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Christy Dena

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Authentic in All Caps

Français. Do You Have a Big Stick? An if:book Australia Essay by Christy Dena Can I write across media? Yes and no. No, I can’t begin writing a sentence with a pen on paper and then use that pen to write on a screen. I have to change my tools. But, I can use those different tools write a story that begins in paper and ends on the screen. Right, now that these crucial details out of the way we can proceed. This essay addresses four of the key approaches that have emerged so far in transmedia writing. The second transmedia type is a collection of media that tells one story. The text two approaches to transmedia storytelling, can be described as the timing of a transmedia project: when it becomes a transmedia storyworld.

The expansion of an existing mono-medium story has it pitfalls. The second type of timing therefore refers to projects that are designed to be transmedia from the beginning. Footnotes Christy Dena’s speech to ‘Publishing the Story of the Future’, Australia Council for the Arts: PhD on Transmedia Practice. In 2009, I submitted my PhD on transmedia practice. It is titled Transmedia Practice: Theorising the Practice of Expressing a Fictional World across Distinct Media and Environments. Download PDF | View or Embed or Download at Scribd [Personal introductory post here] I am thrilled to say that all of my examiners gave glowing and insightful comments, such as these quotes from each: “I am particularly impressed with the wealth of material tackled in the dissertation, and also the numerous theoretical sources applied. Despite its almost encyclopaedic nature, the dissertation is clearly and engagingly written, and the richness of material does not congest the flow of argument.

“But its significance extends far beyond the novelty of the phenomenon under investigation. I’m now putting it online for researchers and practitioners interested in this area. Abstract: Contents: Abstract Acknowledgements Illustrations Figures Tables Chapter 1: Introduction From Interpreting to Constructing Meaning Summary. Christy Dena Presentations. Publications. About. Hello! Christy Dena is a writer-designer-director who has worked on award-winning pervasive games, film, digital and theatre projects. Clients include Nokia, Cisco/No Mimes Media, ABC, Wieden+Kennedy, Bangarra Dance Theatre, Noah Falstein, Ken Eklund & Agency of Coney, and many more. Christy was granted Australia’s first Digital Writing Residency at The Cube for her project “Robot University,” funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and QUT. In 2012, she was the “Digital Writing Ambassador” for the Emerging Writers Festival; and a prototype of her project “AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS” was Finalist for “Best Writing in a Game” Award at the Freeplay Independent Gaming Festival.

Christy co-wrote “The Writers Guide to Making a Digital Living” for the Australian Literature Board. She has given keynotes and presentations at film, tech, writing, and gaming festivals worldwide, including Power to the Pixel (London), DIYDays (LA), TEDxTransmedia (Switzerland). My News. Christy's Corner of the Universe: cross-platform, creative practice, strategy, research, marketing, life... Christy Dena on the Creative Potential of Cross-Platform.