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Bubble Plan: Logiciel gestion de projet et planification en ligne

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HERMES HER­MES is a pro­ject man­age­ment method for pro­jects in the con­text of in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy, the de­vel­op­ment of ser­vices and prod­ucts, and the chang­ing of or­ga­ni­za­tional struc­tures. HER­MES sup­ports the steer­ing, man­age­ment, and ex­e­cu­tion of pro­jects of a vary­ing na­ture and com­plex­ity. As a method, HER­MES is clearly struc­tured and sim­ple to un­der­stand with a mod­u­lar, eas­ily ex­pand­able de­sign. The fol­low­ing de­scribes the es­sen­tial el­e­ments of the HER­MES method and how they in­ter­act. Sce­nar­ios An or­ga­ni­za­tion usu­ally has dif­fer­ent types of pro­jects to carry out. The pro­ject man­ager chooses the sce­nario that cor­re­sponds to his or her pro­ject, on which the pro­ject is then planned. HER­MES pro­vides a num­ber of stan­dard sce­nar­ios such as for the pro­cure­ment and in­te­gra­tion of a stan­dard IT ap­pli­ca­tion, the es­tab­lish­ment of an IT in­fra­struc­ture, or the de­vel­op­ment of a new ser­vice or prod­uct. Mod­ules

Don't Choose Between Basecamp vs. Slack — Use Both Growing teams often find themselves scouring the internet for tools and apps to make communication and collaboration easier. Two of the most-searched and compared tools are Basecamp vs. Slack. ALSO READ: 8 Kanban Tools for Project Managers and Developers Basecamp and Slack have several features that overlap, including notifications and file sharing, but you’re not going to get the same functionality in both. Despite their inherent differences, most people suggest that you use Slack to enhance your Basecamp experience, because these tools can work very well together. That being said, we’ll go through some of the major features of both tools, so you and your team can tell the difference and decide for yourselves. Overview Basecamp organizes multiple projects in a single application. An all-projects dashboard includes separate cards for each of your projects, plus team collaboration and the automatic questions feature. File Sharing Basecamp approaches file sharing like a repository. Reporting

Gestionnaires de tâches : outils de suivi de projet en ligne et agenda Choisissez un gestionnaire de tâches collaboratif efficacement : appvizer vous propose d’observer différentes approches pour organiser le travail en équipe en examinant dix 11 logiciels en ligne (article mis à jour en février 2018). Voici une liste de 5 outils gratuits et 6 solutions payantes : du logiciel le plus simple au logiciel de gestion de projet plus évolué, découvrez les fonctionnalités phare et les services indispensables pour obtenir un gain de temps et une hausse de votre productivité. Gladys Plateforme collaborative pour innover et gérer vos projets Wimi Spécialiste du travail d'équipe en mode projet Beesbusy Une utilisation simple et des fonctionnalités élaborées 5 logiciels de gestion de tâches gratuits De plus en plus d’entreprises cherchent un outil de gestion de projet collaboratif gratuit pour fuir la gestion des tâches avec Excel, trop contraignante et chronophage. Classement général Asana : la gestion de projet en comité restreint 3 points forts à connaître :

git - the simple guide - no deep shit! git - the simple guide just a simple guide for getting started with git. no deep shit ;) by Roger Dudler credits to @tfnico, @fhd and Namics this guide in deutsch, español, français, indonesian, italiano, nederlands, polski, português, русский, türkçe, မြန်မာ, 日本語, 中文, 한국어 Vietnamese please report issues on github Infuse analytics everywhere with the AI-powered embedded analytics platform. Start your free via Carbon setup Download git for OSX Download git for Windows Download git for Linux create a new repository create a new directory, open it and perform a git init to create a new git repository. checkout a repository create a working copy of a local repository by running the command git clone /path/to/repository when using a remote server, your command will be git clone username@host:/path/to/repository workflow add & commit You can propose changes (add it to the Index) using git add <filename> git add * This is the first step in the basic git workflow. pushing changes branching log

Slack vs Basecamp vs Trello vs Asana vs Teamwork vs Wrike & More! To sustain this free service, we receive affiliate commissions via some of our links. This doesn’t affect rankings. Our review process. It’s easier than ever to work from home and use software to collaborate online and keep your team focused, organized and on task. We bring you the best online tools your team can use to communicate and collaborate efficiently on projects. Article Overview A virtual team – whether across the street or across the world – is a team whose members simultaneously work together to a common purpose, while physically apart. How Many People Work Virtually? Working from anywhere has never been easier thanks to WiFi, cloud computing, smartphones and online collaboration tools. According to, approximately 20-25% of the workforce teleworks at some frequency. We Rock Your Web has been testing and using various tools throughout the years to keep our virtual team connected and productive from locations around the world. All Tools Reviewed Pricing

Le tableau de répartition des tâches Qu'est-ce que c'est? Il s'agit d'établir pour une équipe l'ensemble des tâches à maîtriser chaque poste de travail, la liste des tâches qui doivent être exécutées en situation normale d'activité. De quelle façon cet outil peut-il aider? repérer les zones de recoupement : "qui sait quoi", organiser la polyvalence au sein de l'équipe, organiser des doublons ou des remplacements, faciliter l'organisation des absences Comment fonctionne cet outil? Le tableau de répartition des tâches peut être utilisé de plusieurs façons : - chronostructure de l'équipe : combien de temps les membres additionnés de l'équipe consacre à chaque tâche ? - Tableau de polyvalence. Chronostructure sur une semaine Tableau de polyvalence 3 = expert, 2 = sait faire, 1 peut dépanner Quelles sont les ressources nécessaires? Quel élément de management est renforcé? Liens avec les compétences du manager Sens de l’organisation La planification "Les catastrophes mêmes que fait naître la grande industrie Karl Marx , Le Capital

Five OpenAI Five plays 180 years worth of games against itself every day, learning via self-play. It trains using a scaled-up version of Proximal Policy Optimization running on 256 GPUs and 128,000 CPU cores — a larger-scale version of the system we built to play the much-simpler solo variant of the game last year. Using a separate LSTM for each hero and no human data, it learns recognizable strategies. This indicates that reinforcement learning can yield long-term planning with large but achievable scale — without fundamental advances, contrary to our own expectations upon starting the project. To benchmark our progress, we’ll host a match versus top players on July 28th. Follow us on Twitch to view the live broadcast, or request an invite to attend in person! OpenAI Five playing the best OpenAI employee team. Dota 2 is a real-time strategy game played between two teams of five players, with each player controlling a character called a “hero”. Model structure Exploration Coordination Rapid

Using Multiple Trello Boards for a Super-Flexible Workflow We hold these truths to be self evident: Not all Trello boards are created equal. Trello boards come in all shapes and sizes. Some are robust workflows, and some are just repositories of information. Some have a few cards, and some are bursting at the seams. But you can make your myriad of boards and workflows even more powerful by connecting multiple boards together into a super flexible workflow. How To Plan Out Your Trello Boards (Plural) Starting out, it’s common to simply have a quick board for yourself that utilizes lists in the classic To Do list format. But what if one of those cards is actually becoming a big project with lots of little individual steps in it? For this example let’s pretend that aforementioned large project is your lifelong dream-come-true of finally writing a book. Sweet! Expanding Your Use Of Trello Over time, and with more collaborators, your Trello universe will expand. 1) Repository Boards Sometimes you just need a board where you put things.

Télécharger Sphinx Manager - SAV - Logitheque Télécharger – Sphinx Manager gère les devis, les demandes d’intervention, lesordres de réparation et maintenances : – Panifiés ou non – Sous contrat de maintenance ou non, – Des clients individuels, des clients multi-chantiers, – Des matériels et véhicules. – L’ordre logique des actions est le suivant : – Le client demande une intervention par téléphone, fax ou Internet, – L’intervention est planifiée ou réalisée de toute urgence, – Le technicien intervient sur site (ou répare à l’atelier) et émet son rapport d’intervention. – Si le rapport est directement saisi sur Sphinx Manager, l’information est immédiatement prise en compte. Plus de ressaisies, plus de risque de perte. – Pour une efficacité absolue, chaque technicien dispose de l’historique des interventions effectuées sur chaque site.
