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Aboriginal Agriculture

"Permaculture" Companies. Global. Theory. Farm. Permies: a big crowd of permaculture goofballs. Get Your Permaculture On ! Presentation Design on Behance. I delivered a "Get Your Permaculture On! " Workshop which covered the basics of Permaculture and a bunch of techniques. However, I wanted to using "design" to deliver the content in a visual and engagin way, as Permaculture is mostly experiential and hands on. Furthermore, I wanted to use creative & experiential educational techniques to teach the topic. Applying various design principles, I developed a creative presentation (a few slides are included below) to communicate the content in a visually compelling way, so the audience would retain the content & be engaged throughout the presentation. Here are some of the techniques I used: Zoomed-in & Zoomed-out Photos Integrated on a single slide to communicate a concept/technique/approach.

Before & After Photos Integrated on a single slide to show the effectiveness of the technique. Funky Names Unified Style Helped lead the audience through the narrative, understanding how information relates to each other. Radial Gradient Overlays. Guilded Gardens. Energy&permaculture. Energy Quality And Embodied Energy The second law of tbermodynamics is based on the concept of energy quality. Examination of tbe natural world from stellar processes through to living systems shows differing forms of energy have varying potential to do work or drive processes. Since all forms of energy can be converted into heat, energy can be defined as:a quantity that flows through all processes, measured by the amount of heat it becomes (the calorie is the unirtof measure of heat energy). Dispersed heat is the most dilute form of energy; it is no longer capable of doing work. All real processes involve a net degradation in energy quality.


The Urban Farmer » Permaculture Design.