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NASA's Software Catalog

NASA's Software Catalog
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Solar Storms Trigger Surprising Phenomena Close to Earth New research from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) shows that eruptions on the Sun’s surface not only send bursts of particles into Earth’s atmosphere, but—contrary to previous belief—also remove electrons across large areas. The new knowledge increases our understanding of solar storms and can contribute to more reliable communication and navigation in Arctic areas. Eruptions on the Sun’s surface send clouds of electrically charged particles towards Earth, producing solar storms that—among other things—can trigger the beautiful Northern Lights over the Arctic regions. But the storms may also have a strong impact on the efficiency of communication and navigation systems at high latitudes. It is therefore important to study the phenomena. This phenomenon occurs especially at high latitudes. It is a known phenomenon. The results of the research were recently published on the front page of the renowned scientific journal Radio Science. “There are two aspects of this research.

A Miniature Radio Telescope In Every Backyard You probably wouldn’t expect to see somebody making astronomical observations during a cloudy day in the center of a dense urban area, but that’s exactly what was happening at the recent 2019 Philadelphia Mini Maker Faire. Professor James Aguirre of the University of Pennsylvania was there demonstrating the particularly compact Mini Radio Telescope (MRT) project built around an old DirecTV satellite dish and a smattering of low-cost components, giving visitors a view of the sky in a way most had never seen before. Thanks to the project’s extensive online documentation, anyone with a spare satellite dish and a couple hundred dollars in support hardware can build their very own personal radio telescope that’s capable of observing objects in the sky no matter what the time of day or weather conditions are. With the slow collapse of satellite television in the United States these dishes are often free for the taking, and a fairly common sight on the sidewalk come garbage day.

Magic Quadrant Research Methodology Positioning Technology Players Within a Specific MarketWhich are the competing players in the major technology markets? How are they positioned to help you over the long haul? A Gartner Magic Quadrant is a culmination of research in a specific market, giving you a wide-angle view of the relative positions of the market's competitors. By applying a graphical treatment and a uniform set of evaluation criteria, a Magic Quadrant helps you quickly ascertain how well technology providers are executing their stated visions and how well they are performing against Gartner's market view. View all Magic Quadrants Challengers Execute well today or may dominate a large segment, but do not demonstrate an understanding of market direction. Leaders Execute well against their current vision and are well positioned for tomorrow. Visionaries Understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market rules, but do not yet execute well. Niche Players How do I use a Gartner Magic Quadrant?

NASA Cost Symposium This year the annual NASA Cost Symposium will be sponsored by the Strategic Investments Division. The NASA Cost Symposium is our communities chance to exchange ideas, best practices, methodologies, and lessons learned. The NASA cost analysis community includes all Centers as well as HQ and represents an essential function to the agency. We look forward to seeing the tradition of the Agency’s finest analysts and estimators at NASA continue to make our community better. Recognition of the community’s efforts and affording the community an opportunity to present in a professional forum will continue to foster their individual and community growth as well as improve the overall analysis community at NASA. Attendees and presenters are substantively involved in the conference through submission of professional papers, conducting briefings and presentations, completion of live demonstrations, and participation in training. Presentations: Download Page

UNIVERSO Blog | Web de divulgación de la Astronomía y la Teledetección Le champ magnétique de la Terre | INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE DU GLOBE DE PARIS Dans tout l’espace, autour et à l’intérieur de la Terre se trouve un champ magnétique. Plusieurs phénomènes naturels ou artificiels se somment et constituent le champ magnétique total, qui varie constamment selon les variations des sources qui le génèrent. Ecran protecteur contre les particules à haute énergie en provenance du cosmos, le champ magnétique est fortement affecté par les événements de météo de l’espace, qui peuvent perturber tous les systèmes technologiques terrestres. Son étude permet de comprendre tout autant la structure et la dynamique interne de la Terre que les phénomènes qui se produisent dans la haute atmosphère et dans l’espace. • GÉODYNAMOLe champ magnétique de la Terre est en premier lieu généré à l’intérieur de la Terre, par l’effet de dynamo du aux mouvements de convection dans le noyau terrestre, composé à 90% de fer liquide. • LITHOSPHÈREUne petite partie du champ magnétique terrestre provient des roches aimantées de la croûte terrestre.

Build Your Own Thrust Vectored Rockets For Vertical Landings Like SpaceX If you love rockets, you can’t help but notice that real space launch vehicles lift off the pad slowly,but model rockets zip up like darts. That’s how I became obsessed with using thrust vector control (TVC) — gimbaling the rocket motor — instead of fins to keep model rockets upright, so they can launch, and land, far more realistically. I started out from scratch in rocketry; I’m all self-taught. I started BPS in 2015 with the goal of achieving vertical takeoff and vertical landing (VTVL) of a scale model Falcon 9 rocket. I picked up a few textbooks (I strongly recommend Rocket Propulsion Elements by George Sutton and Structures by J.E. I naïvely thought it would take four months. And after some very near misses, I’m confident my Echo rocket will stick the vertical landing in 2019. Of course this technology is still not mature, and it’s my hope that the advanced model rocketry community will build upon what I’ve done. This kit is for advanced rocketeers. and the rocket lands upright.

Professor Jose Granda Research Publications CAMPG Homepage CAMPG/MATLAB software demonstration CAMPG/ACSL software demonstration ICBGM'2007 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation, Jan 15-17, 2007 San Diego, California. USA ICBGM'2005 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation, Jan 23-27, 2005 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA ICBGM.2003 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation, Jan19-23, 2003 Orlando, Florida, USA ICBGM'2001 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation, Jan 7-10 2001, Phoeniz, Arizona ICBGM'2001 Photos Meet ICBGM'2001 Keynote Speaker
