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Array of Things
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Russian company 3D prints a tiny house in 24 hours TreeHugger first showed the 3D printer designed by Russian engineer Nikita Chen-yun-tai two years ago, a machine that looked like a kind of tower crane that squirted out concrete. Now he is in the news again with his company Apis Cor with what they are calling "the first house printed using mobile 3D printing technology." © Apis Cor It is a little thing at 38 m² (409SF), designed as a demonstration project. This project was selected specifically, as one of the main purposes of this construction is to demonstrate the flexibility of equipment and diversity of available forms. The house can be of any shape, including the familiar square shape, because the additive technology has no restrictions on design of new buildings, except for the laws of physics. © Apis COr The machine printed the entire house in 24 hours, after which the printer was lifted out of the middle with a crane. We plan to start printing houses in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia.

Linky : conteur ou compteur intelligent Depuis le 1er décembre, impossible de ne pas être au courant, le déploiement du Linky a commencé. Fin 2016, 3 millions de Linky seront installés, 35 millions en 2021. Cette merveille technologique qu’on nous présente comme le compteur parfait, l’est-elle vraiment ? La directive européenne 2009/72/CE du 13 juillet 2009 a modifié les bases des règles communes relatives aux marchés intérieurs de l’électricité. Y figure notamment un volet sur le développement de compteurs communicants. Plusieurs personnes de bords politiques différents ont œuvré pour faire de Linky une réalité. On pourrait donc imaginer que Linky, qui nous est imposé par la loi du 17 aout 2015 relative à la transition énergétique, l’est pour notre plus grand bien. Linky et le consommateur. Dans le dossier de presse de novembre 2015 d’ERDF, le consommateur est présenté comme le grand gagnant de cette opération de changement de compteurs. - Premier doute : l’étude de faisabilité Ce phénomène est connu de la CRE et d’ERDF.

KC installs first of 25 Smart City kiosks downtown Two new 7-foot-tall kiosks, looking something like giant iPhones, were installed Monday morning in downtown Kansas City, just in time for the Big 12 tournament. The two kiosks, in the 1300 block of Grand Boulevard, are the first of what will be 25 kiosks along and near the downtown streetcar route. They are designed to give residents and visitors access to all sorts of information about downtown activities, entertainment and services. “This will be the first physical manifestation of what we’re calling the Smart City initiative,” said city spokesman Chris Hernandez. “And what’s cool about these kiosks is they will help you figure out what you can do in downtown Kansas City.” Thirteen of the kiosks will be at platforms along the downtown Kansas City streetcar route, and 12 will be on nearby streets. There will also be a 911 button to report emergencies and ways to report problems with city services to the 311 Action Center.

Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump At 10 AM the Saturday before inauguration day, on the sixth floor of the Van Pelt Library at the University of Pennsylvania, roughly 60 hackers, scientists, archivists, and librarians were hunched over laptops, drawing flow charts on whiteboards, and shouting opinions on computer scripts across the room. They had hundreds of government web pages and data sets to get through before the end of the day—all strategically chosen from the pages of the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—any of which, they felt, might be deleted, altered, or removed from the public domain by the incoming Trump administration. Their undertaking, at the time, was purely speculative, based on travails of Canadian government scientists under the Stephen Harper administration, which muzzled them from speaking about climate change. The group was split in two. But data, no matter how expertly it is harvested, isn’t useful divorced from its meaning. Bag It Up

E. Hooge : comment vit-on la donnée ? | Chaire de recherche par le design Banque Populaire Atlantique – LIPPI A l’occasion du premier anniversaire de la chaire Environnements connectés Banque Populaire Atlantique – Lippi, Emile Hooge, directeur associé de Nova7 à Lyon, est venu apporter son expertise autour de la question des smart cities, pour en interroger les grandes promesses. Quels rapports entretenons-nous avec la ville intelligente ? Quelles sont nos craintes et appréhensions vis-à-vis de la data ? Quels leviers peut-on activer pour en favoriser la compréhension, voire l’acceptation ? Ces morceaux choisis sont issus de la table ronde « Conduire le changement à l’échelle locale » qui s’est tenue dans le cadre des journées d’étude « Smart la Ville » les 25 et 26 juin 2015. Emile Hooge, directeur associé de Nova7 – Comment abordez vous au sein de Nova7 la question de la smart city ? Je dirige avec deux associés une société d’études et de design de services. – A travers ce prisme de l’usager, comment réinterroger les grandes promesses de la ville intelligente ?

Stream-processing with Mantis Back in January of 2014 we wrote about the need for better visibility into our complex operational environments. The core of the message in that post was about the need for fine-grained, contextual and scalable insights into the experiences of our customers and behaviors of our services. While our execution has evolved somewhat differently from our original vision, the underlying principles behind that vision are as relevant today as they were then. Why Mantis? There are more than 75 million Netflix members watching 125 million hours of content every day in over 190 countries around the world. We created Mantis to make it easy for teams to get access to realtime events and build applications on top of them. So Mantis is a platform for building low-latency, high throughput stream-processing apps but why do we need it? By making it easier to get visibility into interactions at the device level, Mantis helps us “see” details that other metrics systems can’t. A Deeper Dive Mantis Jobs

What is Metcalfe's Law? - Definition from Metcalfe's Law is expressed in two general ways: 1) The number of possible cross-connections in a network grow as the square of the number of computers in the network increases. 2) The community value of a network grows as the square of the number of its users increase. Metcalfe's Law is often cited as an explanation for the rapid growth of the Internet (or perhaps more especially for the World Wide Web on the Internet). Together, with Moore's Law about the rate at which computer power is accelerating, Metcalfe's Law can be used to explain the rising wave of information technology that we are riding into the 21st century. By submitting your personal information, you agree that TechTarget and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

La ville servicielle, une ville coproduite : Millenaire 3, Transformation urbaine Je suis consultante en économie urbaine et enseignante sur les acteurs privés de la ville, c’est ce qui m’a amenée à m’intéresser à la question des nouveaux modes de construction de la ville en partenariat. La ville servicielle est d’abord une ville coproduite et témoigne de la montée en puissance de l’habitant/usager/consommateur. Cela signifie que nous passons d’une logique d’offre à une logique orientée vers les solutions. À titre d’exemple, Ikea se présente comme un opérateur de covoiturage pour faire venir les clients vers son magasin, ou Peugeot comme un opérateur de mobilité. C’est une tendance qui se développe depuis quelques années. La place prépondérante de l’utilisateur finale est une tendance qui s’accélère avec le développement du numérique. Par ailleurs, l’habitant/consommateur/usager devient également producteur. Par conséquent, de nouveaux besoins, voire de nouveaux métiers, apparaissent. En outre, ce phénomène accentue les recompositions des acteurs par secteur.

Adobe Experience Designer (XD) aims to make life easier for UI and UX designers Adobe has been teasing a state-of-the-art User Experience (UX) design and prototyping tool under the name Project Comet, seemingly forever. It is finally ready to take the covers off and release a public preview of the tool, which has been christened Adobe Experience Designer CC (XD for short). Rather than positioning it to completely replace any of its existing tools for developers, Adobe is carving out a new niche, with XD providing an easy-to-use, lightweight, application for UI and UX designers to create and wire together interfaces for the Web, desktop, and mobile platforms. XD shines in easy asset placement and interaction prototyping XD is absolutely positioned a solution for frustrated designers tired of having to drag out Illustrator, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver every time they want to create and wire up an interface that includes raster assets, vector assets, and screen-to-screen navigation. XD supports a variety of asset formats, including SVG for creating scalable interfaces.

First ever blueprint unveiled to construct a large scale quantum computer : Broadcast: News items Dr Bjorn Lekitsch (left) and Prof Winfried Hensinger behind a quantum computer prototype at the University of Sussex. An international team, led by a scientist from the University of Sussex, have today unveiled the first practical blueprint for how to build a quantum computer, the most powerful computer on Earth. This huge leap forward towards creating a universal quantum computer is published today (1 February 2017) in the influential journal Science Advances. It has long been known that such a computer would revolutionise industry, science and commerce on a similar scale as the invention of ordinary computers. Once built, the computer’s capabilities mean it would have the potential to answer many questions in science; create new, lifesaving medicines; solve the most mind-boggling scientific problems; unravel the yet unknown mysteries of the furthest reaches of deepest space; and solve some problems that an ordinary computer would take billions of years to compute.
