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Create Your Own @font-face Kits. CSSDesk - Online CSS Sandbox. CSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator. CSS3 Gradient Generator. CSS Border Radius Generator. CSS3 Generator.

Button Maker. CSS3 Playground by Mike Plate. Stylisez votre site avec CSS3 ! - HTML / CSS. Circle Navigation Effect with CSS3. Today we want to show you how to create a beautiful hover effect for an image navigation using CSS3.

Circle Navigation Effect with CSS3

The idea is to expand a circular navigation with an arrow and make a bubble with a thumbnail appear. In our example we will be showing the thumbnail of the next and previous slider image on hovering the arrows. The effect is done with CSS3 transitions. View demo Download source The beautiful images are by Andrey & Lili and they are licensed under the CC BY-NC 3.0 License. The Markup For this little CSS3 effect we will have a navigation structure that looks like the following: <div class="cn-nav"><a href="#" class="cn-nav-prev"><span>Previous</span><div style="background-image:url(.. In our demo we will make a jQuery template out of this and dynamically add the thumbnails for the previous and next images of the slider.

The CSS Let’s see now, how to add the style for this navigation. The spans’ background image (righ and left arrow): Now, let’s define what the elements will look like on hover. CSS Box Shadow Property – The Basics and Fun Stuff. Box-shadow is a powerful property in modern browsers and we can make some really cool stuff with it.

CSS Box Shadow Property – The Basics and Fun Stuff

Let’s walk through basics of box-shadow property and then take it to the next level with ::before and ::after pseudo elements. By using ::before and ::after css pseudo elements we can create realistic drop shadow effect without using images. Take a look at this example: Please leave your comment about this post on the comment section below. If you liked it tell your friends by tweeting it. Achieving Javascript Effects Using Only CSS & CSS3. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), is a style sheet language which is used to describe the presentation of semantics (or , the look and formatting) of a document which is written up in a markup language.

Achieving Javascript Effects Using Only CSS & CSS3

It is the most common application by which to style web pages that are written in HTMLand XHTML, but the language itself can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL. Primarily, CSS is designed to enable the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation, including elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content (such as by allowing for tableless web design). 1.

Sexy Css3 Menu Tutorial 2. Tutorial 3. Tutorial 4. Tutorial 5. Tutorial 6. Tutorial 7. 3 Tools For Easier CSS3 “Transition Timing Functions” (Cubic-Bezier) One of the exciting features in CSS3: "transitions" come with a transition-timing-function which lets us to define an acceleration curve, so that the speed of the transition can vary over its duration.

3 Tools For Easier CSS3 “Transition Timing Functions” (Cubic-Bezier)

This is simply how we accomplish easing animations with pure CSS. If we want to use custom easing animations rather than the pre-defined ones like ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out or ease-in-out the cubic-bezier property, which enables us to define a cubic bezier curve to use as the easing function, reaches to our help. However, setting the cubic-bezier values can be challenging and a visual representation of the curve makes things much easier. Here are 3 great tools that help creating custom easing values: The application works with drag 'n' drops and/or keyboard shortcuts. By updating the curve, it auto-generates the cubic-bezier values. CSS cubic-bezier Builder Ceaser Other Tools There are also few other tools for creating visually creating CSS cubic-bezier values: