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Change the Worldview, Change the World – Kosmos Journal. Forty years after Thomas Berry’s “The New Story,” new generations are seizing on the power of narrative. I was sitting in a classroom in Assisi, Italy, with one of the leading environmental thinkers of our time, and he was talking about the power of story. “It seems that we basically communicate meaning by narrative,” he said. “At least that’s my approach to things: that narrative is our basic mode of understanding.” In that summer of 1991, Thomas Berry (1914—2009) was a 77-year-old sage; a Catholic priest—though never quite comfortably—a cultural historian, and a scholar of world religions, retired from teaching but at the height of his intellectual and prophetic powers. His central focus was addressing the deep roots of the ecological crisis. As a 21 year old college student who didn’t know much, this was more than enough to radically expand my consciousness.

The New Story. The time is right for open leadership. Leadership is power.

The time is right for open leadership

More specifically, leadership is the power to influence the actions of others.

Future of Leadership

Thinking the Unthinkable final printed interim version. The Hames Report: Leading Somewhere. The Corbyn Model of Leadership. The Corbyn Model of Leadership Of all the people currently in leadership positions in a major political party anywhere in the world, Jeremy Corbyn is the only one who shows the potential of being a leader who could begin to manage successfully the complex problems that all of our societies have to face in the coming decades.

The Corbyn Model of Leadership

Hillary Benn, and many of those urging Jeremy Corbyn to resign for the greater good of the Labour Party and the country, tell us that Jeremy is a decent, honourable, sincere man, but lacking in the leadership qualities that are needed to win elections. When I see or hear those comments I am astonished that no-one ever asks Corbyn’s critics what they think those election-winning qualities would be and who, in recent times, and/or in the current PLP (Parliamentary Labour (Lynch?) Party) has displayed them. Would they compare their qualities with those of notable election-winners of recent time in the UK and beyond?

They all wanted to be ‘the leader’ (i.e.


The science of organizational transformations. When making large-scale organizational changes, the design of a transformation’s initiatives is not a matter of guesswork.

The science of organizational transformations

Rather, the results from a new McKinsey Global Survey on the topic suggest that companies that design their initiatives to support desired shifts in mind-sets and behaviors see the most successful transformations. Prior McKinsey research on transformations confirms that change efforts are hard work and that implementation is critical to overall transformation success. The latest findings suggest that investing time and effort up front to design a transformation’s initiatives also matters. According to the new results, the most effective initiatives involve four key actions: role modeling, fostering understanding and conviction, reinforcing changes through formal mechanisms, and developing talent and skills.

These actions are critical to shifting mind-sets and behaviors. Effective design is not guesswork Executives also report that no one action is the most important. Charismatic bosses: A help or a hindrance? - BBC News. Charisma is one of those things that we are supposed to fall for and admire.

Charismatic bosses: A help or a hindrance? - BBC News

God-given grace and charm is magical, not to be sniffed at. Or is it? Radio 4 is about to embark on a series about it in many walks of life, ranging from St Paul to Sarah Bernhardt and into the 21st Century. The presenter Francine Stock asked me to suggest one or two business candidates for inclusion. Cultivating a New Generation of Leader: The System Entrepreneur - The Rockefeller Foundation. Innovation, Resilience. How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results. For the past six years, we have been on a journey to learn from leaders who are able to find the best in themselves and in turn inspire, engage, and mobilize others, even in the most demanding circumstances.

How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results

And the business environment has become more demanding: the global financial crisis and subsequent economic downturn have ratcheted up the pressure on leaders already grappling with a world in transformation. More than half of the CEOs we and our colleagues have spoken with in the past year have said that their organization must fundamentally rethink its business model. Our work can help. We have conducted interviews with more than 140 leaders; analysis of a wide range of academic research in fields as diverse as organizational development, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, positive psychology, and leadership; workshops with hundreds of clients to test our ideas; and global surveys. The End of Leadership — On Leadership.

Here’s a tiny question.

The End of Leadership — On Leadership

What happened to this generation of leaders? Access denied. Three Tests of Leadership in the New Disengagement Economy  "This year, employee engagement and culture issues exploded onto the scene, rising to become the No. 1 challenge around the world.

Three Tests of Leadership in the New Disengagement Economy 

" -- Global Human Capital Trends, Deloitte, February, 2015 The growing concern regarding disengaged employees reflects a simple truth: leadership requirements have changed, most leaders have not. Disengaged employees are part of a broader mega-trend: steep relationship decline across home, work, politics and faith. In business, this so-called Disengagement Economy reflects organizations burdened with the heavy cost of uncommitted workers, stunted innovation, weak customer relationships, low-performing teams, and productivity loss. Many leaders are operating in an outdated leadership model where compliance substitutes for commitment. As millennials, the group least engaged with today's leaders and most engaged with social media, become our largest workforce demographic in 2015 -- the leadership challenge will only grow.

The Embodied Mind. To be fruitful, the encounter between Buddhism and science demands intellectual boundary crossers—rare scholars who are expert in both realms, who can translate ideas across the divide and identify and critically appraise assumptions each side brings to the table.

The Embodied Mind

The philosopher and cognitive scientist Evan Thompson is one of these. Thoroughly grounded in Western and Buddhist philosophy and learned in science, Thompson has been dedicated to cross-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogue between Buddhism and cognitive science for over two decades. Bringing clashing points of view into conversation is a calling Thompson was born into. Why-some-teams-are-smarter-than-others.

Individual intelligence, as psychologists measure it, is defined by its generality: People with good vocabularies, for instance, also tend to have good math skills, even though we often think of those abilities as distinct.


The results of our studies showed that this same kind of general intelligence also exists for teams. On average, the groups that did well on one task did well on the others, too. In other words, some teams were simply smarter than others. 41464_economist_winds_of_change_lr_(1).pdf. Why Storytelling Will Be the Biggest Business Skill of the Next 5 Years. This is a guest post by Shane Snow, chief content officer at Contently, a New York company that connects freelance journalists with corporate assignments.

Why Storytelling Will Be the Biggest Business Skill of the Next 5 Years

5 Routines To Clear Mental Clutter. That smartphone in your pocket? It’s nearly doubling the amount of time you spend working. A 2013 survey by the Center for Creative Leadership found that the typical smartphone-carrying professional interacts with work an average of 72 hours a week. No wonder we’re all so stressed out. 10 ways to gain real superpowers that will change your life. Is Social Media Killing the Strategic Thinker? The rise of social media has, at least in theory, helped to “shrink” the world, making it easier than ever to share ideas, thoughts and opinions with people – sometimes even virtual strangers – across the world or across the street.

In reality, though, social media often has a negative effect on strategic, outside in, thinking. That’s because instead of engaging with people who have diverse opinions, too often we end up listening to those who share our entrenched beliefs, thereby confirming our views in a “self-reinforcing eco chamber.” While “groupthink” is not new, the phenomenon as it relates to social media was confirmed in a recent study by the Pew Research Center and Rutgers University.

Researchers explore what they call the “spiral of silence” — the tendency of people to avoid voicing views they believe are not shared by their friends or followers. We know critical thinking separates truly strategic and innovative leaders from the rest. David Cooperrider on appreciative inquiry as sustainable design factory at Weatherhead School of Management. Posted 09/06/2013. Thomas Malone on Building Smarter Teams. Here Are All The Quantifiable Reasons You Should Hire More Women. It's not just about providing equal opportunity: over the past decade, a number of research papers have shown how hiring women is linked to better corporate financial results. The Choice all Leaders Face.