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Tree of Light Retreats

Ayahuasca Retreat Peru Amazon. Ayahuasca Retreat Peru. Peru Ayahuasca Retreat Cost. Ayahuasca Retreat Peru Amazon. Ayahuasca Retreat Cusco Peru. Ayahuasca Retreat Peru Amazon. Peru Ayahuasca Retreat Cost. Ayahuasca Retreat Cusco Peru. Ayahuasca Retreat Peru Amazon. Ayahuasca Retreat Iquitos Peru. Ayahuasca Retreat Peru Temple Of Light. Ayahuasca Retreat Cuscoperu. Peruayahuasca Retreat Cost. 3 Day Ayahuasca Retreat Peru. Tree of Light Retreats. 3 day ayahuasca retreat peru. Somatic awareness Body awareness practices are not only beneficial for working with trauma, but for connecting to the wisdom of the body, and regulating the nervous system as well. This component of the workshop supports one’s ability to stay grounded inside and outside of ceremony. The medicine often leads us to address traumas or intense inner conflicts, as such, it helps to approach these challenges with a reliable tool set; one that continues to be of service long after the retreat is over.

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