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Wisdom of the Hands. The Pleasures of Working with Your Hands by Mike Williams | I don’t know why I like working with my hands. It doesn’t seem to run in my family, a fact that leaves me puzzled. If I didn’t inherit a disposition for it and didn’t get it from hanging around my father’s or my grandfather’s woodshop, just exactly where did it come from? I guess I’ll never know, making it one of life’s savory mysteries, the kind we can only shake our heads at, marveling at the unexpected pleasures we sometimes stumble across. My own path to the woodshop has been a stumbling one. I took 7th grade shop class, a nine-week introduction during which I managed to produce one of the ugliest gun racks ever built.

About all I remember doing is the final stage of gluing the green felt into the curved cutouts that were to hold the guns. I have seen elegant gun racks, but this was not one of them. If there is some clue to the mystery of why I enjoy building things, it may be that as a boy I was lucky enough to be around a few people who were good with their hands. Working with your hands: the secret to happiness? Until I spent a day learning stonemasonry (or, to be more accurate, failing to learn stonemasonry), I'd never given much thought to the fact that walls are flat. But after a few hours in a boiler suit and safety goggles, hacking incompetently at a block of Portland limestone, the flatness of walls – especially stone ones, in churches and stately homes and suchlike – suddenly struck me as completely astonishing. Consider three facts: first, stone comes out of the ground in massive, irregular, knobbly hunks.

Second, by the time it ends up as part of a wall, it's almost perfectly flat. And third: most of those walls were built long before the invention of enormous motorised buzz saws that slice cleanly through stone in minutes. Instead, that flatness was achieved by masons chipping away, precisely and patiently, with chisels and mallets. Which, as it turns out, I don't have. What emerges from my chiselling isn't what most people would call flat.

Edward Espe Brown — The Zen cook :: by Emily Puro. Edward Espe Brown is a Zen priest, chef, cooking instructor, and author. His cookbooks include The Tassajara Bread Book and The Tassajara Recipe Book; he also contributed to The Greens Cookbook. He is the subject of filmmaker Doris Dörrie’s recently released documentary “How to Cook Your Life,” inspired by his 1997 book Tomato Blessings and Radish Teachings. Why are Zen practice and cooking so compatible? One of the basic things — which isn’t just for cooking but for other forms of work as well — is that Zen, since pretty much its inception in China, has emphasized work as a form of spiritual practice. Zen emphasizes attention to detail and taking care of things, being careful and sincere and thorough in your effort, and that seems as useful as anything in cooking. I think the part of cooking that’s emphasized in books and things is your genius or your creativity, and that’s all well and good.

Espe Brown teaching a breadmaking class. There’s so much emphasis today on convenience foods. Earth Media Network. Peak Oil? | From the moment oil first made it into the mainstream, peak oil and the imminent depletion of fossil fuels have been vehemently predicted. A by-no-means exhaustive list of those predictions might run something like this: “I take this opportunity to express my opinion in the strongest terms, that the amazing exhibition of oil which has characterized the last twenty, and will probably characterize the next ten or twenty years, is nevertheless, not only geologically but historically, a temporary and vanishing phenomenon – one which young men will live to see come to its natural end” (1886, J.P.

Lesley, state geologist of Pennsylvania). “There is little or no chance for more oil in California” (1886, U.S. “There is little or no chance for more oil in Kansas and Texas” (1891, U.S. “Total future production limit of 5.7 billion barrels of oil, perhaps a ten-year supply” (1914, U.S. “Reserves to last only thirteen years” (1939, Department of the Interior). Or Dr. Here is a crux: Uncommon Knowledge: THE BOTTOMLESS WELL: Are We Running out of Energy? With guests Peter W. Huber and Jonathan Koomey Many petroleum experts predict that world oil production will peak by the end of the decade. Will the United States soon be entering a period of worsening energy shortages and soaring energy costs? And, if so, what should the government to do about it? Or will the ever-improving technological efficiencies of the free market provide access to virtually endless sources of new energy? Peter Robinson speaks with Peter Huber and Jonathan Koomey. Peter Robinson: Today on Uncommon Knowledge: is the gas tank half-empty or half-full?

Announcer: Funding for this program is provided by the John M. [Music] Peter Robinson: Welcome to Uncommon Knowledge, I'm Peter Robinson. Joining us today, two guests. Title: Out of Gas? Peter Robinson: President George W. Jonathan Koomey: Absolutely. Peter Robinson: Peter? Peter Huber: Not particularly. Peter Robinson: Not par--thank you very much. Peter Robinson: You grant that? Jonathan Koomey: People don't demand energy. Get Energy Smart! NOW! — Blogging for a sustainable energy future. Deep Currents » Archives » Summary: “The Bottomless Well” Arne Brimi's 17 bud -

The peak oil crisis: Dimming of the globe. Late last month a newly enhanced web site,, dedicated to collecting articles concerning energy shortages around the world reappeared on the web after an absence of some months. The stories deal with coal, electricity and natural gas shortages as well as oil. In the course of the past month the web site has located and linked to nearly 200 stories that deal with some aspect of the developing global energy shortage. Most of these stories come from local paper and taken together paint a distressing picture of looming societal breakdown in many parts of the world that is not as yet generally appreciated by the public. Most of the problems reported on deal with electricity shortages - which in several countries have deteriorated to the point where economies are threatened with collapse.

In Pakistan the electricity is now turned off for 18-20 hours some days in many cities and 20 hours in rural villages. In the center of the sub-continent lies Nepal. Apéritif - Heimkunnskap ikke trendy nok for utdanningsdepartementet. Gidder ikke skjære purre - Mat og Drikke - VG Nett Debatt. Tja, hva skal man si. For det første er jo overskriften og ingressen ganske søkt, da dette fortsatt er en svært liten nisje. Så lenge prisforskjellen er så stor er det ikke annet en et produkt enn de fleste oppegående ville bruke i spesielle tilfeller.

Men forpakningene fra Bama med f.eks. oppskjært blomkål, broccoli og gulrot i en pakke, til en ikke altfor dyr penge, virker mer fornuftig. Ellers reagerer jeg nok en gang på Annechen Bugges uttalelser " At det koster mer, har nordmenn råd til, mener Bugge. - Nordmenn er blant de rikeste forbrukerne i verden.... " Å være rik er vel ikke det samme som å være arbeissky, lat og dum? For øvrig ville jeg tro at hennes "grupperinger" av mennesker viser at de helsebevisste og de som har "økt kunnskap om mat og vin" som hun viser til, også er de som synes det er hyggelig å jobbe litt på kjøkkenet? 10 Matkultur. 10 Matkultur 10.1 Innleiing Den økonomiske utviklinga har ført til større fridom i val av livsstil og forbruk. Med betre personleg økonomi følgjer ein aukande vilje til å betale for opplevingar som har med identitet, kjensler, historie, design og livsstil å gjere. Som følgje av dette har etterspurnaden etter det unike og ekte knytt til produkt, reiseliv, opplevingar og underhaldning auka.

Mat og matkultur er ein del av dette biletet. Mat er generelt vorte meir synleg både i pressa og i media dei siste åra. På Internett finst eit stort tal nettstader med informasjon om mat. Mat- og matkultur vert i aukande grad sett i samanheng med reiselivet og utviklinga av opplevingar baserte på lokal kultur, natur og kulturarv. Boks 10.1 Taste of Norway Konseptet skal gje ein sterk og tydeleg Noregs-profil med vekt på kvalitet og lange tradisjonar, men også på moderne, innovative produkt i verdsklasse. 10.2 Mat, nisjeproduksjon og opplevingar Boks 10.2 Åker Gård og Grythyttan 10.6.1 Nettverksbygging.

Kosthold i Norge nå. Food for Thought: Philosophy and Food (9780415133814): Elizabeth Telfer. New Science Links Food and Happiness (Page 2) During his last year of medical school, Hibbeln reached out to Salem, who told him something that forever changed his career path: our bodies do not produce DHA or other omega-3s from scratch; we have to get them from food. These words opened up a whole new avenue of inquiry for Hibbeln, and he jumped into researching how the fats we eat (or don’t eat) might change our brain. He was especially interested in mental illness. He has a family member with mental illness and in 1985, his parents, Raymond and Shirley, helped found the first national support group for families dealing with mental illness, what’s now called the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.

We careen through the streets of Bethesda and finally pull up to a guard station at the National Naval Medical Center, where we are meeting Colonel Mike Lewis, M.D., M.P.H., one of Hibbeln’s collaborators, to talk about some new studies. A soldier in dusty fatigues salutes and waves us in. “Sir, very good sir.” A disturbing connection between fast food and happiness | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times. The disturbing part is that a connection apparently exists. For kids, at least. Researchers at National Taiwan University and the University of Arkansas parsed data from the National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan (where 1 in 4 children is overweight). Their study, published recently in the Journal of Happiness Studies, found some perhaps unsurprising but worth-repeating connections.

Among them: -- Kids ages 2 to 12 who regularly eat fast food (French fries, pizza or burgers) and indulge in soft drinks (sugar-sweetened beverages) are more likely to be overweight. -- Moms who turn to fast food are more likely to have kids who turn to fast food. -- Kids in cities are more likely to consume fast food than kids in small towns. -- Greater fast food consumption is linked to greater soft drink consumption. -- Kids eat more fast food and guzzle more soft drinks as they get older. And then the clincher: There's a conundrum. As one colleague put it: "There's a reason they're called Happy Meals. " Food and culture. The Creative Omnivore | QuinnCreative. Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart. After two tremendous growth spurts — one in size, followed by an even more important one in cognitive ability — the human brain is now a lot like a teenage boy.

It consumes huge amounts of calories, is rather temperamental and, when harnessed just right, exhibits incredible prowess. The brain's roaring metabolism, possibly stimulated by early man's invention of cooking, may be the main factor behind our most critical cognitive leap, new research suggests. About 2 million years ago, the human brain rapidly increased its mass until it was double the size of other primate brains. "This happened because we started to eat better food, like eating more meat," said researcher Philipp Khaitovich of the Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai. But the increase in size, Khaitovich continued, "did not make humans as smart as they are today. " The early shift For a long time, we were pretty dumb. The research is detailed in the August 2008 issue of Genome Biology. Digestion question. Bærekraftig utvikling i norsk landbruk - Agropub.

Økologisk landbruk tilbyr en plattform for bærekraft, bygd på fire prinsipper om landbrukets bidrag til helse, økologi, rettferdighet og varsomhet. Denne plattformen er økologisk landbruk sitt viktigste bidrag til en bærekraftig utvikling av alt norsk landbruk. Bærekraftig utvikling beskrives av Brundtland-kommisjonen som en utvikling som imøtekommer dagens behov uten å ødelegge mulighetene for at kommende generasjoner skal få dekket sine behov.

Dette gjelder både økonomisk, sosialt og miljømessig. Illustrasjonsfoto. Foto: Bioforsk Økologisk Få begreper vekker så mye følelser i oss og skaper så mye debatt. Er norsk landbruk bærekraftig? Midt oppe i de globale utfordringene bor vi i det rike oljelandet Norge. Lønnsnivået i Norge er høyt og landbruket klarer ikke å konkurrere med lønningene ellers i samfunnet. Det er antatt at klimaendringer i liten grad vil påvirke naturgrunnlaget for landbruk i Norge. Vannforekomster i jordbruksområder har imidlertid ofte dårlig vannkvalitet også her (3). Kunstgjødsel. Reklame for norsk kunstgjødsel på keramiske fliser i Peñafiel, Valladolid, Spania Kunstgjødsel er en betegnelse som brukes på kjemisk framstilt plantenæring, i motsetning til husdyrgjødsel eller organisk gjødsel der næringen i stor grad er bundet organisk.

Planter kan i utgangpunktet bare ta opp næring i form av uorganiske forbindelser som nitrat (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+) og fosfat (PO43-). Kunstgjødsel inneholder plantenæring på uorganisk form og gjør dermed næringen direkte tilgjengelig for planter. Dette sikrer maksimal utnyttelse av plantens vekstpotensial, men gjør også at næringsstoffene lettere blir utsatt for utvasking eller imobilisering i jorda.

De fleste kusnstgjødselslag inneholder en blanding av nitrogen (N), fosfor (P), og kalium (K) evt med innslag av kalsium (Ca), svovel (S),Magnesium (Mg) eller Bor (B). Kunstgjødsel kommer i ulike formuleringer og med ulike sammensetninger av de viktigste plantenæringsstoffene. Vanlig er også ulike typer av ren nitrogengjødsel som f.eks. The oil we eat: Following the food chain back to Iraq—By Richard Manning. Eating Fossil Fuels. [ Note: The most frightening article FTW has ever published is now a free story for all to read.

Our paid subscribers read it last October. As Peak Oil and its effects become a raging national controversy it's time everyone reads the story that puts the most serious implications of Peak Oil and Gas into perspective. Your biggest problem is not that your SUV might go hungry, it's that you and your children might go hungry. What has been documented here is no secret to US and foreign policy makers as China experiences grain shortages this year and, as CNN's Lou Dobbs recently reported, the US and Canada will soon no longer be the world's breadbasket. - MCR ] Eating Fossil Fuels by Dale Allen Pfeiffer © Copyright 2004, From The Wilderness Publications, What follows is most certainly the single most frightening article I have ever read and certainly the most alarming piece that FTW has ever published.

The Green Revolution · 31% for the manufacture of inorganic fertilizer 1. 2. History | Blue Hill Farm. For family proprietors Dan, David and Laureen Barber, Blue Hill is the name both for their two restaurants, and for the farm that inspired them. "I used to walk up Blue Hill Road every week, for years; sometimes everyday. I loved Blue Hill Farm more than anything in the world. "Back then it was a dairy run by two brothers. What a mess!

"But whenever I told the brothers I wanted to buy the farm, they just laughed. "I'd return the next week, and they'd say the same thing. "Then one day I arrived at the top of the hill and one of the brothers came running over to me. "So I said yes. ~Ann Marlowe Straus, as told to her grandchildren David and Dan Barber. Food Containers. Why Cooking Matters. Home. Are Organic Eggs Really Healthier and Tastier and from Happier Chickens than Conventional Eggs? | Food. An Organic Egg Really Does Do Your Body Good. Nutritional Value of Egg and Egg White. Bedre helse med økologisk mat? - Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. Flere frie, grønne egg? - Nye meninger. Kologisk Norge : Velg økologiske egg! Hva spiser fjørfe? | Fjørfe og kjøtt | Matvaregrupper | Hold av verpehøner og slaktekylling « RÅDET FOR DYREETIKK.

Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ Energiforbruk - i økologisk matproduksjon - Agropub. 8.7 Energibruk og energieffektivisering... Lett omelett! - Nortura. Animalsk fett - Norsk Protein: Kjøttbeinmel Animalsk fett Organisk gjødsel Kjæledyrfor. Skal avsløre giftig fjørfefôr - Norsk Landbruk. Norgesfôr. Norgesfôr. Internasjonal eggekspert roser norske egg - Horeca - for hotell, restaurant, catering og reiseliv. Tamhøns.