la création Ce moteur de création 3D est largement utilisé dans le jeu vidéo indépendant notamment et facilite le travail de création en 3D. Vous doutez d’une telle simplicité ?

Build Your Own 360 Virtual Store - ThingLink Build Your Own 360 Virtual Store Journey in sound: Incus Games on bringing audio gaming to the masses | Side One What is audio gaming? If you asked most within the industry, they’d probably suggest it’s a niche genre that removes player’s sight in a bid to bombard them with cheap, if effective, jump scares. They’re a entertaining novelty. Nothing more, nothing less. Right? Well, not exactly. See, if you bumped into the the folks over at Incus Games – the outfit behind upcoming PC audio adventure title, Three Monkeys – and asked them that same question, you’d get a decidedly different answer. Instead of playing it safe and designing an audio experience drenched in horror, Incus are aiming to flip expectations and create a game that actually empowers players by removing one of their key senses. It’s a fascinating, game-changing concept, and luckily for you, we recently sat down with game director Jamin Smith to find out more. Side One: For those who perhaps haven’t heard of Incus or Three Monkeys, can you explain what it is you’re working on? Why did you set out to make an audio-driven game?
