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35 Awesome Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom

35 Awesome Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom
Save Pinterest Google Classroom Apps! Did you know that Google Classroom plays well with others? Yep! Google is known for making their applications open to working with third-party applications, and Google Classroom is no exception. Ready to find apps that make Google Classroom even better? How to Use These Applications with Google Classroom Most of the applications below connect to Google Classroom through a “share button.” To use the application with Google Classroom, Create an account within the application or website.Locate or create the activity or resources within the application or website.Use the “Share to Classroom” option within the chosen application. Note: This list is not exhaustive, nor does it include applications that sync with Google Classroom in other ways. Credit: Google for Education Blog 35 Awesome Applications that Integrate with Google Classroom 1. (programs and educational resources) 2. cK-12 3. (learning management system) 4. (presentation tool) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Related:  APPSGoogle Classroom Tips & Tricks

Herramientas para crear contenidos con realidad aumentada La tecnología de realidad aumentada está siendo cada vez más utilizada en el aula, donde se considera una de las opciones de mayor proyección gracias a su capacidad para conseguir mayor percepción, interacción y aprendizaje por parte del alumnado. Si queréis crear contenidos que mezclen imágenes reales con otras virtuales, podéis utilizar cualquiera de las herramientas que os mostramos a continuación. Aumentaty Author Para ordenadores Windows, destaca por su uso sencillo: lo primero es importar los modelos 3D creados con otras aplicaciones (Trimble Sketchup, Blender o Autodesk 3ds Max) o descargarlos desde colecciones como las contenidas en la Galería 3D de Google. ARCrowd Una plataforma que funciona a través de una cuenta gratuita y que, como curiosidad, muestra en su página web los trabajos más populares de las últimas semanas, que pueden explorarse y utilizarse en nuestras propias clases. ZooBurst Permite crear libros 3D de forma sencilla y dinámica. LayAR Aurasma Zappar Blippar Appy Pie

10 Free Text to Speech Web Tools for the Classroom - The Techie Teacher® Are you looking for FREE text to speech technology web tools that do not require downloading software and can be used on Chromebooks, laptops or computers? There are a lot out there. Here is a list of 10 different easy to use text to speech (TTS) tools students can use to assist with text read alouds as well as their own writing. TTS technology is also a helpful tool for ELL students and those who struggle with dyslexia. Text to Speech with Google Drive is a text to speech converter that allows you to listen to text with your Drive files! It will even read PDF files that are stored in your Google Drive. Natural Reader's online application supports pdf, txt, doc, docx, rtf and epub files. The free version of Natural Reader will give you 20 minutes with premium voices per day. Select and Speak is a Chrome extension that will allow you to select text on any website (including Google Docs) and have it read aloud. This is also a FABULOUS tool to help students with their writing. Welcome!

The Google Classroom Quick-Start Guide + tips and tricks! Google Classroom makes organizing and managing all of your Google Apps activities streamlined and easy. Set it up in minutes. (Sketch by Matt Miller) Google Classroom was created to focus less time on tech and more time on teaching. And it certainly has lived up to its billing. Classroom has streamlined the classroom workflow and makes communication easier between teaches and students. It creates a central home for class activities.It lets teachers create assignments (and other class activities).It collects assignments from students.It helps teachers grade assignments and provide feedback.It returns assignments to students. Have you set up Google Classroom in your classroom? This guide will show you how to set Google Classroom up in a matter of minutes and perform the main tasks. Consider keeping this post open in one tab in your browser and Classroom in another so you can refer back. Let’s get started! Set up your class in Google Classroom 1. 2. 3. You must add a name for your class. 4.

10 add-ons to Google Classroom you MUST try Google Classroom’s basic features are powerful. Take it to the next level with some add-ons created just for teachers and students. The basic functions of Google Drive and Google Classroom are only the starting point for the innovative and creative uses one can use in the classroom. Alice Keeler, my co-author in our upcoming book Ditch That Homework, proves that again and again. Alice is one of the only people I know personally who codes for fun. It’s like Google Sheets bows down on one knee to this woman and does her bidding. Alice has created dozens of pre-created templates, add-ons, scripts, extensions — you name it, she’s created them. Two of these are Google Chrome extensions — little programs you install in your Chrome web browser that will perform certain tasks. But most are scripts/add-ons she wrote to run inside Google Sheets or other Google tools. Here are 10 of them I like the most. 1. With DriveSlides, you can: 2. 3. How to use it: Add your roster to the roster column. 4. 5.

Primaria: 25 buenas prácticas educativas con TIC Iniciamos una recopilación de buenas prácticas educativas con las TIC en Primaria –las iremos actualizando periódicamente-. ¿Nos cuentas la tuya? 1. La Radio Escolar. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. iPad y robótica en Primaria. 12. 13. 14. 15. Proyecto Medioambiental por el ecosistema de un río mediante aplicaciones de geolocalización. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. A Comprehensive Collection of Some of The Best Google Drive Add-ons for Teachers and Educators January 4, 2015 Google Drive has proved to be an indispensable tool in teachers digital toolkit. It provides everything teachers need to write up a document, create a quick presentation or spreadsheet and design beautiful visuals and drawings, creative possibilities in Google Drive are endless. Additionally, Drive works across different devices and platforms so you can easily continue working on your documents anywhere you go and without even the need for Internet connection.

Школьные принадлежности ... рисую дом,осенние листочки.Черчу. пишу ....Я чётрочки и точки. ... я могу писать,и чертить и рисовать.Яблоки и жучкуНарисую ...Облака и речку, Птичку, человечка Я- ..., для ручек дом,В нём живут с карандашомНовый ластик и фломастер- Рисовать великий мастер. неразлучны .... и краска, Словно сказочник и сказка.... возьми , рисуй кораблик,Самолёт и дирижаблик.Чёрных галок на деревьях,Лес, поляну и деревню. ... синие и красные,... жёлтые и разные.Просто надо их позватьНа бумаге рисоватьПоле, радугу, лошадкуИ медовый пряник сладкий,Медвежонка и лисицу,И на веточке синицу. Чтобы ровным сделать дом, Мы ... позовём.Ровную дорожку, Ровное окошко, Ровную скамейкуСделает .... В книгу я кладу ...Я читаю по порядку:Вот страничка, вот вторая, Я ... забираю.И теперь уже на третьейЯ могу ... встретить. Цифры и буквы в ... пишуИ никогда-никогда не спешу.Хвалит учитель меня за тетрадь,Я хорошо научился писать.

Just Google it - Home The Albertville City School System is one of the “Googliest” in the state. Technology Coordinator Terry Freeman and a team from the Albertville City School System recently returned from a Google technology coordinators conference in Perdido Beach. Freeman said Albertville has integrated Google Classroom system-wide and the team was asked to speak at the conference about their experience with Google technology. “This is our third year to use Google Classroom,” Freeman said. “We started using it as soon as they rolled it out. Google Classroom bridges the gap between technology and what teachers were able to provide in the classroom.” Freeman said since the school system started using Google Classroom, there have been fewer discipline issues, better test scores and instant feedback for students. In all, the school system has deployed more than 2,000 Chromebooks, 1,300 iPads and 300-400 MacBooks. “It’s been a revolution,” she said. “I like that it’s organized,” Howard said.

Actionbound. Una herramienta muy útil para Cazas del Tesoro. #gamificación | Jose Luis Redondo Quiero hablaros de una herramienta que me parece genial. Actionbound es una aplicación gratuita, que nos permite crear cazas del tesoro. Las cazas del tesoro suelen basarse en el uso de localizaciones GPS en las que vamos encontrando pistas. Las pistas nos conducen a nuevas localizaciones, y se pueden combinar con códigos QR. Cuenta con una opción para GPS, e incluye la posibilidad de crear diferentes códigos QR que debemos imprimir nosotros mismos. Podemos crear diferentes etapas dentro del proceso de búsqueda, al igual que podemos añadir información necesaria para poder desarrollar la búsqueda. Las características especiales son: la creación de Quiz con preguntas que podemos puntuar o no. El lanzamiento de la caza del Tesoro es muy sencillo. Su funcionamiento es muy bueno con la licencia estándar. En mi caso os puedo asegurar que funciona muy bien, y que nos permite una enorme variedad de opciones: búsqueda de lugares; busca de edificios con diferentes estilos arquitectónicos. Me gusta:
