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An initiative of the American Library Association

An initiative of the American Library Association

Related:  LibraryAuprès des élusADVOCACY

#EveryLibrarianAnAdvocate « Library Policy and Advocacy Blog The 10-Minute Library Advocate #47: Bookmark Useful Websites and Resources Advocacy is stronger when it comes with references! Being able to back up what you’re saying with stories, statistics or studies makes you more convincing. We’ve already talked about individual elements – an example (Exercise #9), a fact (Exercise #46) a number (Exercise #4), or a quote (Exercise #17). But […] Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us - When schools have high-quality library programs and librarians who share their expertise with the entire school community, student achievement gets a boost. Since 1992, a growing body of research known as the school library impact studies has consistently shown positive correlations between high-quality library programs and student achievement (Gretes, 2013; Scholastic, 2016). Data from more than 34 statewide studies suggest that students tend to earn better standardized test scores in schools that have strong library programs. Further, when administrators, teachers, and librarians themselves rated the importance and frequency of various library practices associated with student learning, their ratings correlated with student test scores, further substantiating claims of libraries’ benefits.

Le Bibliothécais sans peine Vous avez décidé de vous rendre à la bibliothèque. Armé de votre petite liste d’ouvrages à emprunter (pardon : de votre liste de références), vous vous apprêtez à visiter ce pays si proche et pourtant méconnu. Et vous vous en rendrez vite compte : ces gens-là ne parlent pas tout à fait comme vous. Le présent manuel propose une méthode simple qui vous permettra de maîtriser, en quelques leçons, l’essentiel du vocabulaire, et de vous débrouiller dans les situations les plus courantes. Three (Cheap) Ways to Market Your School Library Marketing can be tough in any library, but in a school library, where we are often solo librarians, it can be particularly difficult to fit it in. Here are three easy and cheap ways to market your school library and let everyone know about the fantastic things you’re doing! Table tents A table tent is an easy and inexpensive way to let students know what's going on at their library. People come in and out of a school library all day long, whether for classes, events or some study time, but posters on doors and walls can get lost in the noise.

IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award Winners 2019 The IFLA Section on Management and Marketing in collaboration with PressReader is pleased to announce the winners, finalists and top ten projects of the IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award for 2019! The award honors organizations that have implemented creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns that promote the library and information services industry. First place goes to The University of British Columbia - Canada, for the "2018 UBC Library Digital Colouring Books Campaigny" project. Check the media release to know the TOP 10 projects and more details. 10 Reasons Librarians Are More Important Than Ever Read how these passionate and savvy educators support schools and students every day. It's National Library Week, and we couldn't resist paying homage to one of the most important members of the school community: librarians. Also known as library media specialists, librarians play a unique role in our schools. Often asked to take on a wide range of duties, these passionate and savvy educators deserve more than only a week of praise.

Commission Advocacy Mise à jour le 21 octobre 2019 Motivation de la création de cette commission L’advocacy (ou plaidoyer) en faveur des bibliothèques porte la voix de celles-ci auprès des politiques et décideurs, financeurs et partenaires potentiels. Au-delà de la défense de leur existence et de leurs missions, il s’agit surtout de les inscrire dans les politiques publiques et les intérêts communs, de les rendre visibles en leur donnant une valeur du point de vue de l’interlocuteur.

The Importance of School Librarians As parents, we tend to get involved in our children’s education: Are they getting enrolled in the right classes? Did they make the team? We are concerned if they aren’t afforded access to technology, or if they are being bullied at school. If a school down the road is performing better, parents often lobby to get their child enrolled there, even if their addresses do not allow it. These issues are all easy to get passionate about, even for the casual parent. Where we fall short, however, is when it comes to the fundamentals: the important things that actually have proven, direct effects on learning, such as ensuring that every one of our kids has access to school librarians—yes, librarians.

Fiche 7 Le storytelling - Le dircom Depuis le début des années 2000, un terme a fait son apparition dans le lexique de la communication : le « storytelling ». (Depuis 1970, son occurrence a été multipliée par 2,7 dans les livres en anglais et par 20 dans les ouvrages en français.) Le guide Storytelling – Enjeux, méthodes et cas pratiques de communication narrative (publié par les Éditions Territorial dans la collection « L’Essentiel sur… », clarifie ce terme via trois points : The Loss of School Librarians Is Hurting Kids (and Teachers) Librarians aren’t just for elementary school. As student progress, having media- and research-savvy librarians helps prepare students to excel in college by helping them develop their research skills, or their ability to find, evaluate, and use information. Without those librarians’ expertise, students are less prepared for the rigor of college-level work.

Travailler et communiquer avec les élus Afficher les options de partage Comment accompagner des élus, notamment de nouveaux élus, dans la connaissance des bibliothèques et de leurs enjeux ?Comment se positionner en tant que professionnel ? Are school librarians going way of the milkman? Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has been shedding school librarians faster than any district in North Carolina over the past five years, and there’s a debate going on about whether that makes a difference for students. This year, 31 of the district’s 168 schools have libraries led by staffers other than media specialists, who have master’s degrees and specialized training to run libraries. Ruby Jones, a school board member and retired teacher, calls that “mind-boggling” in a district that names literacy as its top priority.

Antioch University Seattle School Library Certification Program - Debbie Abilock, MLS, a former school administrator and school librarian, co-founded and directs the educational vision of NoodleTools, a research-to-writing platform, designed for privacy, that is used by thousands of schools and universities. NoodleTools focus on educational goals has earned the trust of subscribers and educators. Unlike almost all of the software and services created for educators, neither NoodleTools’ public or subscription sites conceal web bugs, beacons, pixels or tags that track students or faculty. The site contains no advertising and all work created remains the intellectual property of the students and teachers who have created it. Email: Helen Adams is an online instructor for Antioch University-Seattle in Seattle, Washington.

New Research Report from Scholastic Confirms the Importance of School Libraries and Librarians Contact: Anne Sparkman (212) 343-6657 School Libraries Work!
