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Related:  data visualisationWebmapping - Datavisualisations - Open data

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches The globe of economic complexity About close x The Globe of Economic Complexity The globe of economic complexity dynamically maps out the entire world production of goods to create an economic landscape of countries around the globe. The original Atlas of Economic Complexity The Globe is built upon The Atlas of Economic Complexity, a powerful interactive tool that enables users to visualize a country’s total trade, track how these dynamics change over time and explore growth opportunities for more than a hundred countries worldwide. The Center for international development Associated Paper This project will be featured at the 2015 IEEE VIS conference in Chicago. Data Used Technology This visualization was built with webGL, a new graphics library that enables to create new 3D worlds in the browser. Contact Aknowledgements We would like to thank Marcela Escobari, Ricardo Hausmann, Gus Wezerek and Tim Cheston for their insight and support.

Tools The Social Media Research Foundation sustains the development of social media network analysis software. So far, it has supported the creation and dissemination of the NodeXL tool: NodeXL The Network Overview Discovery and Exploration Add-in for Excel (2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016) is an extension to the familiar Excel spreadsheet that helps collect, visualize and interpret social media networks. The Social Media Research Foundation is dedicated to making tools that help people understand social media and social networks. We produce NodeXL Basic which is available freely and openly to all. NodeXL Pro offers advanced features for importing social media data, calculating social network metrics, sentiment analysis, and publishing reports. NodeXL Pro is licensed to users on an annual basis: Registration keys will be required to run NodeXL Pro starting in October 2015! Contact for details! Your support keeps the NodeXL project active and strong, please upgrade to NodeXL Pro.

The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization Presenting gvSIG Online: the solution for Spatial Data Infrastructures on Open Source software During the last International gvSIG Conference a new product added to the gvSIG Association catalogue was presented for the first time. We think it will be well received because it meets an every time more and more need to have a solution for implementing Spatial Data Infrastructures, using open source software and reducing implementation costs of the current market alternatives. gvSIG Online is result of the experience accumulated by the gvSIG Association at the Spatial Data Infrastructure projects implementation of all types and in any sector, from petrol companies to local administrations. But, what is gvSIG Online? “gvSIG Online is an integral platform for the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) implementation, 100% open source software. In a series of posts we are going to present all the functionalities of this solution. Finally an alternative to Arc*** Online proprietary solutions! Like this: Like Loading...

Pegasus Data Project | Plate-forme d'expérimentation en humanités numériques, réseaux sociaux, Twitter, influence sur le web et visualisation de données The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization (Voices That Matter): 9780321834737: Computer Science Books @ Clara Dealberto
