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Tipping Etiquette Around the World. A Base Vocabulary List for any language. Your Base Vocabulary: The first ~625 words [Author's note: Behold, the new, improved list:] Check these out at the Word Lists page! Your Base Vocabulary: Your first 625 words This is a new, improved version of an older list of 400 words.

In my own studies, I’ve found that having an extra couple hundred words in the beginning makes everything a lot easier; you feel more comfortable with spelling and pronunciation, you recognize many more words in your textbook, and you can start delving into grammar while feeling like a bad-ass. Nice. I’ve culled this list from the General Service List and - two well-made frequency lists for English. I’ve also begun a project to get this list professionally translated into a bunch of languages. How to use this list: Pronunciation (in general): Learn your pronunciation rules. The List(s) A quick note about order I’m providing this list in two formats: a thematic list and an alphabetical list. Order is important. Key: Category words (i.e. Alan Kennedy's Color/Language Project - The Idiom List. 20 awesomely untranslatable words from around the world.

English learning resources. Anglo EU translation. Idiomas. Language. Linguacuisine – Combining technology, languages, culture and cuisine.