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The iSnort Demo - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Maurice Gee - Going West (New Zealand Book Council) Motivation for Success: Uncomfortable vs Exhaustion. A second look. Angry. List of video game emulators. This is a selected list of video game system emulators.

List of video game emulators

For information about emulating specific systems, including those not covered by the emulators in this list, see the respective article for each system. Arcade[edit] A Virtual arcade is an extension of an Arcade game emulator. With some setup, the player can view all the ROMs supported by the Virtual Arcade as actual Arcade machines. The most commonly used emulator and Virtual Arcade software is MAME and 3D Arcade.

Atari[edit] Atari 2600[edit] Atari 5200[edit] Atari 7800[edit] Atari Lynx[edit] Atari Jaguar[edit] Nintendo[edit] Consoles[edit] Nintendo Entertainment System[edit] Super Nintendo Entertainment System[edit] The Illustration & Design World of Zach Johnsen. 100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars. While burying yourself in the stacks at the library is one way to get some serious research done, with today’s technology you can do quite a bit of useful searching before you ever set foot inside a library.

100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars

Undergraduates and grad students alike will appreciate the usefulness of these search engines that allow them to find books, journal articles and even primary source material for whatever kind of research they’re working on and that return only serious, academic results so time isn’t wasted on unprofessional resources. Note: Visit our updated list for the latest in academic search engines.

General Start off your research with one of these more general academic search engines. Intute: Use this website’s search tools to find the best and most reliable sites to start your research. Meta Search Want to search it all at once? Dogpile: Search Google, Yahoo, Bing and more at once with this great search engine. Databases and Archives Books and Journals Science Math and Technology Social Science.

Cool Notepad Trick - Hirlpoo West. This neat trick came across on an internal alias.

Cool Notepad Trick - Hirlpoo West

I hadn't seen this before, but I'm guessing it isn't new. Pretty handy for notetaking (if you're a plain text sort of guy/gal). Open a blank Notepad file Write .LOG (in uppercase) in the first line of the file, followed by Enter. Save the file and close it. Double-click the file to open it and notice that Notepad appends the current date and time to the end of the file and places the cursor on the line after. [Update: Evidentally this is explained in KB260563 which makes it look like this feature has been around since Windows 98. I was in a presentation today with Jeff Sanquist and as he was scrolling through his blog on screen saw he picked up on this too.]