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The Present - OFFICIAL

The Present - OFFICIAL

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Movie Talk: Un hombre triste se pone feliz – My generation of polyglots Movie talk on the fly Recently a teacher asked me to describe how I do movie talk with my classes. I believe that Movie talk is most effective when planned out so that target structures are recycled, but thinking about Krashen’s argument for non-targeted CI has led me to feel better about all of the Movie talks that I do on the fly. Nonetheless, even with my impromptu movie talks, I am still recycling target structures by relying on the super sixteen verbs that are posted on my wall. Here is an in-depth (perhaps tedious!) description of how I stretched a 44 second video into a 55 minute lesson with my level 1 students… and we could have kept going!!

Classroom Attention Getters Each year I seem to settle into one signal to regain my students’ attention throughout the day. Last year, I would say “class, class” and they would respond “yes, yes.” I fell into a routine of using the same attention signal all year long and my students started to dread the “yes, yes” response. Honestly, after the first month or two, they very seldom responded or if they did it would be with very little enthusiasm. I knew I had to change it up because my classroom climate was diminishing.

Simon’s Cat–Santa Claws MovieTalk – Williamson CI & TPRS Here are resources for doing a MovieTalk with the Simon’s Cat video called “Sa nta Claws.” A good one to do with Christmas coming soon! Structures that I choose: empezó a jugar= s/he began to play asustó a=s/he scared… quería que fuera=s/he wanted him/her to go Pacing & Sequencing - CISD Center for Teaching and Learning Erin Kveton- Summer Creek Middle School Jessica Hilbert- Crowley Middle School Natalie McDaniel- Summer Creek Middle School Natasha Wilson- Crowley Middle School

2018 Noël Commercial Madness! – Williamson CI & TPRS Here is the bracket and supplementary activities for the French edition of Noël Commercial Madness 2018! Announcing the French version of the 2018 Noël Commercial Madness!! This post Gray Matter – What is a Mind Map in the Design Process? When brainstorming a new product concept or evaluating a new feature idea during product design, note-taking sometimes gets out of hand—one can end up with pages of scribbles which are often more confusing than helpful. Mind maps are a great way to organize thoughts more productively. What Is a Mind Map? Mind maps are also called spray diagrams and spider diagrams (or spidergrams, for short) because of how they look. This method and the term “mind map” started becoming popularized in 1974 by Tony Buzan, a British psychologist, author, and educational consultant during a BBC TV series titled Use Your Head. However, the use of diagrams that visually map information existed long before that.

MadameSay Teaching Resources I have worked as a college French professor and as a private tutor in French for years. I currently work at a public charter school in the Denver Metro area where we use a CI/TPRS focus. I have been trained in CI/TPRS in courses taught by Blaine Ray, Carol Gaab, Stephen Krashen, and Beniko Mason. I started using CI/TPRS in the fall of 2017, and it's so exciting to see my students grow with this method. Lesson Plan: Rhetorical Devices “Democratic Debate & Rhetorical Devices” The first Democratic presidential debate is scheduled for October 13. Political speeches and debates provide opportunities to explore current events and the political process with your students. They can also illustrate the power of strong persuasive writing and public speaking skills. This lesson spans two class periods.

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