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Create Tutorials in One Click on Tildee ! Tutorial Search Engine - Search For Tutorials. Free Online Learning at Instructional Video. Learn to Type | Free Typing Tutor | Typing Lessons. Excellent Teacher Training Videos! (RT @Larryferlazzo @hollysuel) Quick_start_guide. Translations of this page: Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

Read on for an overview of Zotero's features and capabilities. How do I install Zotero? How do I open Zotero? Zotero can be opened from your operating system's dock or file manager like any other program. What does Zotero do? Zotero is, at the most basic level, a reference manager. What kind of items are there? Every item contains different metadata, depending on what type it is. What can I do with items? Items appear in Zotero's center pane. Collections The left pane includes My Library, which contains all the items in your library. Above the left pane to create a new collection, a folder into which items relating to a specific project or topic can be placed. Items can be assigned tags.

Searches Quick searches show items whose metadata, tags, or fulltext content match the search terms and are performed from the Zotero toolbar. Saved Searches Attachments. The Wix Editor/Buttons - SCORM Explained. What is SCORM? SCORM is a set of technical standards for e-learning software products. SCORM tells programmers how to write their code so that it can “play well” with other e-learning software. It is the de facto industry standard for e-learning interoperability. Specifically, SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. Can you help me with an example or analogy? Let’s take DVDs for example. The SCORM standard makes sure that all e-learning content and LMSs can work with each other, just like the DVD standard makes sure that all DVDs will play in all DVD players.

The Cost of Content Integration What does SCORM stand for? SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model”. “Sharable Content Object” indicates that SCORM is all about creating units of online training material that can be shared across systems. “Reference Model” reflects the fact that SCORM isn’t actually a standard. Do you produce SCORM? No. Explained. Help And How To. Guide to Making a Pecha Kucha Presentation: Overview - avoision. Pecha Kucha, the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”) began in Tokyo, back in 2003. Conceived by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, their original goal was to create a space where designers could share their ideas/passions with others.

However, knowing how dangerous it is to give a designer a microphone… they decided to put some checks in place. In order to prevent speakers from droning on and on, the Pecha Kucha format has restrictions: namely, 20 slides, on display for 20 seconds each. Because of this constraint every single Pecha Kucha presentation, regardless of speaker or topic, is exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds in length. Since its inception, the Pecha Kucha format has spread to multiple cities around the world. My name is Felix Jung, and I gave my first talk at Pecha Kucha Chicago, Volume 9. A few caveats: I’m no professional speaker, nor do I profess to have any kind of secret insider knowledge. Next: Getting Started. How-to Guides and Software Tutorials.

25 Nov 2013 The Most Useful Email Addresses That You Should Save in your Address Book Most popular websites offer an email interface allowing you to post content on to that site from basic mobile phones that don’t have apps or even a web browser. 27 Jan 2014 Master YouTube Search with Simple Commands Searching videos on YouTube is simple but if you know a few advanced search tricks, it becomes even more fun and accurate.

Here are some search tips that will help you find the exact video you are looking for minus the guesswork. 22 Oct 2013 Find the Perfect File Manager App for your Android Google Play hosts hundreds of file management apps for Android and we’ll help you find that perfect app for managing files on your Android phone and tablet. 07 Oct 2013 Get Things Done Faster with these Microsoft Word Tips You have been using Microsoft Word to write documents for years but here are some lesser-known tips, tricks and shortcuts that will help you do things faster and more easily. 04 Oct 2013. Introducing the book (repost) Qwiki: genera vídeos explicatius sobre qualsevol tema | Betes i Clicks – desenredant la xarxa.

Fa uns dies que es sent a parlar d’un nou buscador/enciclopèdia/recurs per trobar informació, Qwiki . Es tracta d’una eina que, per a qualsevol temàtica que li plantegem ens retorna les dades que troba en forma d’un “vídeo” amb narració que ens explica d’un cop d’ull el tema que li hem plantejat, utilitzant diferents tipus de fonts disponibles a la xarxa: textos, imatges, vídeos… La veritat, és més fàcil veure-ho que explicar-ho! Per exemple, podem provar amb un lloc, si cerquem “ Catalunya “, el vídeo ens parla de les dades demogràfique i geogràfiques, tot amanit amb algunes imatges de castellers, senyeres, Cadaqués, Barcelona i Calella entre d’altres. S’ha de veure, feu la prova . Al final del vídeo, ens mostra un resum de temàtiques relacionades per aprofundir: Si anem a la pestanya “Contents” veurem en text i fotografies el resum del vídeo i enllaços relacionats.

Via el meu amic @witteger Més articles sobre recursos que us poden interessar: Comparteix aquesta entrada: Tutorials Search Engine. Visualizacion. SCORM Engine. Making an LMS conform to SCORM and AICC is difficult and tedious. Doing it with the SCORM Engine is anything but. Get a 1-on-1 walkthroughof SCORM Engine. The SCORM Engine greatly simplifies the process of upgrading any LMS to be SCORM conformant. The SCORM Engine is easily integrated into your current LMS with almost no changes to your system using our innovative integration layer architecture. You can offload the entire SCORM problem, now and into the future. Millions of people reap the benefits of SCORM each year because the SCORM Engine has eliminated the difficulties of implementing SCORM and keeping up with its evolution.

This includes support for the next generation of SCORM, the Tin Can API (yup…SCORM Engine already has baked-in Tin Can API support that allows for you to have your own installed Learning Record Store, as well as use your SCORM content with a Tin Can system.) Solving the SCORM problem yourself might sound appealing today. Make everybody happy. How are you using Edmodo? Educators from around the world share their ideas. Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy. Bienvenidos. The Open Internet: A Case for Net Neutrality. Videotutoriales-web-20. NVU. Visualizacion. Technology In Class. Tutoriales TIC.