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Coconut Whipped Cream « Nutty Kitchen

Coconut Whipped Cream « Nutty Kitchen
We love our whipped cream in coffee, on berries for dessert, really on any of our primal desserts. But it’s nice to have an alternative to dairy and for our Paleo friends. Henry thought it would be good to have some cold coconut milk and stuck a can into the fridge for a couple of hours. When he opened it he noticed that it had gotten very thick on top, so he scooped it out and noticed that it had separated from the coconut water. So he added a little cinnamon and a little organic vanilla extract to the thick coconut and whipped it up. To our happy surprise it got thick and creamy immediately, and Oh Wow!!! So since then we’ve been enjoying our morning cup of coffee with a spoon full. So here are a couple of pictures for you – try it, it is so incredibly easy and completely gluten and dairy-free. Step 1: Take a “full fat” can of Organic Coconut Milk and place it in the fridge for some time or best over night Refrigerated Coconut Milk being scooped out by Henry Coconut Water Like this:

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ice candy ice candy one of the things i usually bring back from the philippines is a small packet of narrow plastic bags used for making ice candy. i am more of a popsicle than ice cream person, and whenever i have a little juice or some overripe fruit, i like to have the bags on hand so i chop or purée the fruit, add the juice, then throw them in the freezer for a future, frosty treat. ice candy is basically a popsicle made usually from a combination of fruit and water, and the one i recall seeing the most in the philippines is one made from sweetened young coconut water (buko juice) and shreds of the young coconut meat. however, you can make them from whatever your creativity or your pantry will allow. hey, any chance this qualifies for lasang pinoy 3?

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