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The Psychology of Colour

The Psychology of Colour
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How Language Seems To Shape One's View Of The World "It's on the left," he says. "No, it's southeast of here," she says. iStockphoto hide caption itoggle caption iStockphoto "It's on the left," he says. iStockphoto Lera Boroditsky once did a simple experiment: She asked people to close their eyes and point southeast. She says the difference lies in language. If you want to learn another language and become fluent, you may have to change the way you behave in small but sometimes significant ways, specifically how you sort things into categories and what you notice. Researchers are starting to study how those changes happen, says Aneta Pavlenko, a professor of applied linguistics at Temple University. If people speaking different languages need to group or observe things differently, then bilinguals ought to switch focus depending on the language they use. For example, she says English distinguishes between cups and glasses, but in Russian, the difference between chashka (cup) and stakan (glass) is based on shape, not material.

from Psychology: An Introduction | in Chapter 15: Social Psychology | Table of Contents | in Chapter 15: Social Psychology: An Introduction Table of Contents Next page Copyright© 2007-2011Russ Dewey Part One: Group Influences Part Two: Organizations and Movements Part Three: Social Cognition Part Four: Hostile and Helping Behavior Overview of Chapter 15: Social Psychology The 20th Century was a time of unusually severe social problems, marked by world wars, social upheaval, violence, religious and political conflict. Psychologists also studied more benign, pleasant, and productive social activities of humans, after the post-war decades. The rise of cognitive psychology in the 1970s and beyond ushered in a new era of social cognitive psychology, focusing on the informationg processing carried out by people to evaluate each other and group situations. How this chapter is organized More than most disciplines, social psychology is marked by classic experiments. The opening portion of the chapter highlights research on group influences upon the individual. Related topics in other chapters Write to Dr.

Fun With Color - Talking Crochet Updates - January 24, 2017 - Vol. 14 No. 2 Crochet News,Views & How-tos Most of us have our favorite go-to colors. For me it's deep pink, rich plum and dark cranberry. One of my favorite ways (and the easiest way, in my opinion) to choose coordinating yarns is to base the colors on something from the stash of variegated yarn that I have collected over the years. Some of us lack the natural instinct for color -- I know it doesn't always come easy for me! Monochromatic Color Monochromatic color schemes are very easy to use because they only use varying shades of one color. Complementary Colors Complementary colors are located directly across from each other on the color wheel. Split Complementary Colors To find split complementary colors we need to pick our first color and then look across the wheel and find its complementary color, then select the two colors on either side of that complementary color. Primary Colors Basic primary colors are red, blue and yellow. These are just a few of the many ways to combine colors.

Interior Design Ideas - Home Bunch – Interior Design Ideas Have you ever wondered which paint colors are the most used by interior designers and homeowners? You will find many of them in this Interior Design Ideas. As you probably know by now, Home Bunch shares paint colors in every post and, this time around I am adding some extra paint colors in our popular series “Interior Design Ideas”. Here you will find white, blue, gray, neutral, green and many other paint color choices, including the newest paint color trend – mushroom color! Many interior magazines and interior designers are predicting that mushroom-hued colors is the next “it” color. Talking about “Color Palettes”, I am very happy to have Kristin, from Favorite Paint Colors, sharing a color palette that I know that you guys will love and will want to pin – “Paint Colors Featured on HGTV’s Fixer Upper”. I hope you have a great time here and remember to save and/or pin the pictures. Collect more Interior Design Ideas: Follow me on Pinterest/HomeBunch and Home Bunch on Instagram. Hello!

What Happens When A Language's Last Monolingual Speaker Dies? : Code Switch A portrait of Emily Johnson Dickerson by artist Mike Larsen. Courtesy of the Chickasaw Nation hide caption itoggle caption Courtesy of the Chickasaw Nation A portrait of Emily Johnson Dickerson by artist Mike Larsen. Courtesy of the Chickasaw Nation Emily Johnson Dickerson died at her home in Ada, Okla., last week. "This is a sad day for all Chickasaw people because we have lost a cherished member of our Chickasaw family and an unequaled source of knowledge about our language and culture," Chickasaw Nation Gov. Dickerson, 93, was one of about 65 people fluent in the Chickasaw language, which has seen its number of speakers shrink from thousands since the 1960s. "Chickasaw was the dominant language in Chickasaw Nation, both prior to and following removal [when Chickasaw people were forced to relocate to Indian Territory*]," says Joshua Hinson, director of the Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program. "She lived like our ancestors did a long time ago," Hinson says.

25 Psychological Life Hacks that Will Help You Gain the Advantage in Social Situations Social situations are among the most important in our lives. Yet, there is a huge chance that you are oblivious to the plethora of unwritten social rules that structure everybody’s behaviour. Failing to comply to these cultural imprints can cause irreversible damage. Just following them blindly will not get you ahead. Hacking them, however, will give you the best results possible. Therefore we bring to you these – 25 psychological life hacks that will help you gain the advantage in social situations 1) Assume comfort in any interaction. Our brain is an incredibly complicated instrument. In most of our social interactions, we find it difficult to feel comfortable among strangers because our brain tries to protect us from exposure. This however isn’t helping us when trying to be social and meet new people, is it? This is why assuming comfort is so powerful. 2) Pay attention to people’s feet when you are approaching them. If they turn both torso and feet, it means you are welcome. Admit it.

Color Theory for Quilters - Quilting Color Theory for Quilters Quilters can benefit from the science of color theory. When using this knowlege our quilts can be much more stunning. Color Theory for Quilters - Shades The third variation of Pure colors - the Shades. Color Theory for Quilters - The Color Wheel This is the first in a series of articles on the use of color in quilts. Color Theory for Quilters - Tints The first variation of Pure colors - The Tints. Color Theory for Quilters - Tones The second variation of Pure Colors - The Tones Color Theory for Quilters Road Map Color Theory for Quilters Road Map. Complimentary Color Schemes for Quilts Complimentary Color schemes are very useful for quilters when deciding a color scheme for their quilt creations. Quilt Color Schemes Quilts generally come in four color schemes. Quilting with Blue Quilting with the Color Blue. Quilting with Green Here's some tips for quilting with the color green. Quilting with the color Orange Orange is a difficult color to quilt with for some.

Home and Garden DIY Ideas, Photos and Answers | Hometalk When we made my art room, it originally started out that I was going to have a big plain rom with lots of storage. BUT, I have a wonderful husband who said I deserved more and so I ended up with the most beautiful and functional art room I can imagine. When we did the drywall, on the ceiling, I decided since the room was so pretty, that I wanted faux tin and bought Styrofoam ceiling tiles to achieve the effect. The installation was EASY PEASY! First we did the drywall - this was the hard part and NOT part of this project. Get brilliant money-saving ideas for your home and garden Mudded. we bought our paintable Styrofoam or styrene tiles from My tiles were on sale for 2.99 a tile (Canadian) and are 20" x 20" Although I should have take a photo, I didn't. We used an adhesive latex silicone to adhere the tiles . After all the tiles were installed, I ran a thin bead of paintable latex silicone along all the seams. Done! Materials I used for this project:

Interview: Scott Stossel, Author Of 'My Age Of Anxiety' : NPR Atlantic magazine editor Scott Stossel has countless phobias and anxieties — some you've heard of, others you probably haven't. "There's a vast encyclopedia of fears and phobias," he tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross, "and pretty much any object, experience, situation you can think of, there is someone who has a phobia of it." Stossel's own fears include turophobia, a fear of cheese; asthenophobia, a fear of fainting; and claustrophobia. His new book, My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind, is both a memoir and a history of how medicine, philosophy and the pharmaceutical industry have dealt with anxiety. Stossel says he wrote the book to help him understand and find relief from — or redemption in — anxious suffering. He's a very high-functioning anxious person and in fact, before this book, most of his colleagues were unaware of his problems. Interview Highlights On suffering from emetophobia, or a fear of vomiting ... Michael Lionstar/Courtesy of Knopf ...

The Reality of Repressed Memories In 1990, a landmark case went to trial in Redwood City, California. The defendant, George Franklin, Sr., 51 years old, stood trial for a murder that had occurred more than 20 years earlier. The victim, 8-year-old (Susan Kay Nason, was murdered on September 22, 1969). Franklin's daughter, Eileen, only 8 years old herself at the time of the murder, provided the major evidence against her father. Eileen's memory did not come back all at once. Eileen's memory report was believed by her therapist, by several members of her family, and by the San Mateo County district attorney's office, which chose to prosecute her father. Eileen's detailed and confident memory impressed a number of people. On the other hand, the clinical anecdotes and the loose theory used to explain them remain unconvincing to some psychotherapists and to many laboratory researchers. More Repressed Memories Soon after the Franklin case, a string of others involving newly emerged distant memories appeared in the media.
