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Triventy | Collaborative Classroom Quizzes & Surveys Super Teacher Tools - Concursos online y mucho más. VER CARPETA DE JUEGOS Question 14 - Formule Explain Everything™ Collaborative Interactive Whiteboard App TTSReader | Text To Speech Reader. Online. Accurate. Free. Formative - Trabaja con cuadros y escala de colores para que el feedback sea muy visual Question 13 - Formule How to Use Padlet in the Classroom: A Fantastic Teaching Tool Padlet is a versatile, easy to use tool for every teacher’s toolkit. Let’s learn the basics. At the bottom of this post, I have a Padlet that is temporarily open for you to post and share your favorite edtech tools. Richard Byrne, author of Free Technology for Teachers, spent some time teaching the teachers at my school about Padlet. What you can share on Padlet: The box where you type or share your item. You can:TypeRecord Your VoiceAdd a HyperlinkAdd a PhotoAdd a Document The flexibility of this tool means you could have one class Padlet for the year and share resources and links throughout the year. Editing As with many tools the gear icon (as shown in the graphic below) is where you go to edit your background and change your settings. You can customize your Padlet page with a different background, title and more. Organizing Richard Byrne taught me something new today. You can move the Padlet layout to stream. Security and Control There are lots of features you can customize.

Usare la LIM con OpenBoard, software gratuito open-source - Orizzonte Scuola Chi utilizza una LIM per fare didattica conosce probabilmente il termine software autore, ovvero un programma che viene utilizzato in ambito didattico per la realizzazione di lezioni interattive. Tutti i produttori di lavagne multimediali fornisco i propri prodotti con un’applicazione di questo genere con una licenza di tipo proprietario. Tuttavia esistono anche alternative open source gratuite. La più conosciuta soluzione di software libero per le LIM è Open-Sankorè, un potente e versatile programma autore che permette di essere utilizzato su qualsiasi dispositivo. Purtroppo, anche se l’applicazione è ancora disponibile online e scaricabile, da dicembre 2014, data dell’ultimo rilascio, il progetto è fermo e non più sviluppato. D’altra parte, grazie proprio al fatto che Open-Sankoré è un software open source, un gruppo di sviluppatori ha potuto riprendere il codice sorgente e dare vita ad un nuovo progetto.

Peergrade - Evaluación entre pares Question 11 - Formule Game Based Learning: Make Fast Teaching Games with SMART lab Formative assessment and game based learning make a powerful combination in the classroom. I love SMART lab, a new feature of the SMART Learning Suite. Recently, when they sponsored several of my 10-Minute Teacher episodes, I tested SMART Notebook. While testing their software as part of the vetting process, I fell in love with SMART lab. Learn more about Smart Learning Suite In this article, you’ll learn how to use SMART lab to build fast games and lessons. Tutorial: How to Make a Fast Game Based Learning Lesson with SMART lab My Typical Workflow for Teacher-Guided Discussions Typically, when I have content and am going to teach it directly in the classroom, my workflow goes like this: Create an open-ended response activityMake the slidesMake the formative assessment games and activitiesWhen I’m presenting, switch back and forth. Admittedly, I do teacher-guided lessons far less than I used to — maybe 30 minutes a week per class. What are SMART lab and SMART Learning Suite? SMART lab Overview

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