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How to teach a young introvert

How to teach a young introvert
What should we do with the quiet kids? A conversation with Susan Cain on the future of classroom education. Susan Cain sticks up for the introverts of the world. In the U.S., where one third to one half the population identifies as introverts, that means sticking up for a lot of people. Some of them might be data engineers overwhelmed by the noise of an open-floor-plan office. Others might be lawyers turning 30, whose friends shame them for not wanting a big birthday bash. Cain remembers a childhood full of moments when she was urged by teachers and peers to be more outgoing and social — when that simply wasn’t in her nature. We gave Cain a call to talk about how schools, both right now and far off in the future, could better care for the needs of introverted students. What kind of response did you get to the part of your TED Talk about the education system and how it isn’t optimized for introverts? “What an extroverted act it is in the first place to go to school. Interesting. Yes. Related:  mariasteinertPersonlighetspsykologi

Samtalsgoogla med dina elever | Skrivateljén Jobba kollektivt, kommunikativt för att utveckla elevernas sökstrategier För några år sedan kom vår tonåring hem med en uppgift. Han skulle skriva ett ”eget arbete” om konsumtionsvanor. Instruktionerna från lärarna löd: ”Välj ett ämne och en problemformulering. Sök information i trovärdiga källor. När jag kom in i sonens rum satt han ensam vid sin dator med ett öppnat word-dokument framför sig. Sökord: potatis De källor han fått upp var: Wikipedia, – din trädgård på nätet och Svensk potatis webbplats. Han är bekymrad, det kan jag se. Jag sätter mig bredvid honom. – Du, det står här att du ska hitta på en problemformulering. Sonen tittar besvärat på mig. – Nä, men jag fattade inte riktigt vad dom menade med problemformulering…? Nej, hur skulle han kunna förstå det, helt på egen hand? Vi börja där! Vilda sökningar ger källor med olika perspektivSagt och gjort: vi googlar ihop. Forskning om potatis Är potatis nyttigt Potatisens historia Potatisen – en knöl utan framtid?

Personligheterna med oss från födseln Om den exakta procentsatsen tvistar de lärde. Men att en stor del av vår kommunikation med andra människor sker utan ord, är alla kommunikationsforskare överens om. Släntrar kollegan in på mötet med nedböjt huvud, framåtskjutna axlar och armarna hårt knäppta framför bröstet anar vi att livet inte är på topp och att hen kanske inte riktigt är att räkna med just nu. Hälsar barnens nya lärare å andra sidan välkommen med rak rygg, öppen blick och ett stadigt handtag, känner vi tilltro till lärarens kompetens och lämnar med varm hand över våra barn. – Kroppen är en väldigt viktig informationskälla i sociala sammanhang. Medvetet och omedvetet läser vi av varandra hela tiden. Erfarenheterna efter olyckan fick mig att fundera mycket på självförtroende och självtvivel. Att Amy Cuddy som forskare började intresserade sig för kroppens språk och dess betydelse för självkänslan har sin egen historia. – Jag hade svårt att tänka och att ta in muntlig information. Amy Cuddy försvarar dock sina resultat:

Why Do Teachers Quit? - Liz Riggs Richard Ingersoll taught high-school social studies and algebra in both public and private schools for nearly six years before leaving the profession and getting a Ph.D. in sociology. Now a professor in the University of Pennsylvania’s education school, he’s spent his career in higher ed searching for answers to one of teaching’s most significant problems: teacher turnover. Teaching, Ingersoll says, “was originally built as this temporary line of work for women before they got their real job—which was raising families, or temporary for men until they moved out of the classroom and became administrators. That was sort of the historical set-up.” Ingersoll extrapolated and then later confirmed that anywhere between 40 and 50 percent of teachers will leave the classroom within their first five years (that includes the nine and a half percent that leave before the end of their first year.) “One of the big reasons I quit was sort of intangible,” Ingersoll says.

Språkutvecklande undervisning på gymnasiet “Att tillägna sig ämneskunskaper förutsätter tillgång till ett specifikt fackspråk och varje nytt ämne har ett karakteristiskt språk. Lärarna ska ställa språkutveckling lika mycket som ämneskunskaper i centrum eftersom en språkinriktad undervisning gynnar alla och inte bara vissa elever menar forskare. Varje skola bör därför hitta sätt att följa upp elevernas språkutveckling, skapa strategier för språkstöd samt presentera en plan för lärarnas kompetensutveckling inom språk- och begreppsutveckling.” Ja, ovanstående kan vi läsa i Skolverkets text “Alla ämnen ansvariga för elevers språkutveckling” (2013-05-17). Det är med andra ord tydligt att alla lärare har ett ansvar att stötta elevernas språkutveckling, även i de högre årskurserna. När eleverna kommer från högstadiet till gymnasiet väntar en spännande språklig utveckling. Nytt på bloggen framöver! Vad kännetecknar en språkutvecklande undervisning? Senaste numret av Svenskläraren har ”Språk i alla ämnen” som tema. Vilka risker finns? Hej!

Is it Nature or Nurture? - TEDxAmsterdam We finally have an answer to the age-old question. Which traits do we inherit genetically and what do we gain from environmental factors? Researchers have determined that the average variation for human traits and disease correlates to 49% genetic factors and 51% environmental factors. Not all factors are 50/50. ¨Nature vs nurture¨ the study This twin study was published in the journal Nature Genetics in 2015. Photo of French dance duo Les Twins by Shawn Welling CC-BA 3.0 Finally scholars can prove what they have long known. Why do we need to know? Danielle Posthuma, researcher from VU, explains: “If I think of my colleagues the biggest impact of this study is that it indicated that genetic influences on 2/3 of traits follow a simple additive model.¨ Determining character might not be as complex as first thought. ¨What this means for people in general is that everything is partly hereditary, as everything on average is 50/50. Beyond the nature vs. nurture question Written by Majken Jensen.

Best of Teacher HELPLINE! Keeping Your Cool When Behavior Gets Tough Let’s face it: Even the best of us have moments when a child’s behavior just makes us want to throw a desk across the classroom and run screaming from the building. But being able to keep your emotions under control is arguably one of the most important aspects of our jobs as educators. Recently, the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE! discussed this topic when teacher Janie wrote in the following question: “How do you keep yourselves from being reactive in situations with students? Janie, we feel your pain! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 Kick-Ass Women Photojournalists To Follow On Instagram Så leder du som introvert chef - Framfot Vad har Mahatma Gandhi, Moder Theresa, Bill Gates och Barack Obama gemensamt? Det är namnen på framgångsrika ledare med introverta personligheter. Är du också introvert och tvekar inför en ledarposition? Lugn. Det är inte bara utåtriktade energiknippen som är bra chefer. Rätt använda blir dina introverta egenskaper en tillgång för medarbetarna och organisationen. 1. Många tolkar felaktigt en introvert person som blyg, men det lågmälda beteendet bottnar istället i ett ointresse för uppmärksamhet. 2. Som introvert chef har du vanligtvis en stark integritet. 3. Du uppfattas som en god lyssnare eftersom du sällan avbryter den som pratar. 4. I vår kultur hyllas risktagande ledare som fattar snabba beslut. 5. Drygt en fjärdedel av befolkningen är introvert. Kurs Kurs Kurs Beställ vår utbildningskatalog! Vad är ditt nästa steg?

10 Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Your First Year Teaching Dear New Teachers, This blog post is for you. Perhaps you’ve heard that your first year will be “sooo hard.” I want to offer you another possibility. Here are some suggestions to help you have a fantastic first year in the classroom. 1. Your relationships with others will keep you strong, and they might be the key to fueling your energy to persist through challenges. 2. There are veteran teachers who are sad and cynical, and there are others who are wise and hopeful. 3. Yes, I do suggest that you demand good professional development (PD). 4. Ideally, observe really effective teachers in your school or other schools. 5. Visiting the homes of just a few of your students will provide unique insight and perspective into your students. 6. What do you see as your goal or purpose as a teacher? 7. Sleep. 8. Once a week, at least, do something for yourself. 9. Write them down. 10. Most teachers get personal days. Your first year doesn’t have to be hard -- nor do subsequent years.

The Many Faces of Depression | Bipolar Laid Bare Depression is fickle. It comes and goes as it pleases, many times without warning. For people with bipolar disorder, we spend half or more of our time fighting depression. Think about that. We’re spending half of our time wondering if we’re good enough, thinking we’re a burden, afraid this might be it and the empty feeling will never go away. It’s not always overwhelming sadness either. Or, you might not be that lucky. You’re a bad person.You don’t deserve to be happy. They’re not true, the things that you say. Sometimes that fight may turn into anger. But there are times when fighting doesn’t seem like an option. You may cry at other times. Tears and breath. One breath. Two breaths. Try again. One breath at a time and one step at a time.

What your social media profile photo says about your personality Betsie Van Der Meer/Getty By Aviva Rutkin What’s behind that smile? An attempt to match the profile pictures of over 66,000 Twitter users with their personality traits could lend firepower to those looking to divine insights into people from their digital data. Such predictions could help advertisers target ads more accurately, for example, or enrich a company’s hiring process. “A very important aspect of measuring personality through social media is that it’s unobtrusive. Advertisement To quickly categorise the personalities of thousands of Twitter users, Preoţiuc-Pietro and his colleagues analysed each person’s 3200 most recent tweets. The team then searched for correlations between test results and the features of each profile picture. People with high conscientiousness scores, for example, tended to show themselves on their own rather than in groups, and to express positive emotions in their pics. More on these topics: social media

21 Best Tips for Totally New Teachers from #WeAreTeachers When we asked veteran teachers to share their very best tips for new teachers on our WeAreTeachers Instagram page, we were overwhelmed by all of the fantastic advice. Here are the top twenty-one tips we pulled from our Instagram page: All the newbies need to know that the first 5 years are the hardest. But if you can get through them, you’ll start to really love your job.—@kristywebMake time for you! Work/life balance is crucial. WeAreTeachers is on Instagram!

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