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La Région lance QIOZ, un site d'apprentissage des langues gratuit pour tous. « Last question… Do you speak English?

La Région lance QIOZ, un site d'apprentissage des langues gratuit pour tous

» Si cette dernière partie d’entretien professionnel vous a toujours effrayé, la Région vous a trouvé un moyen de surmonter cette peur : la plateforme d’apprentissage des langues QIOZ. Accessible à partir du 19 avril 2019, ce site gratuit entend permettre un apprentissage innovant et sans contrainte, fondé principalement sur des contenus vidéo. Il propose plus de 1 500 extraits de films, séries TV, clips musicaux ou documentaires à découvrir en version originale pour progresser en anglais, espagnol, allemand et français langue étrangère (FLE). QIOZ s'adapte à vos objectifs et vos centres d'intérêt Faites-vous coacher sur !

Débutants ou confirmés, les utilisateurs accèdent gratuitement à QIOZ dès lors qu’ils sont en Île-de-France au moment de leur inscription. Le site se veut simple et intuitif. Un vrai outil pour tous les Franciliens. English Grammar Quizzes - Easy (ESL, EFL) <CENTER><a href=" Levels 1 & 2 | Levels 3 & 4 | Levels 5 & 6 | Level Unsorted Activities for ESL Students has thousands of activities to help you study English as a Second Language.

English Grammar Quizzes - Easy (ESL, EFL)

This project of The Internet TESL Journal has contributions by many teachers. Level 1: Try these first. 34 Easy Questions (Charles Kelly) - HTML-only Assorted Questions: Choose the Best Answer - (Vera Mello) Flash [M] 20 Questions Short Answers (Carlos Gontow) - HTML-only [M] French expressions into English. Popular Idioms. Learning English: "Ough" is tough to figure out. Idioms. Useful words english. Essay topics. Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary. English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary. Meanings and Definitions of Words at

The Psychology of Self-Motivation. Prepositions of PLACE □ IN / ON / AT / BY □ Common English Grammar Mistakes. The Incomparable Malala Yousafzai. Writing letters and emails in English. Improve Your Accent & Speak Clearly. Why American English is more traditional than British English in many ways. Oct. 19, 2017, 9:57 AM 514 Error loading player: No playable sources found Business Insider spoke to Philip Gooden, author and expert on the origins of the English language, about why the variety of English used in the US is different – and more traditional – to the variety of English used in Britain.

Why American English is more traditional than British English in many ways

Read the full transcript of the video below. Philip Gooden: "Americans have taken some British English terms. A couple of examples – “fall” as a word for autumn originated in England and went over to America with the earliest settlers. The very characteristic American “gotten” for the past tense of “get” has died out over here, but it does survive still in a formulation like “forgotten.” So, there are a few terms that actually, either way, you could say the Americans are more traditional because they’re still using them. If enough British English people want to use Americanisms, then they will do. Video filmed by David Ibekwe. Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL. Grammar, Vocabulary & Culture quizzes. Learn English - Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking, Exercises, Lessons.

Learn English Speaking and Improve your Spoken English with Free English Speaking Lessons Online! Tongue Twisters: It can help with your pronunciation. A tongue twister is a specific sequence of words whose rapid, repeated pronunciation is difficult even for native speakers.

Tongue Twisters: It can help with your pronunciation

Often these are similar words which follow one another but differ in certain syllables. Alliterations are also frequent. In addition, some tongues are difficult because of their unusual word composition (sentence structure) and therefore require a high level of concentration. Some Tongue twisters are made for amusement, but on the other hand, professional speakers such as actors, politicians, and television / radio hosts use them as articulation exercises. A collection of my favorite tongue twisters to warm up your lips and tongue ... Remember: it's not just how fast you say them, but how clearly too! There are thousands of tongue twisters out there - here is a collection of some (short, long and small poems), whose text makes some sense, and which can also be used to speak more clearly.