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Source "Quote" I was reminded of the importance of starting with the customer experience while I was watching this brilliant video from WWDC 1997 of Steve Jobs. In the video, Jobs appears to be responding to attack by a troll, but is actually doing something much more interesting. Rather than take the bait and react, he thinks carefully in real time and makes a critical philosophical point about his – and Apple’s – approach to creating new products. The punch line happens early when he says “you’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards for the technology.”

It’s five minutes long and worth watching, if only to see how incredibly durable Jobs’ philosophy has been over the past 15 years. When I think about the companies we’ve invested in, some of them embody this philosophy deeply in their culture. Oblong, MakerBot, Orbotix, Fitbit, and Cloud Engines immediately come to mind. Hack Education. TED Talk. Jason, what's with the John Lennon quote? It's a great quote, but unless someone has explicitly told you otherwise, it has nothing to do with Logan any more than it has to do with your story above; which might be fine less the need to somehow single out your obsession with John Lennon (who's great but your making big reaches; not a good sign).

It's not really necessary to try and make a great link in the specific way you have, between a good historical quote and some necessity by Logan to somehow tell the audience; "Hey, everything I've done is from John Lennon. " It's not of course; maybe Logan hasn't listened to a Beatles song in his entire life. Maybe he has, but don't presume what you don't know and don't reach too far. If you read-up, Logan re-wrote his entire talk he had worked on for some 60 days, just prior to this TEDx event because he wasn't quite happy with it and asked others for advice. Finally, I have to address this privilege thing you refer to.

Hack Schooling | Design Education. This is something that has taken a bad rep. Hack? People assume hack refers to geeks playing on computers. Well thats sort of true. Except for these hackers are changing the world. Like this: Like Loading... Community.

Additional Sources

Whats Next? Blog/Rant/Thoughts. Fringe education method on the rise - Video. Project H. Website Source. TED Talk Embed.